
Iron God Of DXD (Iron God x Highschool DXD x Taimanin)

Hajime Owari, a once innocent boy who lived a normal life. But that all changed when 2 Fallen Angels came in to his life & tried to murder him. But before he could die he is then transformed into The Iron God.

IronGodAuthor · Romance
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23 Chs

Chapter 2: Hajime Almighty

(Location: Kuoh Town)

When Hajime and Kala started their date Hajime was still clueless yet he was still walking with Kala. As the date starts the 2 are seen walking around while Kala was clinging onto the boy's arm. As they walk some had looked at them with questions in there heads as to why someone so young is dating someone seemingly older than him.

Hajime however was still clueless but he decided to mind his own business as both he and Kala went on with their date.

Knowing that Hajime was not experienced with dating Kala decided to say: So, Hajime, is this your 1st date?

Hajime replied: Yeah, I mean I still don't get it but hey, all I can do now is just go on and let you take the lead. Speaking of which, where are we going?

Kala then said: 1st, let's go do some sightseeing and maybe even some shopping. 2nd, we'll eat some lunch together. And finally, we'll go somewhere you want to go in this place.

Hajime then said: Cool, but if I have to pick we should hang out in the park of this place right after our lunch.

Kala then replied: Now you're getting it a little, now 1st, let's go look and see the shops, I heard they all have good things there.

Hearing this Hajime only followed Kala's lead as they then started going around the entire place. As they walk around they would then see so many things and they would even see some shops.

As they both walked around they even went into some shops as well as bought whatever they wanted and thankfully for them it wasn't much but they were able to get some good stuff.

When it was finally noon the 2 would then go into a restaurant to which they both ordered some good food to which they both ordered some. But as they waited for their order they both then started talking about each other as Hajime mostly did the talking for as Kala was quite curious about his life.

Hajime started with how his life with his parents were good and were the reason why he dreamt for a better world. He even told her the reason why he dreamt something like that and Kala was quite a good listener. Before Kala can start a conversation however, their food was then served and they both digged in.

Now the time was afternoon as the sun seems to be setting while the 2 were just in the park hanging out and all. Hajime and Kala were actually having fun as the date was quite wonderful. Even though what a date was wasn't fully explained to Hajime he still had a good time.

As they both walked around the park the 2 then saw 2 people infront of them to which both of them recognized each respective person. A few feet away infront of Hajime was Issei and with him is another girl.

The girl was an attractive young woman with violet eyes having a slender body. She had long silky black hair down to her hips and wearing a civilian outfit.

Seeing this Kala said to Hajime: I know that girl, she is Yuuma.

Hajime asked: A friend of yours?

Kala then said: Yes, and I believe she is in her own date. We should totally go over there and see them.

Hajime then asked: But isn't spying bad?

Kala then answered: Don't worry, we'll just see what they have and that's it.

And with that, Kala started to slowly and silently walk towards the 2 without being notice and so did Hajime because he knew he couldn't abandon or leave Kala.

As they sneak their way to the couples they saw them stop at a fountain while Kala and Hajime stopped at a bush unnoticed.

As they sneak their way to the couples they saw them stop at a fountain while Kala and Hajime stopped at a bush unnoticed.

As they both watched the whole thing unfold Yuuma then started walking towards Issei while the latter looked excited for what is to come. However, what happens next is the 1 thing that shocked both Issei and Hajime as Yuuma walks towards Issei's ear.

Yuuma 1st whispered to which made Issei confused until suddenly the sky turned into red while the people were somehow gone with only Issei, Yuuma, Kala, and surprisingly... Hajime.

Yuuma's clothes then ripped apart and was now wearing what seemed to be a revealing outfit of some kind as if it was a BDSM outfit to which made Hajime cover his eyes because of this. What's more is that Yuuma started to sprout black angel wings on her back and floats into the air.

Yuuma then repeated the words she whispered to Issei and said while floating in mid-air: Would you die for me?

As she said this Hajime had no choice but to open his eyes and when he did what he saw was horrifying as Yuuma then created a light spear to which she threw right at Issei completely killing him after saying on how much she had fun dating him. Hajime was traumatized to see his own classmate killed infront of a being he has no knowledge of.

Hajime was frozen at 1st until he broke out of his stupor and grabbed Kala's hand as he then said while panicking: We gotta get out of here, NOW!

He started walking fast while still holding Kala trying to pull her. However, Kala was there not moving an inch while Hajime stopped and looked back to see Kala facing him with her head down while Hajime tries to pull but to no avail.

While pulling Hajime then said: Come On! I don't want you to die too! We need to go! Like right now!

