
Is It wrong for a Gamer to be in the Dungeon?: Familia Myth of Zetta

DISCLAIMER: DanMachi aû — — — — — — — — — — — Alternate Title: DanGamer — — — — — — — — — — — Synopsis: a Boy woken out of nowhere. As he open and close his palm as if he's checking for something "It feels like I'm still inside the virtual world.. Status Open", but a surprising word came out of his mouth ● ● ● Name: Zetta Hair Color: Dark Eye Color: Silver Race: Half-Barbarian (Token) Level: 51 Personal Status ↑ Active Skill: -Locked-, Eagle Stomp, Stomp, Air Walk, Flash Drift, Avoid, Borrowed Power of Heracles Passive Skill: -Locked- ... ... ...(Omitted) ● ● ● with mouth agape. the Boy pinched his cheek to confirm if he's daydreaming. But shock struck his body by the reality as he fell unconscious after the confirmation ... ... ... "What a poor soul, to be thrashed like this" says the Old Bearded Man who saw the unconscious Boy as he hefted him in one arm

Aoi_Omoshiroi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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89 Chs

Prologue : Jeanne De'ark

In a blazing snowy continent, in an uncharted territory called [Snow Tundra]. Resides the 50 meter borderwall and the castle from neighbouring continent, a continent where an empire capital reside who created centuries ago. By a God. . .

The [Reim Empire]

This border is created to separates the [Snow Tundra] and [Reim Empire] to not receive any harm from the former because, the former's environment is too harsh for a soldier or even an armies alike to blindly venture out. Adding the fact that countless strong monsters and beasts are attacking the border before establishing it and alleviated its cliff to thirty meters, did the God of War, Mars, realize that this is the best place next to Orario, to train the soldier and boosts their Falna of his soon-to-be Familia.

Slowly but surely, Mars created this Empire from scratch. . .and this is the best feat did the God of War achieved ever since he descended in this mortal world, Gekai.

Also, because it was secluded and far away from the center of the world called Orario, the city of Labyrinth and neighbouring continent of West and East. None of the news has been slip to or no one dare to even come here from neighbouring continent to trade or try their luck other than the citizens of continent themselves. Such as, tribes.

Speaking of tribes. Because Mars is the only God who reside in this godforsaken place. From the beginning until the creation of the small Village, to City, to Country until it become the kingdom and wage war against other kingdoms in said continent and until they claimed the empire did he obtain or collect, in the process—many amazing people around the continent and entered his Familia, Army and Empire. From small tribe such as pallum and gnome, to the blacksmiths of dwarves, to archer and magician of elves, a normal humans, to a giant boar, Boaz.

He also obtain the rarest royal family from one of the human kingdom he defeated, called De'ark since ages ago.

So, because of them accepted him without letting any bloodshed did the kingdom strengthened for almost 50 years by now and completely claimed themselves to become an Empire until the present date.

The [Great Wall] at the same time is what they named their border that separates their [Reim Empire] and the continent of [Snow Tundra] and are still trying to breach by monsters until present

Many of the said Hero' from his Familia was the victim of this said area just because they wanted to conquer this continent and spread their influence. But lo and behold, its not the monsters whose holding them back in the end. But the snow falling and infinitely blazing snow that falls in this Blazing Continent

Well, Mars himself named this continent as he realize its never ending weathering snow

After then, Mars and De'ark Family combined, along with their loyal and strong retainer did they created a party, a position, and ranks those who worthy and strengthen their empire and never give up their goal to conquer this uncharted territory.

And not until 16 years ago did the single child of De'ark Family, a girl with golden hair and eye, had a soft and healthy skin—from the last of the bloodline, has been born. The girl then receive her name. <Jeanne>

Separate months before her birth, did other four of her future retainers was born and started their journey towards the [Snow Tundra] as they grow having a master and retainer relationship. But that story started, only after the little girl survived. . .

Because, at the same time before the said child open her eyes to peek this colorful world, the mother died because of her body; searing in heat from an unknown cause coming from the said child--not affecting the little girl's body.

Her mother's intestines and organs burned to crisp whilst death welcomed her after giving birth

No one knows if the mother received cursed before giving birth but the said child, the last bloodline of De'ark—with Mars and her father, found a solution to stop her from the convulsion, which is inside the [Snow Tundra] itself. Thanks to it, that her searing heat subsides within this said area

Later that date, her father, the current King, along with his retainer, [Three Swords and the Sage] decided to journeyed inside the uncharted continent looking for a place where the girl could freely live, a place where her searing body could calmed down, —a place where countless people died just because they believe they can overcome this weather. But alas, those poor souls died in vain without purpose—

There, during their journey and with many twist and turns. The king and his retainer, found a cave to stay.

Luck or fate, slumbers the [Spirit of the Snow] where the king feel the tinged of merriment in his mind, that the only one who could cure his searing child, is this said spirit.

With his charcoal like hand and chest by holding his dear and sole daughter along their journey did he reach out his child towards the sleeping snow spirit.

But the snow spirit rejected their offer and wanted to take a life to pay for another life.

