
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
309 Chs

Chapter 10

"Hey, Puppetlich I have a few quick questions. Why can I not move my body and why am I naked?"

Puppetlich smiled and pulled out a full body suit that covers everything up to the neck. " This is your starter Law. Sadly only 1 Law can be given, while the rest must be worked for. This is the Underwear Law. If you have this equipped you can control double the puppets. However you yourself count as one of them. So at G level you still can only control one puppet. You cannot move your body cause I did some surgery on that body."

Puppetlich began to dress Lich in the full body underwear. "The reason being is if you had full control of your body you might die of shock from equipping this. The part that goes over the neck must be drilled into the spine and into the brain stem. Don't worry though as once the procedure is over you can move again."


Lich, now in the full body underwear was sitting on a operation table. "Is there anything else I need to know?" Puppetlich who was cleaning his tools pondered for a bit before speaking.

"Well us undead have bad memories so there should be. It might be better if you just ask some questions."

Pondering for a bit Lich spoke. "What is that octagon room I woke up in?"

"That is the Home area. You can use it to reach all of the realms needed to finish all of your paths. You only have to work on 1000 of them. Once all 1000 Paths get completed you finish the G rank. Then you start the F rank, but that is in the future. For now let us focus on tomorrow. You will not be fighting in the academy as it is just a place for people to gain all of the Laws for the puppet path. So it would be best to ignore people and just finish as soon as possible."

The two continue to talk about the world and other things that might be good to know.


The next day.

The academy was gloomy and had statues of the past puppeteers and some famous puppets.

The school day started with everyone going to homeroom. Lich sat at his desk and kept quiet waiting for the teacher to show up. However the intercom sounded off and there was still no teacher present.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to my humble academy! I am the headmaster of this establishment and I would like to be called as such. As you students may of noticed, there is no teachers present. That is cause the academy itself is a puppet that belongs to me. I can see all through my puppets so behave yourselves. All subjects are learn in the personal spaces provided for the fortunate or the public spaces provided by the school."

Some of the students started to complain about the favoritism. However Lich just laughed to himself. 'Everyone can earn the same strengths in both public and private spaces. It is just the private spaces are payed for by the backers of the person who will use it. When the private spaces get fully used, they get converted to public spaces. So the only real difference is in the time spent waiting.'

"Will all private space owners head to the weapon building to start your lessons."

Lich was the only one in his class to get up to leave, earning him a lot of death stares. However it wasn't that there wasn't a lot of private space users. Once Lich reached outside he saw almost 10,000 people. In front of the puppet weapon building was a statue of a giant puppet. It was a train with one hundred arms and the car of the train puppet was a giant shredder.

After waiting for a bit the statue started to talk with the same voice as the headmaster.

"I am glad to have all of you here. The sponsorship earned from the 10,000 of you going here fills me with joy. Please take your time inside as the time dilation will allow you all to take your time inside. Of course after each course you must take a 30min break to keep some sanity."

After his short speech the doors to the building open and everyone went in. Lich was one of the unlucky few whose space was underground. All buildings on the academy ground was 100 stories. 50 above and 50 below. Lich's space was the very bottom floor.

As he walked down the stairs he saw all the floors looked the same. However the last floor was oddly different. One could see their breath and the walls were covered in dents and cuts. The smell of the floor was like rotten wood and oil while the floor was slimy and could cause one to slip.

Reaching the door at the very end of the hall, Lich entered. ' Puppetlich warned me but damn this is a mess. He promised that everything would still worm though.'

All of the tools were covered in a gray rust and the wood seem to of became dry and also turned gray. Checking the oil it must of also went bad, as it was gray as well.

[Lesson 1: Puppet Spear Arm]

[Puppet Spear Arm: The arm of the puppet has a spear broken down to 3 parts. Can be used in 3 modes. The first mode allows a quick stab that is hard to dodge. The second mode is the fighting mode where the spear is still part of the arm. The final mode launches the full spear.]

[Lesson Start: Craft (0/1mil)]

"...craft how many?"

'It seems Puppetlich forgot to mention something. To bad once all my lessons are over I get sent back or I would of tried breaking him to pieces that bastard!'

Lich started to get to work. Luckily he was given a blueprint and a step by step manual. Every 100 arms made, a slightly different blueprint and manual would appear. After what felt like months he finally finished.

[Please Leave The Space So It Can Be Updated]

After getting outside he wondered how much time passed. However he was stunned when he saw that everyone on the floor stepped outside at the same time.

The person who had the room next to Lich let out a depressed sigh. "Damn, I took almost no breaks and we all left at the same time. That means the time dilation is set to where no matter how much time passes inside, outside is the same for everyone. Does anyone have a watch?" The last part of his sentence was yelled down the hallway.

Someone yelled back, but it was more that they just yelled to let out their anger. "Fuck! It has only been half an hour."

"So 30min has passed and we must take another 30min break. So every hour in real time is used to earn a law. Might as well stop before making the last part and sleep for time management."

Hearing what the guy beside him say, Lich silently agreed with him. Sitting on the floor and waiting, Lich listened to some of the conversations, most of them however almost made him cough up blood.

"Damn I made 300 parts and only 30min went by? That is some crazy time dilation."

"300? That sucks, I thought making 100 was going to kill me."

Lich wasn't the only one affected by their speech. The guy beside him started to cry. Seeing this Lich thought this guy had it as bad as him. "Hey, I am Lich. These guys have it easy right? My asshole of an ancestor made the lesson hard. I had to make 1mil. What about you?"

"My name is Dustin. You had it bad but not as bad as me. I had to make one trillion parts. I think I might die in there."

Putting his hand on Dustin shoulder, Lich tried to raise his spirits, as a necromancer should. "Sucks to suck man. Wish you luck." Everyone silently waited for the break to be over and were glad as they had it easier then those two.

[Lesson 2: Puppet Axe Arm]

[Puppet Axe Arm: This arm has only one function. A giant axe head is in place of the hand.]

Looking at the axe head, Lich laughed. "Giant? is it bigger than my torso! I am surprised that it can be balanced and used with no problem."


[Lesson 3: Puppet Potion Launching Head]

[Puppet Potion Launching Head: The potions launched from the head can reach up to 10 meters. However it can only do this with using the correct angle. This head cannot swivel so make sure when aiming to have the puppet facing the target.]

"It seems at G rank it can only have one potion loaded. But I guess after the first shot they will know to be cautious and will be able to dodge it easily."