Kala didn't say anything but rather she stood there for a second while Hajime kept pulling her until suddenly she grabbed Hajime's neck with her free hand and hoisted him up into the air as if she was trying to choke him to death.

Hajime could only struggle with him clearly surprised at this action but even more so when Kala threw him out of the bush and into the same fountain place Yuuma and Issei were. Yuuma was about to leave the scene until she heard a thud behind her as she sees Hajime there on the ground struggling to get up while coughing.

And then she heard a rustling from the bushes and when she looked to the side Kala comes out to which she just smirked and looked back at the young black-haired boy. Both girls looked at him until Hajime got up but when he did he saw Kala wearing something more differently than her civilian outfit she wore for their date.

Her attire consisted of a maroon, trenchcoat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. The trenchcoat top was open at her chest, giving view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wore a gold necklace around her neck. She appears to wear a white shirt underneath her top, but it can only be seen from the bottom. And like Yuuma, she too had a pair of black angel wings as well.

Yuuma smirked and said: Never thought you'd brought your own date here as well, Kalawarner.

Kala, who's true name revealed as Kalawarner then said: What can I say, the boy just looked so cute and innocent that I wanted to have fun with him~~

Speaking of Hajime he starts to finally get up yet struggles to keep himself balance. But after balancing himself he was now face to face with the 2 Fallen Angels with fear in his eyes as well as a terrified face after seeing Issei's dead body on the ground. Meanwhile the 2 Fallen Angels started to converse on what they'll do to Hajime.

Yuuma asked: Just curious, how was he able to be inside this Dimensional Space? From what I can sense he doesn't even have any power on.

Kalawarner answered: How he got here to witness this whole thing is beyond me actually. Even when I brought him with me he shouldn't have been affected and be here inside. But hey, don't know don't care as long as we can do whatever we want with him.

Yuuma responded: Considering that he is a witness I believe we can just kill him here and now. But such a shame, he looks so cute and innocent to the point he is better than that dead pervert.

Kalawarner then said: I have an idea, why don't we kill him and resurrect him back into our hideout both tied and chained? That way we can rape him and break him to the point he becomes our sex slave for all eternity~~

Hearing this made Yuuma wonder about it until she then said: Good idea, Kalawarner. That way it would be more fun to just take away his purity and virginity~~

Speaking of Hajime the boy was able to finally gain his focus and be broken out of his stupor. He may not have known what they meant by some of the other words they said but what he only did understood was them killing him. And then both Yuuma and Kalawarner then constructed what seems to be spears made of light as they aim them at Hajime.

Hajime then looked at them in horror as he raises both of his hands in a pleading manner and pleads: Please, I promise I won't tell anyone about this! I promise to forget all this and not report you both to the police!

Hearing this only made the 2 chuckle until Kalawarner responded: Oh Hajime, so cute and so innocent yet so naive. Even if we did kill you or not no one would even know anything anyways. I did have fun in our date, I do, but I want our relationship to escalate to the point we get to have fun even more~~

And with that said and done the 2 would then fire their Light Spears right at the innocent boy while the latter could only raise his hands to cover his hand doing a failed attempt to block them with his eyes close.

And so here he was... He was gonna die... Without even getting the chance to make the world a better place. He was gonna die... This was the end of him... Until...

When the spears were close to him a sudden bright red light surrounded Hajime as said bright red light caused both Yuuma and Kalawarner to cover their eyes as if being blinded by them. The light was so bright the duo didn't even know what's really going until suddenly it faded.

When the light faded not only were the spears gone but what shocked then more was what was infront of them. To where Hajime was stood a being with metallic skin followed by a glow on its chest with shoulder cannons on its shoulders as well as what seems to be cannons on its wrists.

Said being was also blocking its face with its hands to which also had something glowing in them in its palms as if both chest and palms had something similar to a hole that is glowing with red energy. And so the being started to slowly open its eyes as when it did it then looked into its hands until it then started touching itself as if he is looking for any injuries but there was none.

What stood before the duo was none other than Hajime Owari but yet something different for as at that moment he had become a being more powerful than anything anyone would've faced... The Iron God.

Seeing this Hajime, now known as Iron God then said in awe: Woah! I am alive, yet I look different.

And right he was for as there he stood being at least 8 Feet Tall rather than his usual 5'9. When he looked at the 2 both girls only had fear and surprised faces as both were shocked to see something so divine infront of them.

Yuuma then said in shock: He's The Iron God!? Impossible!

Kalawarner was both shocked and surprised but she had some hint of excitement as she said: As much as I don't want to believe it Raynare but Hajime is The Iron God and I believe we need to deal with him now.

Yuuma, now named Raynare then said: I agree with you.

