
Monthly Match

"Cloe I'm thirsty," Rex said.


Rex repeated his words because there was no answer from Cloe, he turned around but suddenly the long hair in front of him wrapped around the glass. Rex backed away in surprise, he glared at Cloe.

"Could you not use your powers recklessly Cloe," Rex said annoyed.

Cloe just smiled seeing Rex annoyed, one of his pleasures was teasing Rex. Rex sighed, not once or twice Cloe tease him, he had to be patient to have a roommate like Cloe.

"Where are you going," said Cloe seeing Rex want to leave the room.

"As usual"

Cloe just 'oh' right, he knows Rex's habits at night, he likes to go out just to breathe the night air.

Rex walked down a deserted street, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. He stops on the balcony and looks up at the sky, he breathes the night air, he likes it very much.

His mind drifted thinking of Nesa, he pretended not to recognize him even though in his heart he was happy that Nesa was here. His lips lifted slightly but quickly faded when he heard the movement of a nearby leaf.

"Come out Irene, I know it's you," he said staring at her blank side.

"Oh, you're great Rex,"

Irene's figure slowly came out and looked up at the sky following what Rex did.

"What do you want?" said Rex coldly.

"Wow, you're a cold person, but soon it looks like you're about to melt,"

"What do you mean?"

"Nesa, you're interested in her right?" said Irene looking into Rex's eyes.

"You're not one to care when someone gets hurt but you blocked Raul's attack for a girl you don't know," Irene continued without seeing any reaction from Rex.

"She's not from our world," said Irene again while looking up at the sky.

"Aah it seems you already know, you're not surprised at all," Irene chuckled seeing Rex's response glaring at her.

"Don't bother her" Rex said firmly. His green eyes lit up.

"Come on, you know I'm not a person who cares about other people," Irene chuckled. "But I think I'm starting to get attracted to her," continued Irene, looking at Rex's eyes sharply.

"If you touch it, you're dealing with me," Rex said seriously. His green eyes stared at Irene, the green and blue light getting brighter.

"We'll see later cold prince," laughed Irene. In an instant she disappeared, leaving Rex alone who was clenching his fists in anger. His eyes were still green, I don't know what he was thinking.


Nesa POV on

"Nesa wake up," Selly shouted while rocking my body.

I stretched, I peeked from under my blanket Selly was ready in her yellow robe. She looks very excited.

"Hurry up Nesa, today there will be a monthly match, you lose if you don't see it,"

I looked at his lazy face but I ended up heading to the bathroom out of curiosity about the monthly match she was talking about.

Finally I'm ready with my rainbow cloak, I tied my black hair and tied the wand around my waist, although still not got the order I'm sure I will get it soon.

"What is the monthly match?" I asked on the way.

"This is a match for people who have reached the intermediate level but don't think it's just like a normal match, you have to fight like you're fighting a real enemy," replied Selly.

"We're here,"

We arrived at a very wide field, a lot of people had already gathered. I saw on the pulpit there was coach Olaf and a woman in a white robe that I didn't recognize.

"Intermediate bowry please come forward to draw your opponent," the woman beside coach Olaf spoke.

"Pray for me, Ness,"

Selly smiled at me and waved her hand, I just nodded and clenched my fists to encourage. I don't know if he's mid-level, it's only natural that she's very excited today.

The names that will compete began to appear on the big screen. I saw Selly's name was second against Vendra Lavito. Next to his name is black, he's from the onyx order apparently.

"Polax Anderson and Cindy Shina please come into the field," said the guard.

A white-robed boy entered the field followed by a red-robed girl from the right. They faced each other and shook hands first.


The whistle sounds signaling the start of the match. The two of them cuddled each other. The red-robed girl took out her wand, her mouth was muttering something, a red light was emitting from her wand. Her hair instantly turned long and spiky with eyes all around her. The girl launched an attack.

The man in front of him didn't stay still, he immediately took out his wand and muttered something, a white light slowly emanated from his wand. He stared intently at the hair that was attacking him, suddenly stopping as if it had lost its strength.

The boy looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him. The body in front of him froze, his long hair slowly disappeared. The boy mumbled something slowly the girl in front of him lowered his head.

The girl's body shook, she stabbed her own hand. Slowly she came back to her senses, she immediately closed her eyes and mumbled something, slowly her hand reached out and lunged at the man in front of him blindly. The man dodged the attack. He mumbled something and suddenly heard a melodious song accompanied by a cool breeze.

"Cover your ears if you don't want to fall asleep," suddenly Irene was beside me.

I cover my ears, I see around me doing the same.

"What is this man's strength?" I ask.

"Hypnotic and he just let out a siren song, it can put you to sleep and dispel someone's ill will towards him," explained Irene.

I looked at the girl who was his opponent. Her hands covered her ears, she opened her eyes. She mumbled something and as soon as her body became big, she quickly jumped up and wanted to squish the boy in front of her. The man in front of him quickly dodged and jumped up, he intended to look the girl in the eye but the girl quickly closed her eyes and her long hair immediately wrapped around her. and threw the man away. Her feet quickly wanted to step on the man. But quickly the man stabbed his stick into the leg that attacked him.

The girl groaned, she took a step back. Her eyes lit up, she mumbled something, her teeth slowly sharpened and her body was covered in spiky fur. She attacked the boy in front of him, but the air instantly turned cold, the girl's body instantly froze.

The man in front of him jumped up and met the girl's eyes but before that could happen, the blood oozing out of the girl's body set her free. She quickly pinned down the man in front of her. Blood seeped onto the ground, the girl stood up, the boy in front of her was covered in blood with many stab wounds on his body.


