
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Romance
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309 Chs

Chapter 16

Lich decided to check out the books in the library. The first book he grabbed had a chicken on the cover. On the spine of the book was the title.

"Chicken Ascends To Godhood? What kind of book is this?" Opening the book to the first page, Lich felt a chill in his spine. Trying to drop the book and failing, Lich understood the title. He was supposed to be the chicken who ascends.

[Determine Basic Build For 'Lich the Chicken'. Build Determines Point Allocation.]

[Strength:5] [Defense:5] [Wisdom:5] [Dexterity:5] [Endurance:5] [Speed:5] [Utility:5] [Intelligence:5] [Mystery:5] [Charisma:5] [Free Points:0] [Select Here For Pre-Builds]

"... Why ask me to determine the build if it is all grayed out. Nothing is changing!"

[60 Seconds Remaining ]

Lich watched as the timer went down, unable to do anything.

[Build Determined: Jack Of All Trades. Equal Stat Distribution.]

[Advanced To F Rank. +5 All Stats]

[Split Laws Into Stats. F Phase Allows 2 In Each Stat.]

This time Lich was allowed to choose which laws went into the stats. Though he was a bit confused, he chose what felt right.


[Strength: Claw + Poison = Poison Beak and Claws]

[Active : allows user to grow claws and beak bigger and adds poison element. Poison deals 20% of damage dealt every second for 10 seconds.]

"Okay I picked good here."


[Defense: Armor + Metal = Metal Armored Coat]

[Passive&Active: allows user to have a constant defense and doubles defense stat.]

"Wait this one is a passive and active?"


[Speed: Movement + Lightning = Sudden Lightning Wings]

[Active: allows user to move anywhere in the space of 10 meters. Leaves behind a after image made of lightning that causes a 2 second stun.]

"Nice, I can use this to run or to get behind the enemy for a follow up attack."


[Dexterity: Throwing Weapon + Ice = Freezing Feather]

[Item: a feather that can cause the target to freeze for 2 seconds. Stock x20]

"I should be able to keep hitting the target and keep them frozen for 40 seconds. In the later phases it will get stronger."


[Endurance: Absorb + Blood = Bloodthirsty Chicken]

[Passive: any blood that comes into contact is absorb and heals user.]

"Once I get to E phase and add vampire I should be able to steal blood from people. So this should do for now."


[Wisdom: Beam + Death = Chicken Magic: Death Beam]

[Active: recite the name to cast a beam of death. Damage dealt by death energy cannot be healed.]

"I wonder how normal it is for a chicken to shoot magic beams out."


[Intelligence: Tendril + Curse = Mind Cursing Tendrils]

[Active: with just a thought this mental ability attacks the target. It causes the target to lash out at everything but the user. x10 tendrils every 24 hours.]

"While I have a limit of ten a day, as long as my target stays under the influence I will win."


[Utility: Hand + Bunker = Build: Bunker]

[Active: summons magic hands to build a bunker.]

"If I didn't add the hands I am sure I would have to build the bunker with my claws and beak."


[Mystery: Skewer + Dragon = Transforming Skewer: Dragon]

[Item: 20% chance to transform into a dragon. 79% chance to increase stats by x1.5. 1% chance to blow up]

"So it all depends on luck. I only selected these cause I was kind of hungry. To think I could become a dragon! Or I guess die."


[Charisma : Cheer + Anti = Anti Cluck]

[Active: interrupts all magic in a 10 meter range and causes backlash.]

"I guess I should not use this near any teammates if it says all."


Turning the next page cause a vortex to appear in the book, sucking Lich into it.

Opening his eyes Lich saw he was on a race track. The humans outside of the track were tall..

Wait no, Lich was short. Standing at a meter in height, he was now a chicken. His feathers were gray in color. While the rest of him was also gray but in different shades.