And with that both then fired another Light Spears, However, The Iron God just raised his hand forward to which made both Light Spears stop in their tracks. What's more is that both spears disappeared into nothingness afterwards.

Iron God then looked at his hand until suddenly he felt something in his brain as if memories and histories of the original Iron God started flooding through him but yet it wasn't painful nor was it long as he was back into his own surroundings.

Iron God then said in awe: Woah.

And so the duo would then charge at their opponent with light spears in hand but as they were near him he suddenly teleported out of their range as when the 2 saw him disappear they were then unprepared to get blasted from behind to which sent both of them flying forward and hits 2 trees with 1 of them hitting 1 tree respectively face 1st.

After the 2 got up they were both then telekinetically pulled into the Iron God as the latter then suddenly grabbed Raynare and used her as a baseball bat to which he then swung to Kalawarner to which sent the bluenette flying far and into a wall hard as it created a spiderweb crack. But he wasn't done for as he then threw Raynare like a javelin to which made her crash into Kalawarner as well as sent them both flying through other walls until stopping into another.

The Iron God stood there knowing that it wouldn't be over and right he was for as the 2 got up, flew into the air, constructed several Light Spears, and rained hell upon the former while the latter 2 were continuously raining Light Spears on their opponent. After raining for about 39 seconds the both then stopped as when they did they both landed down seemingly hurt and exhausted to the point they were in no condition to fight.

The duo knew that even with so much light Spears it wouldn't do much but rather slow down their opponent for their escape. Oh how wrong they were as coming out of the smoke was Iron God flying fast to which he grabbed Kalawarner by her neck, spun her around, and then launched her into the air while Kalawarner had no control of her altitude to which made her start to fall after being sent flying at least 123 meters away from him.

After that Iron God looks up into the sky until he caught a light spear about to stab his head as when he did he looked to the side to Raynare attempting to attack but only for the former to grip on the spear so hard it dissipated while the latter was so shocked that she felled backwards butt 1st into the ground.

Before Raynare could even react her left leg was then grabbed and then she was spun around as if she was a disc but after being spun around for at least 12 seconds Iron God then sent Raynare flying but instead of letting go the Fallen Angels ledt leg came off brutally while she was sent flyign with blood raining around her stump as she was also sent flying to where Kalawarner was and crashed ontop of her while the bluenette was still getting up.

After crashing Kalawarner got up but Raynare however wasn't able to thanks to the stump on what was once her left leg to which made her so pissed that she attempts to use her wings to fly with another light spear ready but that is until she is stopped by Kalawarner whom of which is holding her arms trying to stop her comrade who is also struggling out of the hold.

Raynare said angrily: Let Me Go, Kala! I Am Going To Fucking Kill Him For Taking Away My Leg!

Kalawarner then decided to turn Raynare infront of her and slapped her to which made the black haired Fallen Angel to stop and look at the bluenette.

The Blue Haired beauty then said: I know, I get that you want to fight that guy and I do too but right now we are not in the best shape to fight. Right now all we can do us retreat and report to Freed.

This seemed to stop Raynare as she then gained a serious face.

Raynare then asked: I see, but should we report this to Commander Kokabiel?

Kalawarner only said: No, we can't let him know yet. Because if he knows early then he might postpone his plans to hunt down The Iron God to which will only delay whatever his plans are and if he knows then he might get overwhelmed and die. What matters now is we let him gather as many Excalibur Fragments as he can and then we can warn him.

Raynare responded: Fine, but let's go or else he might find us.

And with that the 2 would then gather whatever energy they both had left and flew out of the scene as when they did they knew that with The Iron God now reawakened they would be as good as toast if they face him again.

As they fly Kalawarner thought: So, the innocent boy I was dating became The Iron God. No matter, as long as I get a challenging opponent as well as a cute boy I fell in love with then I will find him again~~

Meanwhile, Iron God watches the sky still in its peculiar colour and had ever wondered if he could do something to maybe dispell it but he then decided to focus on it after realizing a certain brunette and perverted boy that just died.

With worry in his eyes he then flew to Issei's lifeless body as when he did he then checked for pulse to which he knew was not beating as well as felt the boy's hands felt cold. As he started thinking on what to do he then remembered all of The Original Iron God's Powers after seeing the past wielder's memories.

And with that he stood up, pointed his right palm at Issei, shot a ray of cosmic energy to which lifted the brunette up, and then started the procedure as he starts using his powers to resurrect Issei.

As the whole thing goes on Iron God then said in his thoughts: I hope Issei would be alright after this. And once I'm done I'm definitely going to have to explain everything.

