
IRIS:last of the morhan clan

"She had dark hair and her eyes were blue..." "Green eyes" "Hazel eyes" "The scariest gray ever seen" that was how they described this creature ten years ago. But Lucy said."It had no eyes" Ten years later, Lucy meets this creature and their fate are interwined; Lucy, the servant and the creature, her master.

yankee825 · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter 2

Lucy tried to keep her head up, she hadn't had a proper sleep during the weekend. How could history be so boring. History class wasn't always like this , boring and long. She checked the time.

An hour more till recess. I hate Mondays... .

"Wake up, Miss Louise asked you a question" someone said tapping Lucy. She opened her eyes.

Fuck! I slept off.

Lucky for her, it was just a joke. Miss Louise hadn't noticed at all. Lucy decided to bug Iris till she told her what all these things meant... Her being the first to die... Slavery.

Why doesn't she want to tell me, it's not like she wants me to live or something.

The bell suddenly rung and Lucy felt relieved. She turned to Iris. "Iris"

"Yeah", she answered in a way that made it look like she had nothing to do with her. "About the other day, I'm still curious"

"Stay away from me", she said standing from her chair, her books in her hand. "But, it's my..."

"It's non of your business", she said and walked out.

"This girl" Lucy said following her .

"If I die... I don't want to die", she said and Iris looked angrily at her. "You won't die"


"Stay away from me", she said again and left.

That werefox.


Lucy entered the cafeteria and tried to sight Iris. The girl sat alone in a corner.


"Can I join you?" She asked smiling sweetly at her. "No"

"Come on tell me everything I don't want to die", she said sitting beside her.

"Come any closer , I'll rip your throat " She said calmly.

"You say that like you mean it "

"I do" she said not looking at her or smiling.


"I didn't want this you know"

"And I'm not asking you to do anything", Iris said standing up. She looked at Lucy straight in the eye. Those eyes, they were dead. Void of any emotions or feelings. She walked away .

But, Lucy wasn't giving up.


Mrs O'Brien was teaching poetry this time; it was about bats by one D.H Lawrence. How he thought the bats were swallows and how he so much detested the creature.

Like who cares if he hated the animal? Boring.

Lucy suddenly had an idea. Her goal was to pester Iris till she gave in. So she wrote somethings in a paper and gave it to her.

Iris looked at her as if nothing had happened between them and this was the first time she was meeting her.

Please tell me about everything. I didn't want for this to happen...

Iris rolled her eyes still acting calm. "It didn't affect her" Lucy muttered .

She tried again and again until she could see the frustration in the girl's eyes. She stood and left the class without excusing herself.

"I'll go get her miss", Lucy said and left the class following her to the bathroom.

"Mrs O'Brien would be mad..."

"Get out", she said in a rather dangerous tone.

"You know I didn't want this. I wanted to live a normal life and then suddenly you bite me with a special tooth and I become your slave who's going to die when whatever is chasing comes. So I need to be ready. I need to know everything" , Lucy said sure that what she said might strike a chord , but the werefox kept that emotionless face and that dead eyes that never lit up even though she laughed.

"That's why I said you should stay away. I'll know when she comes into California... Into nestle lake, so you don't have to worry", she said not that she cared but she wanted that young and inexperienced girl to stop bugging her.

Lucy said nothing for a while probably to sink in what Iris had said or so Iris thought.

Why did she leave the field that day? And she was about to turn into that monster. Wait that happened when Alec injured. Maybe she's drawn to human blood... But she's not a vampire... maybe, just maybe... .

Iris looked at this girl wondering what she had in mind. Then suddenly Lucy smiled.

"I see" she shut the bathroom door and took out a knife she always carried around.

"What are you doing?" She asked not moving. But she didn't expect Lucy to cut herself at that instant.

Why would you cut yourself you bastard!

Iris became alert, that feeling, that curse started taking effect on her rather too rapidly.

"Teach me, if I'm going to die at least let me learn how to survive", Lucy said.

Iris walked slowly towards her, her eye colour changing too fast. She tried to hold herself, to stop herself but nothing was working and that deadly curse took over her.

Lucy moved back till she hit the bathroom door. What had she done?

But it won't kill me because she made me her slave.

Iris came forward, her fangs rather long and her skin hairy, her hair darker than usual. "You won't kill me, right?" Lucy muttered.

She would. She said she could make new slaves if she wanted... I'm gonna die.

As Iris plunged towards her, Lucy shut her eyes and waited for the worst. "I didn't ask for this. I just don't want to die!" She cried . Those tears reminded her of ten years ago when she thought she would die, when she thought life hated her more than anything else.

"Iris, please", she muttered , tears rolling down her eyes. But after awhile she wasn't dying.

Is this how dying feels?

She opened her eyes and saw Iris on the floor weeping.

I'm not dead.

"Iris", she muttered. The girl raised her head and Lucy shivered at the eye colour... It was too fascinating and scary.

"Iri..." Iris stood and before Lucy could say anything more, the girl had disappeared. That was when she noticed some girls were knocking.

She opened the door and they looked at her suspiciously, they were same girls the other day.

Lucy left the bathroom quite worried than scared. She thought she'd die, but where did Iris go to?

She needed to find the werefox. It was her fault all these happened.


Mr Connor sat in his chair doing nothing . It was already late so he decided to head home but needed to get some snacks first .

"Hey , Sir Connor", someone said and he turned to see the artist of ten years ago.

"Hi, you must be that artist, right?"

"Yes", he said smiling.

They decided to walk together. "Sir, what happened ten years ago. I didn't hear of the monster attack again", he asked as they sat down in the park. "Ten years ago, that animal didn't come back again, though the massacre was too much, it didn't show up again "

"What if it surfaces again. Things take time and have their own strategies. You need to be ready for anything "

"If it came before my resignation , then you know I'm in for something ", he said.

"You plan on resigning?"

"Not yet, but soon", he said suddenly standing up. "I'll see you around "

That animal hadn't attacked for ten years. Why?


Lucy walked home after work. She walked part time at a bakery store , her mind filled with all possibilities that Iris must have done something dangerous, or left nestle lake or even destroyed something. She just couldn't find her.

I don't even know where she lives.

She decided to stop by the lake for moment. She suddenly saw a feminine stature standing rather too close to the lake. It looked like...


Lucy ran towards the figure, before she could call out the name, the figure had pinned her to the ground.

" I learnt Kung Fu out of boredom ", she said releasing Lucy. "Cool"

"You saw me" , she said and Iris nodded.

"What do you want?" She asked knowing fully well it was about that stuff .

"I was worried something went wrong because of me so I was looking for you to apologize. I decided to stop bugging you if you keep your word that I won't die", she said.

Iris smirked. "Wow, okay. Just when I was about giving in to your bugging, you suddenly back down"


"I'd teach you to survive and tell you everything, so if you died, you'll die knowing I taught you well enough", she said smiling.

"Really? I'm so proud of you ", she said smiling till it reached her eyes.

"Proud of me?" She said dangerously.


"No... I meant..."

"I'm just joking ", Iris said laughing.

Ahya ,very funny.