It's the year 2247 After Starfall. Mortem has welcomed an era of peace, but machinations are always happening in the dark. Shu, a wandering swordsman, is on a quest for revenge. Will he be swept up in the currents of the rising apocalypse, or will he quench his thirst for vengeance?
As the large group of elves along with the carriage entered the secluded nation, many gazes focused on them. It was unusual to see humans enter their lands. If they weren't accompanied by Gwynneth, all hell would've broken loose.
It would be impolite to settle before meeting the king of the elves. Due to this unspoken rule, the wind maiden brought them straight to the mother tree. Only then did King Solomon step out of the vehicle. Recognition flashed in the elf woman's eyes upon seeing him. It was unknown how long she'd lived, but his features were something she remembered.
"It has been a while since your last visit, wise king. Please follow me." She greeted with a noble gesture. Solomon nodded.
"After you." He said.
Shu and Aiden silently trailed behind the archmage. They scanned everything, making mental notes as they went deeper into the heart of the tree. Powerful guards were stationed on every corner.
Aiden's eyebrow twitched, causing a suspicious drop of water to permeate into the structure from beneath his foot. A 3D image of the Mother Tree instantly appeared in his mind. As soon as that action was complete, a godlike aura locked onto the red eyed captain.
It smothered Aiden, causing him to frown. Once the presence saw who he was with, it disappeared as if it was never there. The commander heaved a sigh of relief. It had almost been a mission failure right at the beginning.
Barely any time passed before they reached the throne room. Gwynneth glanced at Shu one last time before opening the doors. King Solomon followed her in.
"Merchant King of Valsir!" She announced to the room before standing off to the side.
A group of royal attendants stood before the throne. They seemed to be conversing with each other, but stopped upon hearing the announcement. Standing next to the throne was another attendant. He had long platinum hair that fell down to his waist. An arrogant expression could be seen on his face. It was as if everyone was beneath him.
'Regent Cailu.' Shu thought. It was the shady man Aiden had shown him earlier.
A young child sat on the throne. His light blue eyes were soulless, seeming to have no clarity. A beautiful white crown of holy energy rested on top of his messy green hair, while tilted to the side. He was barefoot, with jewelry on his neck, wrists, and ankles.
King Solomon felt an untold anger rise up inside him. The expression on the child's face showed that something was wrong. Showing none of this on his face, he smiled at the child king.
"King Lux, I apologize for not being able to visit you sooner. The mantle of king is a heavy burden at such an age." He spoke formally.
"King Solomon…what brings you here?" Lux spoke as if they were strangers.
Both Shu and Aiden kept their gazes to the floor. As they focused on the luxurious carpet, the child king glanced at the red eyed commander. The same godlike presence from earlier focused on him once again. Solomon noticed but did nothing.
"I've come to share my wisdom with you once more. The same as I have done with your parents." The archmage said.
"What wisdom do you have to share with a child like me?"
"It isn't something that can be spoken of so easily…" He trailed off while gesturing his head to those around them.
Lux understood his meaning. He waved his hand before speaking once more. His empty eyes gave him the image of a puppet.
"Leave us." He ordered.
Everyone quickly moved to exit the throne room. Everyone except a single man. The attendant, Cailu.
"But, your grace! What if it's a trap? Don't you think I should stay in order to protect you?" He suggested as if he knew Lux would accept.
The child king nodded. Right before speaking, he turned to Solomon once more. The look in the archmage's eyes caused Lux to tremble for a slight second. He then turned back to Cailu.
"Are you defying my orders?"
"I would never! It's just that-"
"Leave. I will not say it again."
An expression of disbelief appeared on the regent's face. What was going on? Why was Lux going against his suggestions? Was the spell not working? He'd have to look into it immediately.
"As you wish." He spoke before leaving.
As soon as he left, he glared at Shu and Aiden in the next room. It was as if he would eat them alive. The two ignored him, knowing that they'd deal with him later.
In the throne room, Solomon held out his hand. Two butterflies of light and dark energy flew toward the child king. Lux rose from his throne. From all over the room, wooden spikes twisted and compressed, preparing to skewer the archmage from every direction.
"You dare use magic against ME?!" He spoke emotionlessly.
"Lux, I'm asking you to trust me. Just this one time, fight it with everything you've got!" Solomon spoke.
Veins could be seen wriggling on the child's forehead. It was as if he was fighting himself. As this inner struggle continued, the two butterflies reached him. They landed on top of his head and dissipated into glowing particles. Suddenly, the glowing crown atop his head shattered.
It fell to the ground in pieces. Clarity immediately returned to the child's eyes. He looked around as if seeing things for the first time. He then turned back to Solomon. His eyes had gotten watery.
"U-Uncle Solomon!" Lux cried before dashing toward the man.
Solomon held the boy in his arms. The elf child buried his face in the king's stomach, drenching his clothes with tears. A smile rose from the archmage's lips.
"Welcome back, little Lux." He finally said.
"Uncle…hik…Do you know…hik…how bad I've missed you?! It was like…hik…I wasn't in control of my own body!" He sobbed violently.
"It's over now. I'm sorry for being so late."
"Ever since Mom died…hik…I haven't been myself! It…hik…It felt like I was drowning! Waahhh!" Lux released everything with his tears.
Once he finished, Solomon waved his hand. The glowing crown fixed itself and floated back onto the child's head. This time, Lux was in control.
"We must not reveal our cards so soon. The time hasn't come yet. Have patience, nephew. Everything will be fine." He said. Lux looked up into the man's eyes.
"Uncle Solomon, are you going to help me? Something is wrong!"
"Relax. I owe your parents quite a bit. Before I leave, I'll be sure to clean the trash. Just trust in the Mother Tree. You should be able to speak to her again, right?"
Lux closed his eyes and focused. After a few moments, a smile graced his lips. He couldn't help but jump for joy.
"I can hear her! I can hear her again!" He exclaimed. Solomon nodded.
"Good. I need you to show me your game face. Go!"
Lux scrunched his face in an effort to look serious. It was adorable. Unfortunately, this wouldn't work.
"Not that face! You said it felt like you were drowning. Focus on that. I need you to pretend until I'm done. You can do it, Lux."
The child king took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Once he opened them again, they were soulless. He looked like an emotionless puppet once more.
"That's it. Just stay like that for one more day. One more day, Lux. It'll be all over after that. We are Legendary figures. You must act the part."
"Alright. I'll be waiting, uncle. I owe you this time."
Lux returned to his throne. The godlike aura of a Legendary swirled throughout the room once more. Solomon turned toward the door, his hands hidden in his sleeves.
"Flare your mana." He ordered.
Every single person in Zariel felt the King of Nature's might. It forced them to kneel, as the Mother Tree spoke to the innocent civilians. They now understood what had happened with Lux, and Cailu's mind control. The attendants were the only elves who weren't able to hear the Mother Tree.
Once the aura died down, the people rose to their feet. The guards in front of the throne room turned toward Lux's attendants. Their gazes were hostile. Fortunately, they wouldn't act yet, as the king and the Mother Tree had given their orders. Gwynneth also regarded them in a different light. Her view of Solomon's royal attendants had softened as well.
Shu and Aiden noticed the hidden bloodlust toward Regent Cailu and his group of cronies. It was hidden well, but killers like them would easily detect it. Part one of the plan had succeeded.
Uh oh! Cailu and his attendants are fucked now! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.