As the resurrection was nearing completion he then suddenly sensed something from behind as when he did he then blocked what seemed to be a black ball of destructive energy by creating a force field. However, it did interrupt the whole resurrection as when it did he then looked around for his attacker.

But as he looks around, 4 unknown figures came out as he couldn't quite know who they were thanks to the smoke that was made from the black ball of destruction as the only thing he could see were silhouettes.

1st he blocked a sword strike from the left by constructing an energy blade from his left arm cannon and then a punch from the right by creating a forcefield from his right hand.

After that he would then have enough power to send the 2 unknown attackers flying away from him. But that wasn't over for as the 3rd attacker unleashed lightning on him to which did nothing as he then fired his own lightning to which not only electrocuted his opponent but it also sent it falling down into the ground afterwards.

(Music: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST - It Has To Be This Way)

As he was about to deal with the 4th 1 his then heard a clang on his chest to which he then looked down to see the 1 that tried to punch him before attempted to punch him on the chest but yet failed.

As the unknown brawler tried again it still failed until the small brawler started to punch him continuously to which didn't even do anything as he stood there not feeling the pain. It kept going and going as it went on for a few seconds as Iron God felt like he was Senator Armstrong until finally the brawler stopped punching clearly hurt from punching him.

(Music Ends)

The small brawler then said in a female monotone voice: Buchou, his skin is too hard and I can't seem to hurt him with my punches.

And with that The Iron God didn't even bother to look at the brawler yet the voice sounded familiar while the 4th unknown attacker tried to cast something but only for him to react quickly as his shoulder cannons aimed and fired at said 4th attacker before it could even attack. The blast may have cleared the smoke after hitting the 4th attacker as he sent him or her from afar. But when the smoke cleared he no longer saw the attackers as if they just disappeared out of nowhere.

And with that he was about to continue his resurrection but when he looked to where Issei was the body was gone. He tried to look around as his only conclusion was that his unknown attackers must've taken him. As much as he wanted to continue the search he then notices the Dimensional Space starting to dispell and for that he decided to teleport out of the park.

(Location: Kuoh Forest)

Somewhere in a secluded forest at Kuoh no one could be seen as the trees and grasses flows as the wind blows. But that is until Iron God suddenly showed up thanks to his teleportation and when he finally arrived he then started to ponder as to why the unknown attackers took Issei. He wanted to save the boy, he did, but he had no lead so for now he had to lay low until he can. After seeing something crazy happened he also thought that he might've been going crazy as if he thought everything was a dream. However he had to not think about that for now and lay low.

And speaking of laying low he then looked around him to see no one present and thanks to this he then thought of an idea: Maybe I should test my powers 1st.

And with that he looked around and saw a rock and when he grabbed it he then threw into the air so hard that when it was in the air the rock suddenly bursted into flames until it turned into nothingness.

He was amazed of his throw as he mentally noted: Super Strength, Check.

He then looked around to see a clearing and when he did he then started to run and to his surprised he was so fast it's as if everything around him stopped moving until he then stopped running.

He mentally noted again: Super Speed, Check.

He then used his powers to fly and when he did he was able to fly as he started to soar through the air as he even made a cloud drawing.

Later on he landed down and mentally noted once more: Flight, Check.

After that he then started to test more of his powers as he went from most of them as to not burn down the forest. He started blasting energy at some trees, he used reality manipulation to repair said trees, he then used his energy construction to create a lot of stuff, and many many more.

After testing his powers he then used tried shape-shifting and to his shock not only was he able to turn back into human while keeping his powers but he was able to transform into some people until he came back into himself.

Learning all this power made him look at his hands until he then started saying and shouting filled with both happiness and excitement: I got superpowers. I GOT SUPERPOWERS!!!

As he shouted he also raised his hands up and when he did every bird that heard his shout flew into the air.

(Location: Kuoh Town)

(Music: The Power - Snap!)

Hajime is currently seen walking around town with a happy face rather than strutting around like an idiot as he listens to some music. As he walks around he then lip synced 1 part of the song as he silently sang: 🎶I GOT THE POWER!🎶

And thanks to his Cosmic Awareness he was able to turn around and blew up a van while some robbers that saw it stopped in their tracks as their heist van is destroyed while the police arrested them while Hajime kept walking afterwards.

As he walks further and further he would then hear another robber running away from a supermarket and knowing this he snapped his fingers to which suddenly made said robber to trip while the police that were meant to chase the robber made it and arrested him.

As Hajime walks on he would then walk around more as he even stopped again to see some balloon stuck on a tree while a little boy tries to grab back. Hajime seeing this made his way there as when he did he then jumped high enough to grab the balloon and gave it to the kid afterwards.