"Welcome everyone to the chicken races! Today we have a small chick from the 'Lich Chicken Farm' a newcomer to the world of raising chicken. Let's see if the chicken they raised are fast! Today our sponsored animal to chase the chick is a 'Water Wolf'. As the Lich chicken is a newcomer there is no information of its skills. So betting odds are 5/1 for the chicken and only 2/1 for the wolf. Place your bets!"

'Wolf?' Looking at the cage behind him was a wolf. The wolf was 4 meters in length. 'Oh shit am I going to die?'

"Bets are placed! Release the chicken and then the wolf after 5 seconds. The distance is 1km."

The gate to the track open and Lich sped off as fast as his feet could take him.

'Shit I didn't have time to practice on how to fly!'

Looking behind him he saw he made a good bit of distance before the wolf was let out. However when the wolf was let out it transformed into a small wave of water and instantly caught up and lunged half transformed.

Before the wolf bite down, Lich used his Sudden Lighting Wings.

"This is Bullshit! The stupid chicken has lightning powers! The odds should be flipped!"

"You are just salty you lost your bet old man!"

The majority of the crowd started to yell profanities while the rest had wide smiles.

When the wolf bit the after image of Lich it started to seize and passed out. It seemed since it was in a semi morph state the lightning affected it more.

Lich escaped into the air and glided to the finish.

'I won! I get to live haha. If only I could of placed some bets, to bad I am a chicken. Wait, whats this gas. Why am i so.... sleepy.'

"The chicken lives and gets to go to the next round!"


When Lich woke up he was wearing a wizard hat on his head. It seem to be decoration as it didn't give any boost or register as equipment.

"Time for Chicken Magic Duels! On the left we have the Lighting Lich Chicken and on the right we have the Earth Chicken from the Earth Mage School. Left side is a 10/1 while the right is a 2/1."

While Lich had the best chance to strike it rich, less people than last time place bets on him. Though some still placed bets on him. While looking at the Earth Chicken, it started to speak.

"Pathetic, a lightning chicken who isn't even from a famous lightning group? Your system rank is bound to be low! I will thrash you like the trash you are!"

Having the time to idle, Lich looked at his system menu to check what his build did for him.

[Jack Of All Trades: Grants user the ability to add two stats together and stack values.]

[Lich Body: Grants user the ability to double a stat. After 20 seconds, stat drops to half value.]

[Lich Spirit : Grants user the ability to fully restore body from nothingness. Limit x2 every 24h.]

'So this is what special abilities I have. It will be hard for me to lose.' Instead of replying to the chicken Lich waited for the duel to start.

"All bets are placed. Begin!"

'Strength and Wisdom stack and doubled! Taste my poison death beam!!'

Lich's beak grew 4 times in size and a giant orb appeared in front of it. While everyone was stunned, the giant orb let out a beam. The earth chicken quickly reacted to summon a wall of earth in front of it. The wall and chicken became decimated.

'HAHAHA! This is amazing! These abilities are broken!

Since everyone was stunned the battle was not called yet and 20 seconds passed.

[Strength Halved: Muscle's begin to fail you. You cannot attack or lift anything for 20 seconds.]

[Wisdom Halved: Your memories begin to fail you. You cannot think for 20 seconds.]


Lich woke up in a shooting range confused. 'Why did my body hurt so much and did I pass out before the gas hit?'

"The chicken from the Lich farms seems to be okay now! It seem to use a skill that tired it out. If this was a back to back fight it would fail. Luckily for it we give breaks here. Time to start the next round without a further delay. Chicken Shooting!"

In front of Lich was 10 glass bottles spaced a meter away from him and each other.

"Time to place bets on the time, how many it hits, and then how many misses!"

'If I can't win the money myself, time to make sure no one else wins it!'

After a bit of time has passed, the emcee started the round.

'Speed + Dexterity and double!'

Flapping his wings 10 ice feathers with lighting around them shot out. The ten targets were taken out instantly and a person in the crowd ended up chocking on his drink.