
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 29- Dethronement of the Illegitimate Queen

Reis glanced up as Iris let out a stale sigh of exasperation. She was obviously restless, cabin fever getting to her. She hadn't been stuck inside the castle for this long in a while. 

Iris was aware of Reis's glances but pointedly ignored them. He was complicating things. 

She flipped through her most recent letters, discarding the one from Netra's father without opening it. Its contents would likely be the same as all the other letters she'd received from him recently. Pandering to her blood connection to him and nagging her about the ball he requested. The information about the ball hadn't been released to the public, though he likely got word of it through Cora and her father. If Iris had to guess, he's likely concerned that he's not going to have as much control over the event as he preferred, given Iris's lack of communication. 

But Iris wasn't concerned with William, she was more interested in the letter under his. One with the seal of Calton's house. Cianne's letter was excited and nervous, unbelieving that she was exchanging personal letters with the Queen. There wasn't anything important in the letter, mostly pleasantries, but what was truly important is Iris's response. She had to slowly get Cianne to do as she wished, ideally without provoking alarm from her family. Thankfully Cianne didn't seem particularly close to her family, so it shouldn't be a problem. 

Cianne's support in the coming events wouldn't make or break her plans, but it would be helpful to have an ear near her enemies. 

"Your majesty?"

Iris's focus was broken by Reis but she didn't raise her head, her only acknowledgement was a small frown. Reis looked a bit helpless because of her lack of response.

"Your majesty, there is something I want to ask you." Reis walked closer. His face was neutral, but his fidgeting hands betrayed his disquiet. 

Iris didn't want to respond. She didn't like how she acted around him recently. As if something was beyond her control.

But she found her eyes meeting him, waiting.

"Well… I was wondering what your absences from the castle were?" He said, his uneasiness seeping from his tentative words. 

Iris's frown became very pronounced.

"Haven't you asked this many times?" She asked unpleasantly.

Reis frowned, his movements stilling. She was right, he had asked many times.

"Yes. It's important to know where the monarch is. No monarch simply disappears and reappears more battered, as if it's no big thing. And it's even more important that you have a presence at the castle right now, the nobles are gathering their forces to oppose you." He said, dissatisfied. 

"So you're aware then? That my throne is tentative at best? That the people trying to pry me from it are your supporters? What are you doing, pretending to be clueless?" Iris said, suddenly confrontational. Her impatience got the best of her. She didn't understand what game he was trying to play.

Reis was taken aback. His careful, delicate, guise of alliance was suddenly broken. He thought it would go on like this forever, continuing the charade of a Queen and her assistant. He felt a heavy feeling settle into his heart.

"Your majesty…"

Reis suddenly paused, as if making a decision. He suddenly gained a look of confidence, having steeled himself.

"Netra." The Queen's name fell from his lips, an act of treason.

"I have not for a long time thought of you as an adversary. I know our positions have led us to be on the opposite sides, but- " 

Before he could finish, the doors suddenly slammed open. 

"Your majesty!" The servant that suddenly burst into the study was frantic, disregarding politeness in favor of urgency.

"Your mother- Lady Salina, she's got out!" He tried to string proper sentences together but faltered as his tongue tripped over itself.

Iris immediately stood up and headed for the door, Reis and the servant following closely.

"And?" If she had simply managed to break her house arrest it wouldn't have left him so agitated, something else had happened.

"She-She's in the main meeting room." He sputtered.

Iris's steps sped up as her frown etched lines into her face.

She had an upcoming meeting with many high nobles soon, to discuss the Kingdom's matters, most of them had likely gathered already. How had Salina known about the meeting? How had she managed to escape in the first place? Iris had personally made sure of the security. And Salina had no clarity to hatch a plan properly. Someone had helped her. Was it William?

Iris's head spun as she approached the main meeting room. She was faced with a chaotic scene. Salina was screaming at the nobles intelligibly, a couple of sparse guards were trying, and failing, to restrain her. Iris was disturbed by their uselessness but still questioned them regardless.

"What is going on!" The group of nobles were huddled against the furthest wall, offended, but were blocked from the exit by Salina and her whirling fury. 

Iris approached Salina while Reis walked over to the nobles, attempting to appease them. Judging by their outraged voices and expressions, there wasn't much hope of a peaceful discussion after this. 

Iris grabbed Salina's wrist, her grasp tight enough to leave bruises. She began dragging the screaming woman out of the room, ignoring the fists Salina was throwing everywhere.

She had managed to bring Salina right in front of the grand entrance when Reis rejoined them. 

"They agreed to reschedule for tomorrow." Reis said.

Iris threw him a dubious glance. The nobles were becoming more and more unwilling to tolerate her, yet he had convinced them to give her another chance despite the current fiasco.

Suddenly, before she could be completely removed from the room, Salina let out a horrible screech. Everyone in the room turned to look at her in astonishment. 

Salina became deathly still, her eyes glazed over and flat. Her body stiffened as her mouth opened with a likeness of a puppet.

"Netra has no royal blood in her!" Contrasting to her previous hysterical attitude, Salina's voice was cold and emotionless as she dropped this statement. 

"She's the product of my affair!" All eyes stared at Salina and Iris in shock. 

Before anyone could truly understand what was happening, Salina suddenly dropped to the ground with a loud thud. The nearby servants and guards quickly held her and headed for the clinic. 

Iris turned to face the nobles with a large frown warping her features.

"Apologies, we'll have to continue another time." She said with a small nod before leaving the room.

She didn't bother attempting to excuse the words Salina just said. At this point it wouldn't matter what she said, the nobles already had begun thinking of their own considerations. They were very taken aback and showed obvious doubt to the validity of Salina's words, it was difficult to believe someone so obviously unwell. But the truthfulness of her statement didn't matter, they would use this event to the fullest. Such a large number of nobles witnessing such a decisive scandal would be perfect to use against her. 

But Iris wasn't worried about it. Personally, she wasn't fit to fight behind the scenes like this. She was much more accustomed to direct confrontation. This event was perfect to begin her next plans.