The boy then said: Thank you Big Brother.

Hajime replied with a smile: You're welcome kid.

And with that he starts to walk again as when he did he then stopped as when he did he then looked to his left to see a building on fire and when he noticed he then looked at it with most people being stuck. Seeing this he then used his powers as at 1st he closed his eyes, focused on his power to control reality, and then opened his eyes as when he did the same building that was on fire was no longer on fire but rather the building was all repaired as if the damages were never even made. But what's more is that the people were all fine and alive.

(Music Ends)

Satisfied, he went on with his way as when he did he starts walking and walking as when he did he then heard something from an alley. He looked to the alley to see 6 Dudes beating up a homeless man and 1 guy was even pouring gasoline on said man. Seeing this made Hajime angry as he decided to go in the alley.

Meanwhile the 6 Dudes were finally done with beating the man and pouring gasoline on him. With that said and done 1 of them grabbed a lighter, lit it up, and then lets it drop to the man as they were ready to see him ablaze.

But right before the lighter could reach the man a hand quickly caught it as when they all saw it they then turned around to see Hajime on the ground who slid down to grab the lighter. After standing up and turning off the lighter he then threw it and faces the 6 Dudes while the homeless man just ran away.

All 6 of them eyed Hajime who just looked at them with some hint of hatred towards these scums who dared to kill a homeless man.

The leader asked: Hey kid, who do you think you are messing with our fun?

Hajime angrily asked: Fun?! You called killing innocent lives fun?! The you guys are as dumb as brick to think that.

The scums only laughed as 1 guy said: Looks like we got a hero here.

Another scum said: Well, let's teach this kid a lesson boss.

The leader then said: We're gonna show you what happens to those who plays hero kid.

And so all 6 of them prepped some weapons as they consisted of knives, bats, and pipes. As the leader was about to swing his knife what happened wasn't what they all expected as when the leader swung the knife he suddenly lost his right arm to which left a stump as it started bleeding a lot making him scream. What's more shock was that Hajime was holding the leader's severed right arm and suddenly crushed it as it exploded into pieces spraying blood all over until all the blood in Hajime just cleaned itself while the others were just dumbfounded.

While the leader was still in pain, the other 5 all charged at him but before they could even land a hit Hajime suddenly raised his arm forward to which he then used his powers to create and shoot a swarm of bees as said bees all not only surrounded the goons but also stung them to which made all 6 to run away while being chased by a swarm of bees.

After that he teleported out of the alley as he leaves the place. Later on Hajime is seen ontop of a skyscraper while the sky is night time while some lightning started crackling.

Hajime had his arms extended sidewards as he shouts: I am Hajime Almighty! My will be done!

As he said that lightning and wind were dancing but not causing damage into anything. After all of that everything went back to normal as when he teleported to his house he had to explain a lot to Sarugami about all the events leading up to now. From there on it was just the usual routine they do at night except that Hajime even used some of his powers when they needed something. And after that Sarugami went back into his cage to sleep while Hajime slept into his bed waiting for the next day.

(Location: Hell)

Meanwhile in Hell, the 4 Great Satans of Hell were all doing nothing but their work as they seemed to be too busy doing some paperwork and so far what they saw was the usual agendas and other important things as they read them while guards and a white haired maid stands and watches.

But as they work they all then gotten a massive headache as when they all did they not only made some of the papers to fly out of the table the papers were all stacked but the headache was so agonizing that all 4 were now on the ground with 1 of them back on the ground.

Seeing this all guards and the white haired maid went to check the 4 Great Satans as they were all filled with worry until all 4 were all able to recover from it.

The white haired maid then asked with worry: Milord, are you alright?!

After all of that the red haired devil then stood up with the rest and said: I am fine now, Grayfia. But that power I sensed, it was so immense that it gave us all an agonizing headache.

A Satan, which is a girl who seems to be wearing some kind of magical girl outfit then said out loud: What was all that about?! Whose power was the reason why we all suffered a headache?!

Another 1 of the Satans said: I don't know, but who ever's power that was is more powerful than anything we have ever felt.

The last Satan then suggested: Regardless, this is now a new topic we must discuss right here, right now.

Hearing this everyone nodded in agreement and understanding as they would postpone paperwork for the time being and focus more on the powerful energy they have all felt and trying to find who wields it. As they discuss 1 thing was running in their minds: Was the power a threat, or was it something else?


(Location: Kuoh Academy)

Meanwhile Hajime is currently seen walking into the school building but as he did he is then seen by so many girls as they all still had predatory looks on their eyes while the boys only had some jealousy with most having disdain in their eyes.

