
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Romance
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309 Chs

Chapter 47

In the locker room Baldhart was sent to, she was rampaging inside. All of the locker and benches were destroyed.

"Dammit if he didn't have that gun or punch attack I would of won easily!"

"Wait he had a punch attack? Did you see it Blaze?"

It seemed that Baldhart was in a group chat with her friends that already lost to Lich.

"I don't want to talk about my fight. Anyways I hope Keanu freezes that bastard to death. He can't shoot his gun or punch good if his fingers are frozen solid."

Seeming to stop her rampage, Baldhart asked a question that caused Blaze to get pissed and Alvis to get depressed.

"Why did you guys name the group chat as 'The Losers'. I mean I know we lost and all but we don't have to talk down to ourselves like this."

"We didn't name it! When Alvis lost and got added, we were added into this group and we can't access any other chat besides the click chat!"

"Blaze don't you mean clique?"

The group chat was suddenly quiet before Blaze said he was about to enter a fight so he couldn't talk.


In the challengers locker room was a man with dredlocks that were bleached and he was wearing Easter yellow clothes. He was reading all the warnings from his friends. However the only one who made sense was Alvis while the other two were just complaining.

"Alright time to get this over with. I feel like this match isn't worth all this stress though. I got to keep it cool."

Keanu's Paths were: Ice, Necklace, Breath, Mutant:Cultivator, Vampire, Weather, Tag, Mutant:Royal, Field, Nuclear(Element).

Then Keanu went to the fighting arena. He was the first to not yell out at Lich.

"Hey man I hope you like it cold. Whoever wins or lose let's not hold it against each other?"

Lich finally running into someone who talked to him like he was a person made him happy.

"Of course I like it cold and I hope you won't hold it against me that I win."

The response Lich got was instantly being frozen along with the arena.

'FUCK! I can't move. How did he instantly freeze everything. Wait why is the ice yellow? It better be how my magic has gray, well tan in it now. It better be the color of his magic and not what I think it is or I am going to get pissed.. ha pun.'

Not knowing what Lich was thinking, Keanu thought he was coming up with a strategy to get out of the ice.

"There is no way out. Even if you try to use fire, you will just end up hurting yourself. Oh, and sorry about this."

As Keanu was walking behind Lich to rip his throat out with his fangs, Lich just calmly healed himself with the Hospital Path and he was back to being completely fine. However he noticed his body was rapidly freezing again so he hurried and punched out at Keanu killing him with a acid drill rapid fire punch.

"Damn I don't even feel good winning this fight. If I didn't know the secret of having buildings in my Intelligence Path I would of lost. I don't even think me going to my boss form would of made me win. Though I won't know until someone forces me into it."


"So his punches can be used in range combat as well. I thought I was being smart staying out of punching range. But seeing how he didn't attack with anything new, he most of be out of ways to attack now."

After sending a few messages in the 'Losers Group Chat' and the clique chat to tell the next challenger about everything he laid down to take a nap. Holding his chest he muttered about how the attack was hurting and he was cool with losing and not crying.

In the challengers locker room was a man with red hair and gray eyes. He was arguing with his Ancestor.

"I want to lose so you will leave me alone."

"Carly stop with this crap. Beat the Lich boy and stop acting out."

"For the last time my name is Carlos now! I am just going to charge in and let him kill me since you won't accept me for who I am. I also don't see the reason everyone talks about beating this guy. He is just one person, why do 1000 people need to take him on that is so unfair."

The deep laugh of the Ancestor scared Carlos a bit. "You are giving it's spawn pity? Well just go and fight it and see why it needs 1000 of you weak children."


"Seeing that the last guy almost beat me, I should prepare myself. I might get to feel what my Boss mode is like."

Seeing the person who showed up, Lich was stumped on what Champion this was.

"Seeing that you are covered in red, I assume you are the Blood Champion. Well this is going to be easy."

"I am Wind." Lich broke out in a cold sweat when Carlos spoke. As the match just started Lich kept his eyes on him. However his words came from behind. Quickly glancing over Lich almost wet his pants as Carlos was terrifying.

Carlos's Paths were Wind, Hat, Spray, Roc, Wings, Sky Form, Hidden Weapon, Grenade, Whirlpool, and Plane.

Carlos was in a semi transformed state. His giant wings reached both sides of the arena. Red whirlpools filled with terrifying energy was in Carlos's hands pointing towards Lich.

Before Lich could say he knew he was going into his boss mode, his belt he forgot about activated. A Scorpion tail, covered in Poison, Lighting, and Spikes pierced through Carlos's chest.

After exiting out of the back it split into 5 smaller Tendril's that were just smaller versions of the Scorpion tail. Then those pierced through Carlos's limbs and neck then finally Carlos was ripped to pieces as he was choked.

"That should of not been a win either. But at least I know the Belt only activates to defend me when I am being attacked from behind."


Carlos was even more scared than Lich was. All he saw was Lich glance back at him and then he went through the most painful experience he has ever felt. Sadly Carlos would have nightmares about this fight and will just pretend they don't know who Lich is.

In the challenger locker room was the Lightning Champion. She had white hair and blue eyes.

"Dammit, hey is Carlos talking to any of you losers? He isn't responding back to me to give me hints."

"No he isn't talking with any of us. Maybe Carlos made Lich do a new attack and it freaked him out so he is crying again." Blaze told Sedna, the Lightning Champion.

"So I have to go in with the only new thing being that Lich is scary for that ditsy airhead?"

However no one spoke back with her and she got pissed and started swinging her Staff at the lockers. Her Paths were Lightning, Staff, Eel, Mutant:Mage, Gloves, Weather, River, Giant, Elemental(Monster), and Diety.

She then went to start her fight with Lich.


'I wonder how the new person is going to be. If they are nice I will try to make the fight longer, unless they are strong. If they are mean I will just go straight for the kill.'

Lich got his answer as when Sedna showed up she blurted out many words that were too graphic to even write down.

"Kill as soon as I can it is."

"Ha try it, you men can't even aim straight in the toilet so how can you hit me with that gun?"

Lich shot at her as soon as the match began but he was stumped by her transformation. She became a Giant Lightning being that felt like a god. Holding up it's giant staff made of lightning it started to charge the sky with lightning.

As thunderclouds filled the ceiling of the arena, Lich started to sweat.

"Too big and not solid for my gun to do anything and I won't last a minute for my gun to charge its strongest attack. Can't use my buildings to fight. I am not sticking my tail into that as that would just speed up my death. My punches won't do shit either."

As Lich was thinking of an attack, Sedna was still charging up her attack. Which sounded good for Lich, it was also bad as the Lightning was already bad enough to kill him.

"Running away won't help as the whole arena is going to be hit. My jobs won't help either. I have Boss mode so if she goes back to normal after the attack I can win but I don't want to get hit. Well the lightning should be her body so let's hope this works."

Lich pulled out a bottle. This bottle was his 'sleep medicine'. He opened it up and started to splash it into the Giant Lightning Elemental Deity.