
Ionathae Biographiae

(generic fanfic synopsis) weak to strong, plot slow, update when I remember to My First fanfic Everything is written with Google translator, sorry for the spelling errors and the eye pain caused

Ryudarck · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

/The beginning

Cap: 1

I wake up suddenly agitated and in a panic, taking several minutes breathing heavily, as if I had been running for hours. Looking where I was, I notice that I did not know the place. It was a medium sized room, although very empty, painted with muted colors, the only thing that was there was the bed where he was sitting right now and a small nightstand with a lamp on it. That was all there was in the room, not even a small window through which to look outside —damn, where the hell am I— after cursing in my head I decide to get out of bed.

Outside the room there was a small room that connected to an even smaller kitchen and bathroom. Apparently it was some kind of apartment. In the living room there was a TV that seemed like it would break with a single touch, deciding that this was my best source of information so far I turn it on carefully. The television turns on a news channel—how convenient—the newscast said it was October 1, 2041. Feeling that I was starting to panic, I tried to calm down, until I saw the following news—it is believed that there will be a third world war Nothing is confirmed yet, but seeing international relations as rigid as they currently are, it seems even more feasible. Let's pray to god that this is just a rumor spread by misinformation and not a real war. We warn you that you should still prepare supplies and a safe place because dark times are coming - I start to hyperventilate and not even trying to calm down, damn where the hell was I, what had happened to me, because I was in the future and because just before a possible outbreak war. All those questions came to my mind at the same time while my breathing became increasingly strong and agitated.

I calmed down after a few minutes I think, I wasn't very sure, a little calmer, but still with my brain racing to try to find out what had happened. Seeing that I was hyperventilating again, I decided to sit in the only chair that was in front of the table that was in the room. After several deep breaths I managed to calm down enough not to be a nervous wreck and notice that I wasn't wearing glasses, that wasn't strange since there were times when I forgot them, the strange thing was that I could see perfectly, I didn't have eagle eyesight or something like that, but from being nearsighted to seeing well was a big leap. I decide to go to the bathroom in search of a mirror to better check my body. The bathroom was incredibly cramped, the shower was right next to the toilet and the sink was in front of it, luckily I found the mirror I was looking for. What I found quite surprised me. My body had changed quite a bit from how I remembered it, my hair was dark brown and long, so long that it reached my lower back. He appeared to be of Asian descent. My eyes were black like the darkest night I had ever seen, an emptiness that warned me that if I continued to stare I would be swallowed up in an infinite abyss. Or at least that was my feeling along with a strong chill up my spine. The undersides of my eyes were painted a light lavender color. Running two fingers through the paint I see that it wasn't that but marks, like birthmarks or something, very strange, he was wearing a set of simple black clothes. After more time than I would like, I leave the room and start looking for something to eat in the kitchen, I was hoping I wouldn't have to go out. I still didn't feel ready to face the outside world. Finding instant remen on a shelf I decide to eat that since I've never had it before.

After several minutes the ramen was finally ready. Taking a bite I was disappointed as they tasted like spiced and ready noodles nothing out of this world or something that would give you enlightenment. Even so, I finished them because I was hungry and I remember that my mother told me "go ahead, eat asshole, don't get up from that chair until you finish everything!" and with a sigh I toss the remains into the trash. Now that I was calmer and with a full belly, thoughts about my family began to arrive, I didn't think about them due to the mental chaos and panic I had, but even if I tried not to think about it, it was mentally impossible for me not to have at least one thought about my loved ones—Ouch! I wish I had that mentality of the generic isekai protagonists who forget all their relationships instantly—

I felt mentally very tired, I decided to go to bed so as not to continue having these dark thoughts that I had with a clear mind, such as, will they be okay? will they care about me? Did you notice my disappearance or something like an A.I. replaced me? or even that? Maybe I was erased from the existence of my previous world and no one would remember me, even if I find a way to return, and that is in the event that it was possible to return Ouch! So much stress, I better go to sleep before I have another panic attack.