Hajime however cared not as he hums on the music that he is currently listening into as when he did the music finally finished as Hajime then puts his wireless headphones around his neck yet again.

As he walks he then heard a conversation to which piqued his curiosity but thankfully he was far away as he stopped walking and went somewhere where no 1 can bother him. With his super hearing he was able to overhear something important coming from Issei and 2 other voices to which he guessed as Issei's friends.

He sat down by lone chair as he listens and when he did the 1st voice said: Oh, is this a side effect of that girlfriend delusion you've been talking about? Yuuma was it?

Hajime had then started thinking on what made Issei's friends forget about Yuuma as he once saw Issei talking to his friends about Yuuma but what's different is that their reactions were not about them thinking of Issei having delusions.

Hajime thought: That's weird, I thought these guys were supposed to know that Yuuma existed and were supposed to be jealous or something? What changed them?

Issei then asked to his friends: Do you guys seriously not remember her?

The 1st voice from before said: Like we said before, we seriously don't know who you're talking about. You really should get a check-up. Right, Motohama?

Issei asked again: Yeah, I'm going to say this again, but we've never met a girl named Yuuma?

As Hajime listened he just heard more of the 2 having doubts on Issei's "girlfriend" existing but he stopped listening further for as now there was something that was running through Hajime's Mind: That's strange, no one in Issei's friends even remembered someone with the name of Yuuma Amano? From what I remembered this power of mine is no dream, nor was the fight I had with those winged people I fought 2 Days Ago. Hell, I even trained myself further on using my powers last night. Was she behind all this? Did she use something to make them forget? For now all I know is that what ever she did is beyond me so for now I have to be on guard and investigate.

And so Hajime walked again and went into class as when he did it was just classes all over.

(Timeskip: Lunch Time)

After classes had ended Hajime is as always, eating lunch while so many girls were asking him a bunch of questions about his likes and dislikes. He was even able to tell them about him being a Half American and Half Japanese as he told them of his mother being an American who went to live in Japan.

He even told them about plans on changing the world and making it better but the only problem was which job would be suited for him.

1st girl suggested: Why not try joining a job that involves people helping nature by planting some trees and stuff?

2nd girl suggested: How about becoming a policeman? That way you can bring actual justice better than most policemen.

Suggesting this made some of the girls fantasize on Hajime looking like an adult policeman and from their thoughts he looked like a handsome japanese policeman but with some muscle as buff as Terry Crews from Brooklyn Nine Nine.

3rd girl then suggested: Oh I know, why not become a politician? I mean if you do then you might be able to lead the people and even make the world a better place. And I even think that you should run for Prime Minister Of Japan as well as Class President.

Hajime then asked: You girls really think so? Well, all choices are good but I just can't seem to decide yet? And I don't even know if politics can even suit me?

4th girl then said: Don't worry, I bet you can make it as 1.

As they were talking they were also being watched by some girls from other classes as well as some boys but the latter were just looking at Hajime with jealousy as he had all the girls looking at him as if he was a certain Ikeman.

1 boy said: Goddamnit, can't believe that guy gets to hog all the girls!

Another boy said: Why is God mean to me?!

And 1 more boy said: Now my chances at getting a girlfriend is 0%.

Meanwhile as Hajime talks with the girls in lunch time someone then came to their table as this person said: Excuse me, everyone? Is Hajime Owari here?

Hearing this made everyone look towards the voice as what they saw made the girls squeal as much as they squeal seeing Hajime.

Standing there is a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole underneath his left eye. He wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes.

Seeing this made Hajime happy as he said: Hey Kiba, what are you doing?

This made the girls look at the 2 as Kiba then said: Oh hey Hajime, just here to visit my friend. Anyways, how's school?

Hajime answered: Oh it's great actually. School has been good so far and everyone is quite friendly here too. Also, how's your day?

Kiba said: It's been great too, man. My club has been going good, school has been great, and what's more is that I get to finally meet a new friend which is you.

Hajime then said: Cool, maybe even have lunch with all of us here sometimes?

Kiba answered: Maybe. Also if you want to join our Club then you're free to do so. Maybe you can see what you think about it? By the way, I also suggest to inspire people into making the world a better place, that way you can rally those who can help you and make it better.

Hajime said: Now that might be a good idea. Also, wanna join us now?

Kiba then said: I would love to but I got some club activities so before I go all I can say is take care and good luck with your dreams.

Hajime then said: Many thanks man.

Kiba nodded in a "you're welcome" before walking back on his way as when he did he was now out of sight. Some girls asked Hajime about on when both He and Kiba knew each other and Hajime answered about when he and Kiba becoming friends during Hajime's 2nd Day and the 2 were able to make a conversation.

