
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
309 Chs

Chapter 31

'Oh, it sounds like a love triangle. I am bored anyway, so I will pretend to be asleep to listen to this juicy story.'

"You think you can just ignore me! Do you want me to throw my glove at you to prove I am serious! I will do it!"

'One yelling and the other being quiet. Maybe they are to scared to talk. They must be standing in front of me, since the glove hit me and all. I don't know this woman's voice though. She must be someone who just came in.'

"You still are ignoring me! Don't make me kick you out of that chair!"

'Chair? I thought I was in the only chair over in this area of the store? Seeing I didn't steal any queen or whatever I guess another person brought a chair over here.'

After a few seconds of no one talking the girl talked a bit quieter.

"Oh, you are actually asleep. It is against my code to attack a sleeping opponent. I am afterall Grace the Champion of Challenges. Just wait, one day we will have a fight for the hand of Tako."

Hearing her stepping away, Lich opened his eyes. Luckily Noah seemed to also just come back from the hospital. Lich ran up to him and collect his pay and coupon. Then left with Grace chasing after him out of the door.


Showing up at the zombie place and hoping if Grace followed him, someone here would help him. However he was surrounded by a big group of people with red eyes.

As they jumped on him, he thought maybe the zombie shop owner hated him. But the words from some of their mouths, stumped him.

"Lich-sama! Why didn't you come to the Necromancer shop! The shop owner was in tears when they told me you didn't show up! My name is Iris and here is my mari-"

A man with a slingshot in his hand pushed her away and saved Lich from the weird direction the conversation was going. Or so he thought.

"My name is Nate, and I don't know what a sama is but you can summon a bunch of zombies for my target practice right? Can you do it now, It is boring aiming at non-moving targets."

A girl in a feathery robe pushed Nate aside. "You ingrate, you know he can't summon the zombies now. Did you not hear Iris mention he didn't go there. Anyway Lich, my name is Monica. Is your favorite bird a Crow?"

It seemed like no one in the shop wanted Lich to talk, as another person pushed Monica away and spoke.

"I am Haku, I am a spirit elemental user. Could we hangout one day and you show me your skills at Spirit manipulation? My shop owner told me that he is offering a discount for when you come. So whenever you have the time."

"Guys you aren't letting him speak. Also we all need to get back to work."

Feeling like the woman who just spoke helped him, Lich walked up to thank her. Hearing Lich thank her she smiled.

"Now if you sign these new papers you can get back to work. By the way my name is Olivia. Oh you don't have to read that."

She suddenly hide the papers when she saw Lich trying to read it.

"Now that I think about it, you can just sign these after work."


"Sigh. Now that they are so focused on work it is kind of boring with no one talking to me."

"Hey, Lich my name is Justin. If you are bored I got something for you. I grew it myself. The paper is from the books."

Passing Lich a 'cig', Justin lit it for Lich before walking away.

'This is hemp, isn't it. Well I guess I won't be bored now.'


Feeling hungry, Lich thought about getting something to eat. Then suddenly a women in the corner opened her lunchbox. The smell of the food brought over Lich and Justin.

Seeing them the women smiled. "My name is Henriette and I brought enough Gumbo for everyone. So here guys."

Hearing what Henriette said, everybody took a break and started to eat.Sitting around and eating the other workers in the shop introduced themselves to Lich.

"My name is Idris Undertaker. I am sure most of here were told by our shop owners that you will have a discount in the shops. Also some info you might know. The Undertaker path helps you gather bodies for your necromancy."

"Well duh Idris. So does the Graveyard Path, which I am the champion of. My name is Roselee. Which helps you have an unlimited place to dig up new bodies for your zombies."

Then everyone looked at the last person who hasn't talked. Though everyone looked like they were 18 since entering the G path. This guy looked a bit younger than everyone else here."

Reaching out his shaking hand towards Lich, he introduced himself.

"My- my name i- is Viktor. Can I be your assistant?" Lich shook his hand and before he could agree, a notification went off.

[Friend Added: Viktor]

"YES! The great lord himself added me to his friends list!."

Everyone in the shop had different reactions. Roselee was mumbling about offering all of her graveyards. Idris started calculating how many bodies he needed to gift out loud.

Henriette tasted her gumbo and started wondering why it wasn't good enough for a friend request. Justin was to high to know what was going on, there was no telling how many books were burnt for him to get this way.

Olivia was talking about how being married was better than being a friend, for some reason. Then Iris tried handing Lich a marriage contract. Haku tried getting another handshake from Lich to see if he shook hard enough he could also get added as a friend.

Monica was hiding her face with her robe and then Nate seemed to be the only normal person as he didn't really seem to care.


Leaving the zombie shop, Lich felt weird.

'They treated me too well. It felt like it was almost fanatical. Is it cause they are the same generation as me and they feel like they should respect the Lich name as my ancestor left it. Maybe the shop owner felt like I didn't deserve my ancestors fame. The way I am now I am weak, at least to a shop owner.'

Lich was now in a Grapefruit farm. Looking at all of the uneaten grapefruits, he smiled. Cracking his neck, he got ready to start work. However, a guy walked in front of Lich and stopped him.

"Hey are you Lich? The guy that likes to eat grapefruit?"

"Uh, yeah I am. Do you need something?" Hearing that Lich was Lich, the guy who looked like a plumber smiled.

"Me and the few others already picked a lot of the grapefruits. If you want, you can eat them and claim the seeds to turn in. The only catch is helping us get our seeds out of the grapefruit. "

"I agree!" Lich feeling like this was a godsend agreed before the guy could change his mind.

'Wow, he agreed so fast. I was prepared to offer money for the help, but the shop owner was right. This guy is a bit weird.'


Sitting down in front of thousands of grapefruits, Lich had the biggest smile on his face. Then he started to chow down. A lot of the people who helped gather the grapefruits stared in horror at how fast they were being eaten.

Seeing Lich stop, the plumber walked up and started talking. "Do you need to take a break? I understand even if you like grapefruits, the acidity still gets you." However the next words out of Lich's mouth almost made the plumber fall down.

"Oh, it is just I got my seeds needed for my quest. I just wanted to keep everyone's seed's apart, so it is easier to turn in."

Pushing away the basket full of seeds for his quest, Lich started putting seeds into a new basket for the plumber. Stopping again, Lich looked at him.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name." Hearing that the guy's name was Maxwell, Lich went back to eating.

After a bit of time, Lich pushed the bucket to Maxwell. "Here ya go. That should be all of them."

Walking off in a daze, Maxwell went and turned the seeds in. Seeing that he had all his seeds. The next person jumped to Lich's side. Seeing that the rest of the people lined up.

Doing a quick count of the grapefruits and people present, Lich spoke.

"There is only enough for 3 people. So if you guys want to finish the quests fast, I suggest the rest of you go collect more grapefruits."

Hearing how they didn't have enough Grapefruits everyone but the front person went to go collect more.