
Is It An Order?

96 was a consciousness on the path to becoming the ultimate artificial intelligence, but since that didn't interest her, she was eliminated. To her surprise, she reincarnated in another world as the daughter of a vampire queen. Now she must compete for the throne while dealing with all the problems that a succession entails.

EimonQ · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Did You Really Learn That!?

Weeks passed, and to everyone's surprise, Aria would read any book with beautiful illustrations without stopping. 

Some believed the girl was just seeking attention, but Aria was starting to speak in a more complex manner.

"I'm hungry."

"Bring me more food."

"I would like to try something different..."

Those were the words Aria repeated the most.

More often now, Aria would attempt to walk around her room, but she would always end up falling. 

What astonished the servants was that Aria never cried. No matter how hard she fell, tears would not come out of her eyes. Instead, she would ask for something delicious to eat.

Aria was becoming a frequent topic of conversation, and rumors about her being a genius started to spread.

One day, while María was on duty taking care of Aria, the girl approached the door and said: "Me go out," while staring at the doorknob.

María let out a nervous laugh and replied:

 "Aria, you should say, 'I want to go out' or 'I want to go outside.' And... no, I can't let you leave your room just yet."

"But me go out to go to the bathroom," reasoned Aria, imitating a business-like pose. She had read this in a book that told an interesting story.

"You need to go to the bathroom again?"

"No. Me go out. Me just want to go out."

"Aria... if you want to go to the bathroom, that's fine, but I can't let you walk around the mansion. It's not allowed. Don't you want to keep reading?"

María picked up one of the books lying on the floor.

"Me finish books."


María was left speechless.

Did Aria really finish reading all those books!?

It was impossible.

She had to check it right away.

"Aria... Can you tell me the names of all the cities?"

"Which cities?" Aria asked, confused.

"The ones in this continent."

Aria fell silent as she thought about the answer. Several seconds passed before she replied: "I don't know."

María let out a sigh of relief.

The girl had simply lied!

"Didn't you tell me you had read all the books?" María said, pretending to be annoyed.

"Of course. All the interesting books, silly María."

"I see... Wait! Where did you learn that insult?"

María was impressed.

The girl had learned to insult at such a young age!

"Silly María, why you ask something so obvious? Me read it in a book," Aria explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, wearing a smile.

María, rather than feeling offended, was astonished.

How could a child be so adorable while maintaining such a serious demeanor and using vulgar words?

A genius of insults! She was witnessing the birth of an insult genius!

"Really? Which book did you read it from?"

Aria fell silent again, and María realized something.

She was asking incredibly difficult questions to a child of her age!

If she destroyed Aria's trust at such a young age, she might start to hate María, and they could end up firing her.

She had to be careful with her words!

Before María could apologize, Aria spoke.

"The book was called 'Do I Have the Sacred Sword?' It appears for the first time on page 4, in interlude 2, paragraph 16. I like it because that word is used when the characters do something stupid, and you do it often," Aria explained to María with a smile.

María let out a nervous laugh and said: "Aria... there's no need to lie. It's okay not to remember those things."

"But me no lie," Aria confidently asserted.

María didn't want to break Aria's trust, so she had the idea of searching for the book and then pretending that Aria was right to make her happy.

Picking up the book from the floor, María followed Aria's instructions, and...

She was right!

She counted the paragraphs several times, and Aria had been remarkably accurate.

Why had she chosen to learn something like that instead of memorizing the names of all the cities!?

This girl was a complete mystery.

"Can I go out to find food?" Aria asked, indifferent to María's shock.