The girls were all squealing as they imagined the 2 of the most hottest boys in school as they were all considering them both as the 2 Princes Of


After classes ended everyone had then started to go back home while Hajime however had other plans. As he walks he waves goodbye at the girls and then went on his way as when he did he started retracing his steps to Kuoh Town during his date with Kalawarner and as when he did he walked around town.

(Location: Kuoh Town)

As he walks around town he looks around the place as when he did he saw everything being normal as well as most having problems with something but thankfully he was able to use his powers to wish on solving several problems around him and thankfully they were all able to help so many people out.

As he pressed on he even looked at the places he and Kalawarner had some fun in their date as when he did he saw some images of them having fun together for as even though he still never knew what a date was he still had fun nonetheless to which gave him a lone tear and sometimes wished that Kalawarner wasn't planning to kill him that day.

As he went on he then made it to the park as when he did he then walked normally until seeing the sky turn into that same Dimensional Space around the park and when he was inside he wondered on where the danger was.

Thankfully he didn't had to look further nor use his powers as sounds of what seemed like light is being thrown around so he then turned around to see that there were several flashes in the direction infront of him he saw flashes of light to which he then started running with his Super Speed.

After running only for a few seconds he then stopped and hid on a bush as when he did he then looked to the battle ahead to see Issei being chased by someone throwing Light Spears at him.

The person was a middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and dark blue eyes. His attire consisted of a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, a pair of black gloves, and a black fedora. But what's more is that said man had Dark Angel Wings on his back making him a Fallen Angel.

Said Fallen Angel started chasing Issei as he throws Light Spears at him trying to kill him once and for all. Seeing this made Hajime know of the situation and with that all he can think of now was protecting a person's life.

Hajime thought: I couldn't save him the 1st time, but I won't ever make that mistake ever again.

And with that said he is then engulfed in a bright red light to which then covered him but when the light died down he was now gone.

Meanwhile the Fallen Angel was still chasing Issei trying to kill as he was ordered to do so. The brunette was a threat to his master's plan and without question he followed orders as he follows Issei around trying to kill him.

Unfortunately for Issei, when he kept running his foot hits something to which made him trip. After tripping he was now on the ground in pain but when he gained his focus he then looked to where The Fallen Angel was as he was ready to throw the Light Spear.

Before the Fallen Angel could throw it a bright red light caught both of their attention to which made them cover their eyes. After the light disappeared the 2 looked back at each other as Issei was filled with fear in his eyes while The Fallen Angel threw the spear without hesitation after calling Issei as someone that was not worth his time due to the brunette not being so challenging.

Seeing this Issei covered his eyes in fear as well as his face as he awaits death yet again. But when he did he felt nothing. He slowly opened his eyes as when he did he is then wide eyed and shocked at the sight before him.

The Light Spear was only a few feet away from him as it stopped and when he looked at it there is a hand gripping on the spear as said hand stopped it's trajectory. When Issei looked at the hand he then sees The Iron God infront of him as he holds the spear with only a stern and stoic expression.

Seeing this made Issei sigh in relief as well as happy that he was gonna live but he was still shaken in fear as 2 unknown beings are infront of him. The Fallen Angel however was only wide eyed as if he had saw a ghost right infront of him.

No one made a move until The Fallen Angel broke the silence and asked: Impossible?! You were said to have been dead?! And you caught my spear!

Iron God only said: Then have it back.

With that said Iron God the reeled his arm back and threw the Light Spear at quick speed and before The Fallen Angel could react he is then hit so hard that not only was the spear embedded on his abdomen but thanks to the strong throw it sent him flying into several trees before stopping and hitting the park wall with an explosion.

After that was done Issei looked on with fear and amazement at the sheer power. As he was still frozen he was then unfroze when Iron God said: Leave this area at once, mortal. This area is too dangerous for you to be present.

Hearing this Issei then started getting up and started running but as he ran he shouted: Just go kick his ass for me!

And with that Issei ran away as far as he could while Iron God only stood there awaiting his opponent. And with that The Fallen Angel returned to the same spot he met Iron God as the former used his wings to get there and when he sees the latter he only was filled with both caution and fear but kept his composure to fight him.

As the 2 started down on each other Iron God then said: You wanted a challenge worth your time? Now you shall have it.

The Fallen Angel then declared: I am Dohnaseek, and I will have that boy's head and yours!

Iron God then wittingly said: Well too bad Van Helsing Rip-Off, once I am done with you you will never be able to play Hide-And-Seek ever again.

