
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Romance
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309 Chs

Chapter 17

Everyone but one guy in the crowd screamed.

"What the hell was that! How in the hell does this chicken have so many skills as a F rank. Shit, back in my days as a F rank I would die if I ran into this freak!"

"Well I feel like it would be easy for me back in the day. I wouldn't even sweat."

"Didn't you already have a guild when you were a F rank? What would you bring all of them with you to take it out?"

"Yeah duh. I mean half of them might die, but that is a risk I am wiling to make them take."

[Speed Halved: Your muscles start to spasm for 20 seconds.]

[Dexterity Halved: Your hand eye coordination begin to fail you. For 20 seconds all movements are reversed.]

'What in the hell is happening to me!'


"Time to test how good this chick's defense is! Bets are on how long it takes for it to get through the briar field. Also if you guess the correct number of feathers lost you will win a special prize!"

As the emcee started the round Lich decided to blitz this as well.

'Defense + Speed and double!'

Lichs feathers seem to grow four times thicker and then his whole body was covered in lightning. The field was 100 meters long so he didn't get to teleport through all of it, however with his strong feathers he had nothing to worry about.

He luckily finished it in 19 seconds. Lich then looked at the new penalty.

[Defense Halved: Your bones and feathers become brittle for 20 seconds.]


"So far the Lich chicken has proven itself to be a dangerous beast to fight. Now let's see how good it is at getting the ladies!"

'Ladies? Am I supposed to flirt with human ladies or chicken ladies? Either way it isn't going to work.'

There was 10 other chickens beside Lich. One of the chickens walked up to him.

"Hey, it has been awhile Lich." Lich looked at this chicken, well rooster and laughed.

"When you introduced yourself as Rooster I thought your parents already selected Robin for a sibling. To think you are an actual rooster."

"Well at least I have a reason to come here first. With a name like Lich I thought you would pick Necromancy first or at least a undead creature."

Lich started to scratch the ground with his chicken feet. "I randomly grabbed a book that brought me here. I didn't know picking it up would make me pick it."

"That is rough. Anyways it feels weird having to woo a chicken. Luckily we just have to compete for these things and not actually win."

Before Lich could reply the emcee yelled for the chickens to take their place. Rooster was going second.

"Now who will win the hen's heart? Place your bets now! Also while the other chickens aren't allowed to attack each other, they can use their Charisma skill."

'It seems like I shouldn't use Lich body till I go. Luckily I am last, so if I just mess with everyone it should be easy to win."

When the first chicken went up it started to sing, notes made of fame visibly came out its mouth. It also used it's defense skill and made its feathers catch on flames which were in a different color.

"Our first contestant is from the Rainbow Flame Clan. It is said it was raised by the new Champion of Flame!"

The crowd started to go wild. "Champion of Flame?!? The one that old codger from server 0 picked? Even though most of his stats should be put towards magic use, he should still be able to make the hen judge pick him as she could get a favor from such a powerful newbie."

'Wait they know that the chicken is a person? Then why the hell has the crowd been treating me like an actual chicken monster? Well time to make this Idiot of Flame fit his title! Anti-Cluck!!'

While the Champion of Flame had most of his skills going off at the same time he heard a cluck. His stats unlike Lich's wasn't a free spend of points, but a pre-build.

Pre-build's instead of only having 50 points to spend had a descending point value. His top 3 stats were Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma. With the value of 20, 18, and 16. Which was higher than Lichs, which was 10 all across the board.

With the others only allowed to use Charisma skills, he was not worried about the skill that barely affected him mentally. So he kept using his skills instead of being cautious. This was a mistake.

While Lich's stats were lower, his Charisma skill had anti magic in it. Activated skills will have backlash if 50% of it failed. Of course the Champion of Flame knew this. However who would be dumb enough to have anti magic in Charisma?

If it was a physical attack , mental attack, or magic attack he would of cancelled his spell with a thought. But why do it for a simple cluck?

The flames that surrounded him grew in size and had a gray tint in them. Then *BOOM*.

The crowd who thought the winner was already decided was silent. Even the other chickens all looked at Lich in horror.

'Hmm wait are all the chickens system users? All of them knew that I was the one caused the explosion.'

"Shit! Champion of Flame? More like Champion of Friend Chicken!"

The crowd started to jeer and throw insults. It seem like they didn't care about him anymore.

"Ahem, well moving on. Next we have a chicken from Rooster Inc. and.. wait why is it not going up?"

Instead of competing Rooster was looking at Lich and asked a question. "How many times can you use that?"

"We can test it out if you want. I am sure after a few uses it should get weaker." Lich tried smirking but chickens seem unable to do that."


"Now we are at the last chicken. Seeing that the first one blew up and all of the other ones didn't try, it wins by default!"

The crowd started to cuss out the emcee. The gas released into the stage with the chickens and they passed out.

Waking up, Lich found himself in a open field with the hen from the earlier round.

"This is the final stage and the hardest. I will be your overseer for the rest of it . I was suppose to be the one to test out the strongest of the group but you caused him to blow up. I will grade you harsher since you ruin my chances of getting a connection with someone who had potential."

Before Lich could speak, she started to talk again. "First challenge is to attack a contestant at a base building area. Oh and if you try to fight anyone who isn't the Champion of Flame, you fail."

Either she thought that the fried chicken could win or she knew she lost her chance of getting the fried chicken on her side. Either way she is being a pest. If it wasn't for the fact she was grading him, Lich might of attacked. Well that and the fact she might be a E rank and stronger then him.


Spending some time searching, Lich finally found the fried chicken. However he seem to know when Lich would show up as he was already facing him and rushing in.

'I wonder if the hen was talking to the fried chickens hen to warn them ahead of time. But if this is my test of attacking, shouldn't this be his test of defending?

Also what is with that base? He made a hut that is already falling apart. Hell I might even win before he reaches me.'

"Prepare to die fucker!!" The fried chicken was on fire and seemed to want to tackle Lich.

'I thought he was like a Fire mage or something. Well whatever. Anti-Cluck!'

The fire around the fried chicken went out before the sound could reach and then came back on.

"I won't fall for that again! Eat my flames!" Lich stared blankly at the hen beside him. She seemed to be smirking and happy Lich was being attacked. Right when Lich was hit, he became a lightning after image. The fried chicken was fried once more with lightning this time.

Lich causally reached the hut and dived down with poison claws. It instantly fell apart. The scene was quiet, minus the convulsing chicken.

"That was easier than I thought it would be. Hurry up and call my victory." Both hens seemed to hate me and didn't call the match.

"You haven't won yet. The Champion of Flame still hasn't taught you a lesson." The hen in charge of me said.

"Lord Flame's test wasn't to protect his base but to defend his honor!" said the hen in charge of the fried idiot. She seemed to be a fanatic of him.

Seeing they wouldn't call it and the fried chicken was almost up I decided to just hurry up the match.

"Chicken Magic: Death Beam Spam Mode!" The spam mode was just Lich shooting it till he reached my limit.