
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Chapter 22- Dethronement of the Illegitimate Queen

The rustle of paper was the only sound in the study, except for quiet, steady breathing. Iris's attention was completely focused on the work in front of her. She hadn't slept the evening before, devoting herself to her work. 

The serene space was interrupted by the entrance of a nervous-looking servant. She gave a small bow after entering the room.

"Your majesty."


The girl trembled. Iris had become very aware of the castle's fear for her. But she didn't mind.

"Prince Reis is here to see you."

"Alright, let him in." Iris instructed as she continued looking at the paper in front of her. 

"Yes, Your Majesty." The girl practically ran away, as if she got a reprieve. They were used to Netra's foul attitude.

"Greetings Your Majesty." Reis bowed when he entered the room. 

"Prince Reis. I have something important to discuss with you." Iris didn't look up from her task. 

"Whatever I can help you with, I will." Reis lied.

His face didn't betray his expression, but on the inside he had doubts. He had felt it in their previous interactions, but the Queen was indeed different than before. Her entire attitude and aura had changed. The Queen of a month ago was lazy, rebellious, and rude. She was a wholly unpleasant person to be around. 

Yet the person before him was very different. She was cold and alienating, yet she had this sort of brawny gracefulness to her. It wasn't inviting, yet Reis felt as if he couldn't look away.

Reis shook the thought from his mind with furrowed brows. Her attitude shift was probably because she had finally been persuaded by that meddlesome mother of hers to act properly. 

He had only known her for a year, and though they shared fathers, he never thought of her as a sister. There was no sibling bond between them. It would be a stretch to call them acquaintances. As soon as he arrived in this kingdom, he knew she was his adversary. 

Iris stared at Reis for a second, as if debating how to state her next sentence.

"Yes?" Reis felt a bit restless under her gaze, Iris' eyes were very piercing.

"I have requested you to come today because I'm debating changing your position," Iris said while holding eye contact. Under the instruction of her mother, Netra hadn't allowed Reis to hold any significant political position.

When Iris said this Reis stiffened. She was going to send him away. He already didn't have a position, yet she was going to demote him further. Soon enough he couldn't even stay in this wretched castle. The thought was a bit freeing, but he wasn't going to give his ambitions up.

"Is that so… And what did you have planned?" Reis said slowly.

"You will become my assistant." 

Reis froze. 

It was indeed a demotion. Being an assistant was a humiliating job for a prince. But Reis wasn't concerned about that. If he thought the month of control was an enormous opportunity, then this was something else entirely. It was a long-term position that allowed him to oversee all of Iris's actions. Not only would he have complete access to the kingdom's internal plans, but he would likely be able to influence the Queen's decisions. 

He didn't know why she was doing this, maybe she suddenly went crazy, but if he had the opportunity to build trust with her, it would save him a lot of trouble. 

The two siblings in name had never actually fought on the surface, all of their battles were private scheming. Maybe the Queen didn't think they had a bad relationship. That would explain why she suddenly gave him control of the kingdom and trusted him with this position.

"May I ask why?" Reis asked after a stunned silence. 

"You did very well in managing the kingdom in my absence, and I need an assistant." Iris said concisely. It was the truth. She needed someone with pure intentions to help her. Reis didn't have pure intentions toward Iris, he was actively planning her dethronement, but he sincerely wanted the best for the kingdom. In the novel, he was very resolute about his intentions. Even if he schemed against the higher-ups of the kingdom, he made sure it never actually harmed the kingdom itself. 

He would be the perfect assistant for her. After all, improving the state of the kingdom would only benefit her. She wasn't worried he would spy on her or retaliate against her. She had the means to manage him.

Reis stared at Iris. If he wasn't before, he was now certain that something was off with her.

"It's my honor to serve you." He said, fakely.

"I'm glad." Iris said flatly.

"When would you like me to start?"

"...Two weeks." That should be enough time.

"Alright, I'll be prepared by then. I'll discuss more with you later, Your Majesty." He needed to think about this. 

"Goodbye." Iris returned her attention to her work.


Reis would be attending to his new post in two days. During this time he had been making preparations as well as thinking up new plans. This was an opportunity he couldn't let pass by.

But he couldn't forget how strange it felt. The Queen who made him her assistant didn't feel like the same Queen he knew. 

He was mulling over this when he heard a scream. He followed the sound and found a small crowd around a girl on the ground. The crowd was mostly employees of the castle and it seemed like the girl on the ground was as well. 

She had a large welt on her forehead, it was dripping large amounts of blood down her face. Facing her was a furious woman, screaming and throwing anything in reach. 

Salina was yelling at the young girl.

"How dare you! Do you know how expensive that was!"She reached for another item to throw at the injured girl.

"What happened?" Reis stepped forward and asked one of the onlookers.

"She tore a small hole in one of Ma'am's old dresses." The onlooker whispered back. 

Reis looked at Salina doubtfully. She never wore one dress twice, her luxury was well-known in the castle.

"What do you want! Why are you here! Go away, this is none of your business!" She yelled at Reis hysterically.

Reis was surprised, Salina usually kept a faultless appearance. He knew of her dislike of him in private, but she made great efforts to always appear demure and gentle. This was very strange for her.

"Everyone, please return to your posts. There is something I must discuss with my… Mother." Iris's imposing voice suddenly attracted everyone's attention. She was swathed in the purest white, her strawberry blond hair flowing gently behind her. As she strode down the hallway, she truly looked like a Queen. 

The crowd bowed respectfully before leaving. Reis did the same. As he left the area, he saw Iris roughly guide Salina back into Salina's room.