

"she's not here!" I turned to face Rebecca, a red haired, freckled face girl, her eyes were wide like she had seen a ghost or something. "where is she?" I asked sensing danger. Her eyes darted around nervously and she rubbed her sweaty palms on her top. "detention" she whispered. "what? Why is she in detention, what happened to her?"

"um, I already said too much. Please don't tell anyone you heard it from me." she said and hurried away. I stood there shocked at what I just heard and then decided to confront Logan. I ran back the way I came and barged in, the man was half naked, I figured he wanted to take a shower, he grinned when he saw me. "my sweet, are you here for....?"

"where's Ava?" I asked, glaring at him, the smile died on his face and was replaced with a deadly frown. "she crossed the line."

"WHERE IS MY FRIEND??" I screamed at him and in a flash, he had my neck pinned to the wall. "you DO NOT get to raise your voice at me. I can have you killed right now if I want to. As for your friend, she crossed the line, didn't do her job and tried to kill me, she's facing the consequences of her actions right now and I suggest you behave yourself if you don't want to end up like her. I'm warning you Irene, don't push me, you would hate me being cross with you." his eyes held danger which told me he meant every word he said. I swallowed and exhaled gently "alright, I'm sorry." he released his grip on my neck "but please can I go see her?" his eyes hardened again as he watched me with that intense look. "just once!"

"oh, thank you so much, I'm...."

"but.... don't try anything funny. One wrong move from you and you're dead. Do I make myself clear?"

"very clear. Thank you." I turned to leave and he called me back. "Irene! Are you just gonna leave without thanking me?"

"but I just did. Please Logan, I'm not fully recovered yet..."

"you had three weeks...."

"to recover internally, my outside still hurts badly. And I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact that you had my ovaries removed."

"you're to be blamed for that. I wouldn't have done that if you've been extra careful...."

"my ovaries Logan! Do you know what that mean?" I yelled as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. He just stared at me as I wiped the tears off "get out!" I turned and left without another word.



"Irene? Is that you?" her voice was barely a whisper and I was shocked and totally speechless at the way she looked. She had bruises on her face, her hair was shaved halfway, her skin had marks of being flogged, her clothes were torn and dirty and there were bloodstains on it. She was lying down on the cold hard floor, the once incredibly pretty Ava now an eyesore. I fell to my knees and cried. "what did they do to you Ava? Why this? This is cruel!" I wept and she struggled to sit up, she was now extremely thin, she held my face in between her shaking palms. "I... Irene....i---is it really you. I th----thought you d---ied"

"i'm so sorry Ava, this is all my fault. How could Logan do this to you?"

"no.... it's not your fault...."

"what did you do to Logan? Why is he doing this to you?"

"I.... I thought you were d....dead, I was mad at him....I wanted him to die too....."

"no Ava, you shouldn't have. " I wept and hugged her. "I'm gonna die Irene...."

"no you won't, I won't let you. Please Ava, don't leave me." I sobbed harder and she brought her shaky hands to Pat my back "you'll be okay...."

"not without you. Please Ava, I can't survive on my own.... please." she continued stroking my back. "I thought I would n....never s---see you a--again. I'm happy I got t---to see you this one last t---time"

"you can't leave me Ava please."

"I'm sorry Irene" I wept uncontrollably. My best and only friend, the one who treats me like the sister I never had, the only person I know that can do anything to make me happy, my best friend was at the verge of death because of me and there was nothing I could do. "i'm so sorry Ava, I'm really sorry...."

"hey, hey, l---listen to m--me, none of this is your fault okay? I don't want you to bl---ame yourself. Logan is the baddie here." she giggled softly, so like her to always find something to smile about. "c---can I ask one last request."

"yes. Anything you want." she smiled weakly "I always pictured myself dying in the arms of someone who loves me and not on the cold hard floor like a piece of trash. C----can you do me the honors?" I wept and nodded "anything for you Ava." I drew her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her, she gave a contented sigh. "this is nice. Very nice." she closed her eyes and I listened as her breathing reduced till she wasn't breathing again. I cried like I had never cried before, my heart was bleeding, I don't think I felt this much pain even when I discovered my brother sold me or when Logan raped me for the first time. Yes that demon Logan, he took Ava away from me, he took my ovaries, he took my freedom, he took everything from me and I want it back. It's time for REVENGE!!!