
Irene's book of Poems

It a Book of Poems. Before story writing there was poetry

Irene_Quinn · Livres et littérature
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7 Chs


The night is still in its youth, is a canvas filled with the promise of pleasure.

The gentle night breeze serenades my ears with its melodious whispers, creating a symphony of sound that accompanies me on my evening walk.


As I stroll along, my imagination becomes my faithful companion, fanning the flames of inspiration. I've come to realize that for creativity to flow, emotions must be in perfect harmony.


Under the cover of darkness, I feel the weight of life's pressures transform into a source of pleasure as I put pen to paper eager to capture the insights dancing in my mind. The act of writing becomes a cathartic release, a way to navigate the complexities of existence.


l continue my journey through the cold embrace of the night breeze, It kisses my forehead gently, then my lips, and finally, my skin sending shivers of delight down my spine. In these moments, I feel liberated, akin to a bird poised to spread its wings and territories of my dreams. In its gentle embrace, I find solace for my pains, and it whisks me away into the realm of nocturnal pleasure.


As I continue to walk, guided by the moon's gentle glow, I can't help but revel in the magic of the night where creativity thrives, and the soul finds its refuge.