
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Romance
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309 Chs

Chapter 6

Before Lich began to berate Boss, Lich noticed a sticky note on the shotgun. Picking it up the sticky note did something Lich has never seen before. It flew to Boss's back and had a bullseye. Smiling with understanding Lich started to unload all the ammo into Boss's back while laughing manically.

A new sticky note appeared on the door with the word 'open'. After stepping outside Lich saw there was people walking past the place normally. "I guess the walls and doors are soundproof enough for gunfire. Lucky me."

After a moment Lich noticed a sticky note with an arrow pointing down a road. Each intersection of paths new sticky notes with arrows appeared leading Lich somewhere. "I guess this place gets to keep standing."

Lich kept following the arrows with a smile like someone who has found enlightenment. That was until a few hours has passed...

"Dammit! Why is it taking me on randomly across the city. I've definitely passed by this ramen shop twice already." Drenched in sweat and breathing heavily Lich took a break in front of the latest sticky note arrows. After taking a breather Lich took an up close look at the sticky note and all the blood drained from Lich's face.

At the bottom right corner of the note, numbers Lich wish was a joke but knew wasn't, broke the thought of getting any sleep in the next few days.


Running to the next note and reading it Lich started to breakdown crying and made all the people walking past move faster away.


"Maybe I should let this city get overran by zombies." Muttering this line over and over again Lich sat with their head on their knees. Until someone came and started to pat Lich's back.

"I don't know what happen but I hope you are okay." Hearing this familiar voice Lich's heart rate dropped and then spiked painfully. 'Oh shit! Why is Mei here?!?! Wait, I am in the shopping district! Okay pull yourself together.' Lich wiped their face off onto their sleeve before standing up and saying "Sorry I got fired today and got over emotional." Thinking up the best excuse Lich could give Lich then realized the scenery here was very familiar.

"Oh well I am sorry to hear that. If I start to hire for my store I will give you a call." Mei then turned around and left. But she didn't go far as seeing her store was across the street.

Lich's body started to twitch then Lich sped off into a full sprint. 'Why did I have to breakdown here?! She probably thinks I was trying to guilt trip her for a job. Damn am I an idiot?'

But little did Lich know Mei did not think that at all. She only left to grab her phone to trade numbers...

Lich has lost track of how many days it has been. Leisurely walking past the gate of the city Lich found the next sticky note.


"Once I find that old man I am going to cave in his skull or die trying. I mean using 9000 sticky notes just to make me leave the city. One sticky note with I don't know 'leave the city' would of worked just fine."

While lost in the fantasy of killing a man who could slap people into dust, Lich noticed a familiar smell. "Oh the zombies are almost here. Weird I should of had more time?"

Lich started following the path set by the sticky notes pretending the zombies had nothing to do with them at all.


"Strange the smell of the zombies is getting stronger and stronger. Am I walking towards them? Hmm no I shouldn't be, the gate I went through looked different then the one I entered the city from."


"Weird, why has the past few sticky notes been on the ground. Do I have to keep my head down so I don't get lost?"


"Just 100 more to go and then my life will began anew! … I think. Jeez the smell of the zombies is so overpowering here but I do not see them at all, so they won't be to close. Also with all this running around I feel like my legs have gotten stronger. So running away from those slow pokes will be easy enough. But I need to rest cause my neck is killing me and my legs are kind of wobbly now. Then again I should keep pushing myself since I am almost done. It's not like the zombies are faster than my walking speed so I will just walk the rest of the way."


Staring at the next to last sticky note Lich had a blank face. The reason being all the note said was 'RUN'. There was no directions and the wilderness around Lich was eerily quiet. Looking around Lich saw a slope upwards. "Maybe I should go up and check the most suspicious place and run to it?"

Running up the slope Lich almost had a heart attack. As far as the eye could see there was zombies. But instead of one horde coming straight at Lich, it was more like multiple hordes were enclosing onto Lich.

Turning a full 180 Lich started running for their life back to the direction they came from . After half an hour though Lich spotted more hordes. "Is it a half circle zombie blockade or a full one? Well only direction I can run now is north."

Lich had small hope there wasn't going to be anything north, the reason being there was to many zombies. Accounting for the ones Lich personally made and the ones they would of infected, was all in the other directions. So logically there should be nothing in the north.

But how in the hell did the zombies get in position in the west, east, and south? Sure south can be explain because the zombies must of walked into that position from the east.

But how did they come from the direction of the city? Cause if they could do that, they would of caught Lich days ago.

"Wait, did that old bastard hear me wanting to kill him? Then that means he set me up to die? But what was the point of all that? They could of just attacked the city while I was walking around it for days. I would of been killed easily with how many people that was there."

Lost in thought Lich did not notice the flatlands they were running on turn to a hill going down. Or did Lich notice the rock..

Tumbling down the hill seemingly smashing their head against every rock possible Lich blacked out for a bit. Coming to Lich jumped up and looked around. Looking north across the horizon Lich noticed more hordes of zombies.

" Shit. Well time to dig a hole and hide myself and hope for the best."

However, Lich's fantasy of hiding came to a halt as zombies started to tumble from the hill behind Lich. "How long was I out for?! Huh, a tree? Lets hope the zombies are to lazy to climb!" Running for their life towards the tree a pleasant surprise came into view.

"The last sticky note?! The old man still cares! Seeing the note on the tree maybe the old man put it there. He probably wants to come down and protect me from the zombies and make me be in his debt."

Happy that they won't be ripped apart from the zombies, Lich was lost in the fantasy that the old devious bastard of a man was going to look out for them or treat them nicely. Completely forgetting this happen in the first place cause of the old man. Or all of these zombies are only like that because of Lich turning them to be that way.

Getting closer to the tree Lich noticed there was a sentence on the sticky note. Lich was ecstatic. Maybe it was a chant to activate a summing spell or protective barrier. Or the tree was actually a guardian monster the old man left to protect Lich.

Those useless thoughts disappeared when Lich caught a glimpse of the words on the sticky note.

As Lich was dispirited from the words on the note, the ground beneath Lich fell apart and turned out to be a deep pitfall. As Lich was falling in the seemingly endless drop, they started to laugh.

'As talented as you are in necromancy it saddens me the way you are as a person. In your next life try to be a better you. Do not worry the fall will not kill you. However I ordered all of your zombies to follow you into your next life so they will drop down to join you. When I see you next try to be grateful you little brat.'

Lifting both middle fingers in the air as Lich tried to curse the old man, Lich fell into a underground water pool, filling their lungs with water. Before trying to swim up, more splashes came. Rather then being ripped to shreds Lich decided drowning was better. However Lich reached the bottom faster then they hopped and succumbed to death by both drowning and zombies.