
IRL game

A game that becomes real.

Txtvoid_V · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Breaking news thousands of copy's of the new game called great arc of Bersisa in the first 10m are sold the lines were all the way down multiple streets Finally I got it the great arc of Bersisa has been in development for 6 years iv been wanting it since day one I'll put it in right away. Theam song starts. WORNING THIS GAME WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE DO YOU EXCEPT. YES OR NO. I guess I'll pick yes. What was that I felt a shock right through my body I guess it was from the exitment Well let's get into character creation. Race I'll pick human class I'll pick demon lord Wealth. Poor or rich I'll pick rich I am a demon lord after all I'll put horns on my head white hair. Black cape I'll use a sword and a staff for magic Confirm. WORNING YOU CANT CHANGE THIS AFTER DO you WISH TO CONTINUE. Yes. I suddenly feel tired I guess I'll go to sleep I'll start tomorrow. Falls a sleep. Day 2 that was a good dream now I'll get breakfast before I start the game What happened to you you look different. What do you mean Hannah I look the same. Look in a mirror here. That looks like my character I created on great arc of Bersisa ok that weird I did feel a shock yesterday that might have been it and it said this will change my life. I'll get some cereal Wow that's really good. Right I'll start the game now day one quests (1) Go to the train station and kill 10 goblins. (2)go to the gym and use the treadmill and run for 1h. (3) do 100 push ups you will be reworded I guess I'll do that then I'll start with the goblins. Wait I can't go off the screen wait something popped up. It says do it in real life well goblins aren't real so I guess I'll go there I'm away to the train station I'll be back later. I'll take the bus there there is a lot of people that look like some of the options for characters in the game I guess they started it aswell right I'm here now I'll go in here I see a timer now it says 1m and going down then is happening I guess I'll wait for the timers 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0. Everybody has stoped what's going on even the train stoped. What is that sound. I'll go check it out. What there is goblins I have to kill them there is only 10 and there some of the weakest monsters in games but I'll need a weapon I thought of a sword and it appears in my hand this will do. I think I'm stronger now I don't think I could lift something this heavy before I'll start now ahahahahahahahahahah. The goblins are stronger then I thought there I got one. It dropped something I'll check after I get the rest that one nearly got one new skill unlocked hurricane struck. Say the skill to activate it ok. HURRICANE STRIKE. They have surrounded me activating hurricane strike wow I got them all with that they all droped something there is some gold coins. The sword they were using I can see a name grime dagger it is called a fire rune stone idk what that is but I'll take it added fire rune stone to inventory new balance 10,010 I guess because I picked rich I got 10,000 to start 10 added grime daggers to inventory level up one skill point 100 gold title goblin slayer that cool skill point I'll save that up until I know how this works but I can't believe this game is real