Because once the spirit resides to a persons or things, their ego would lose forever. Not until that said person or thing, perished did they(spirit) revive yet again.

Feeling euphoric and realized his daughter might be save in return. The King happily offer his own life in which—four of his retainer objected the idea.

But in the end. He only told them that his life—is already burned in black --as his child is in his chest during their journey--, that his life is now almost come to an end.

With that. . . The four retainers, returned after half a year with the child of the last bloodline of said royal family. . .

Cannot believe the news that his King. The one who always with him for a decade dies in a place of unknown. Mars wail in pain for the first time in a while after descending from Gekai.

And the God of War who cannot accept the news and the said child who's now healthy, —but was surprised of its sudden change of eyes and skin as white as snow which is originally not—Immediately offer his blood. Giving his Falna.

He was curious, at the same time believe. That this sole little girl. The last of the bloodline of his friend and comrade, is the one who would open and started the new era he was waiting for.

And yes, he was glad. Very glad that these girl is indeed he was waiting for after checking her Falna.

※ ※ ※

At the cabin inside the Battleship of God of War, Mars. The lady with golden hair, open her eyes awake.

There, hue of silver eye peeked from the eyelid she opened, as if it could discern people with its instant gleam.

"A dream? No. I don't think so" the girl with golden hair stands up and swept her hand below her pillow, pulled off a piece book.

"Father" with single mutters, she try to incorporate the memory inside of her mind and the story that depicts inside this book, all but jumbled up as she grew older

She clearly remembers. How her father, carried her normal body yet releasing the searing hot of flame, anyone it touches.

She clearly remembers. How the four of his retainers looked at her as if they dispised her after she opened her eyes(as a child), as if she's not the one they wanted alive but her father.

Of how she carried towards Mars and gave her his falna.

How his eyes, glowing with red as if she's the biggest meat he ever had.

And how people look at her with envy and respect yet waiting her to downfall.

The memory inside her mind and the story inside the book of her father, his diary. They are the same but subtly different to compare from her own perspective.

And other than her childhood friend before they become her retainer is what she only trusted the most. . .She was afraid of the present powerhouse within their kingdom, thats why she has the desperation to survive, and the desperation to win strengthen her until this point until she obtain an alias of the strongest 'Holy Arthuria'.

There, her mind open up a dream, wide awake. Remembering her moment from the [Reim Empire]

—When time move forward that God of War couldn't count but only 5 years later after the fateful birth of Jeanne De'ark.

Jeanne, along with her childhood friend and future retainer; The pallum, 'Scipio' the Sage. The human, 'Arthur' of the Swift. The other human, 'Julius' the Jack of all trades. And the Boaz, 'Elcid' the Valiant—who's only 6 years old receive their respective Aliases even though they're only level 1 after achieving an amazing feat that a normal adult couldn't

They venture the [Snow Tundra], killing hundreds of Yeti's and Snow wolf which they scaled their border wall to run out their enemies thanks to Jeanne skills. Until a year later in their triumphant return did Jeanne ascend her level and obtain skills that could give the impact to the whole empire.

At the age of 7 did she levelled up to 3

At the age of 9 did she levelled up to 4

At the age of 11 did she levelled up to 5

At the age of 13 did she levelled up to 6

At the age of 15 did she levelled up to 7

And now at present she was 16 years old

The achievement that even the adventurers of Orario cannot obtain throughout their life. She achieved them outside, but——!

She then return back to reality, and her thumb as of this moment scratching her forehead

'Indeed, what I am wanted to obtain, what I was looking for, what I needed, is in that place' is what she thought of confirmation.

It was signifying, what she wanted, what she needed to obtain is in that very place. Hearing the word 'dungeon' for the first time, did her forehead started to itch for who knows how many times already. . .

Because when it itched—everything and anything, those who or what she wanted, she would receive them without fail.

Thats why, it was her idea to go to that labyrinth after hearing it from her Lord, Mars. Inside that dungeon. What she wanted to obtain. Is inside that dungeon. So she thought

She didn't know what. . . But at the same time, she is sure. . .

After then, she walk towards their ship deck and found her retainer

"My lady, its too early for you to wake up" the pallum, Scipio started the conversation, noticing his lady. . .

"Its alright, it looks like I won't be able to return to sleep any moment soon" She politely answers

"I see, did your forehead didn't stop its itching now?"

"No, it won't"

"I see, then mind if I speak my word?"

She then faintly nodded

"Please comeback with us after this battle"

With few ellipses, she answers "Why do you think I won't?"

"Its not that I think you would die, but that city has many strong adventurer, I'm afraid you would go there only to taste defeat and the Oath—"

Jeanne at the same time cut his word; looking towards the horizon seas "—I won't, no matter what. I won't be defeated" she said with confirmation

With heavy sigh, Scipio murmured "I hope so" and then remember the strongest adventurer of the Orario, which isn't new.

He too is a level 7; so in a sense, his lady is undefeated as she is right now, afterall he sure knows she could win against that said 'King' because unlike others, she has no ceiling or none limit her growth, but why does he feel like something is not right? Shaking his head and forgetting that thought in mind, Scipio started to write something just like his usual routine.