Hearing this joke only made Dohnaseek angry as he then conjured Light Spears to which he then started throwing but Iron God however teleported out of the incoming Light Spears and when he did he then appeared behind the former and started firing his Cosmic Repulsors. Dohnaseek was able to dodge in time and when he did the 2 then engaged in aerial combat as they both flew around the sky shooting their respective projectiles at 1 another as with each shot were either missed, dodged, or block.

The 2 flew around as they fired more and more of their projectiles until Iron God then stopped and just hovered in place and when he did he then blocked a Light Spear by constructing a shield made of energy and when all Light Spears disappeared he then reconstructed the Energy Shield into several Energy Homing Missiles as when he did Dohnaseek could only fly as fast as he could but unfortunately the missiles were so fast that said missiles were able to shot him from behind that not only caused an explosion but it sent him flying down and crashing into the ground.

After Dohnaseek was shot down he then got back up as when he did he had barely dodged a punch from The Iron God then suddenly appeared infront of him but unfortunately for the former the latter the landed a punch right into The Fallen Angel's chest sending him flying into more trees until crashing into another wall.

Dohnaseek tried to use all his strength to get up but before he could he is then grabbed by his left wing and was then thrown at least 36 feet away from Iron God as he was sent flying then skidding onto the ground.

When Dohnaseek stood up he then used his wings to fly away as he knew he wouldn't win against an opponent he is currently facing now. As he flies he then thought in his mind: I've only heard about The Iron God's power being immense, but never have I thought he had too much power. I must warn Freed and the others in the Church to bolster our defenses.

Before Dohnaseek could go that far however he then stopped mid-flight and the reason was thanks to him being telekinetically controlled by The Iron God as the latter then used his powers to telekinetically slam the former down and back up as he did this over and over again until he then stopped with an even more powerful slam creating both a crater and a dust cloud.

After being telekinetically slammed into the ground several times Dohnaseek could only try to crawl away from the battle in pain before using his wings as he felt so much pain all over his body. But before he could go far his wings are then grabbed from behind and before he knew it his wings were then pulled and ripped out of his back as all he could do was scream in pain and agony similar to what had happened to Hawkman from Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.

Dohnaseek was then put into even more pain when Iron God suddenly stabbed his own wings right into his legs piercing through them as he felt indescribable pain. And before Dohnaseek could even do anything he is then grabbed from his right leg and when he was Iron God then started spinning and spinning.

As Iron God spins he then said: NOW. GO. HOME!

And with that said and done he threw Dohnaseek so hard that said Fallen Angel was sent flying to who knows where while Iron God could only look to see the Dimensional Space disappearing and the sky going back to normal. As he was about to leave he then heard footsteps to see Issei running to him.

Issei then said: Thanks for saving me, man. I owe you.

The only thing Iron God did was look at the brunette before teleporting out of sight. Meanwhile Issei was now walking away from the place but right before he could leave 4 individuals arrived as when they did Issei is then greeted by 1 of them who is assumed to be their leader.

(Location: Hajime's House)

Meanwhile, Iron God teleported right inside his house as when he did he is then greeted by Sarugami and the former transformed back into Hajime.

After that he told his monkey the good news: Good news, Sarugami. I was able to save someone today and thankfully Issei didn't get to die the 2nd time. And what's more is that I've brutalized another 1 of those Fallen Angels again.

The only thing Sarugami did was did a happy dance that his friend had succeeded saving a life. Hajime then said: Sure what I did might've been brutal but hey, at least that'll keep them off from harming anymore people. From what I can guess is that they did killed more people so once they do come back I might as well finish them off.

Sarugami only understood his friend as he knew that even if his friend had heroic intentions and a pure/innocent heart never meant his way of fighting wasn't quite brutal and anti-heroic. Thanks to the car crash his moral had only changed a little and thanks to even hearing news of people killing innocents he was so mad he wanted the ones who did to die.

However, despite all that Hajime was still pure and innocent and the only thing the Capuchin Monkey can hope is that it stays that way... No matter what.

As they both just lived their life in the house Hajime looked at the palm of his hands and thought: This world is more dangerous than anything I have ever thought. But no matter what happens I will go to any lengths to protect this world and save it. And I promise to make this world better... No matter what.

And with that Hajime and Sarugami went back into living usually and when they finished dinner they both then started watching some Brooklyn Nine Nine to pass the time.

To Be Continued

Author's Note: If you're all wondering how Hajime has Brooklyn Nine Nine do know that he is Half American and Half Japanese. But the Brooklyn Nine Nine part might be explained in the future as for now I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Also, I am taking the exams and I hope I can pass because if not then I won't be able to write anything. But anyways leave a comment down below on what you guys think or even leave some questions if necessary. I might answer them in the next chapter so anyways, This is Mikael Carlo L. Tia Over and Out.