A whistle sounded. The girl stopped her attack and her body returned to its original size.

"The match was won by Cindy Shina in ruby ​​order,"

The audience cheered loudly, especially from the ruby ​​order. I turned to the side but Irene was already gone, I looked around. I saw Selly is preparing for the next match.

"Selly Frasyla and Vendra Lavito please enter the field,"

The guard blows the whistle to signal the start of the match. Selly took her wand and mumbled something, yellow light came out of her wand, so did her enemy, black light started to come out of her wand.

The aura around the field started to turn unpleasant, I saw Selly getting restless but quickly the rock behind her flew towards Vendra but Vendra quickly dodged the rock.

Vendra counterattacked, he raised his hand, the sky immediately turned black. The air grew colder, piercing the skin, and soon there was a sound that made anyone who heard it nervous.

"You forgot which order your opponent Vendra is from," I saw Selly smile, apparently she covered her ears. Selly raised her wand to the sky, the iron began to fly towards the center of the field to form a giant.

Vendra's face hardened, he forgot that his opponent could read minds. Vendra raised his wand, a black flash shot out of his wand. His eyes grew darker.

Selly chuckled, she didn't expect her opponent to master the mind reader antidote spell. The giant quickly advanced and attacked Vendra, the iron hit Vendra's hand, blood spurting out of his hand.

Vendra took a few steps back, mumbled something, the noise from the sky grew louder until everyone in the field had to cover their ears. Selly's giant turned towards Selly. Selly gasped, she didn't notice that one of her earplugs had come off.

Selly's body shook violently, the aura around her was terrifying, her artificial iron giant was getting closer and closer. Negative thoughts enveloped her even more, but before the iron giant crashed into her body, the iron shattered and hit her body.

The atmosphere is quiet, a sinister aura still surrounds. Vendra approached Selly who was buried in iron and mumbled something. Selly's body suddenly lifted with her hands strangling her own neck, her body shook violently. She tried to wake himself up but the influence from Vendra was too strong.

The surrounding rocks slowly flew up and were ready to attack him. Selly mumbled something, Vendra first looked into his eyes, Selly's body immediately convulsed and the stones hit her body one by one. Selly fell down with her chest covered in blood.

"The winner is Vendra Lavito,"

Vendra came out of the field, the aura on the field immediately changed to normal. I saw Selly's body being carried by the guard, I wanted to go to her place but someone held my hand.

"Stay here, Selly will be fine. I want you to watch my game."

His voice sounded familiar to my ears, I looked back.

"Rex?" I said surprised.

He smiled, his green hair fluttering in the wind, hir green eyes looking at me gently. I was astonished, he looked so much like the man in my dream. I'm sure it's him.

"We've met before..."

"Irene Adler and Rex Oliver, please come into the field,"

My words were cut off by the guard's voice. "I'll answer your questions later. Pray for me,"

Rex smiled at me. He let go of my hand. I just stood there with mixed feelings. I saw him enter the field, so was Irene, she was there first.

"Finally we can compete Rex," said Irene.

Rex didn't answer, he took out his wand ready to launch an attack. The whistle sounds signaling the start of the match. Quickly the vines shot forward towards Irene but in an instant Irene disappeared.

Rex squeaked, he mumbled something, slowly the dirt started to cover him. He focused himself, the ground began to fly over the field, he launched an attack blindly but suddenly he collapsed his back bleeding.

Irene appeared from behind him with a stick covered in blood, she chuckled. "Turns out you're quite reckless Rex,".

Irene suddenly disappeared and appeared from above, she flew and hovered above Rex. Slowly a vortex appeared after Irene floated. Rex mumbled something, trees started to appear to protect him but the branches swayed in the wind. The whirlwind grew stronger, the Rex tree branches began to fly across the field.

Irene quickly flew downwards, a whirlwind following her. Rex quickly resisted the attack, the ground suddenly opened up devouring Irene's whirlwind.


Rex's estate exploded making the field even messier, flying pebbles blocking the view. Irene disappeared from sight, Rex mumbled something, slowly the sky blackened and rumbled, rain fell heavily.

Footprints started to appear on the field, Irene was getting more and more overwhelmed, she couldn't fly and disappeared at will. He changed strategy, he quickly moved behind Rex, his wand emitted a blue light, but quickly the ground covering Rex's body repelled the attack.

Irene smiled crookedly, she mumbled something, she raised her hand, slowly the iron stuck to her hand. She stepped forward ready to attack Rex, Rex swiftly took out a plant full of thorns and ran towards Irene.

Irene was scratched but she didn't care, she quickly lunged at Rex, but just before her punch hit Rex's body Irene collapsed, her body shook violently.

"You shouldn't underestimate Irene's small wound," Rex said coldly. His mouth mumbled something, a fire started to appear in his hand.

Irene's body slowly turned blue. "You know the thorn that cut you earlier has a poison that can kill you slowly."

Irene coughed, blood gushing out of her mouth. He looked at Rex. "You know why I hit you with Rex's left hand?"

Rex looked at Irene sharply. Irene smiled crookedly, "That's right, my right hand is for Nesa,"

Her right hand formed a shot, the iron quickly flew towards Nesa.


I was surprised to hear Rex's scream, I saw the iron ready to hit me, Rex raised his fire to block the iron but it was too late, I closed my eyes resignedly with the stick in my hand.

But nothing happened, I opened my eyes, many eyes looked at me in shock. I saw the iron in front of me melt, my wand glowed bright green but suddenly dimmed.


Rex's scream was heard, I looked up but my vision was blurry and suddenly everything went black.