
Invisible Wall /crossover fanfic/

She is a daughter of evil. Everybody afraid her last name but she grow up in the orphanage and when she turned 11 years old magical letter come to her she was a witch and very powerful one. Sorting hat put her in Gryffindor and she befriended with Weaslay twins one year later famous Harry Potter started his first year she was kind and brave one she protected Harry every year when Voldemort trying to kill him. Now it’s her 7th year but her father tried to catch her, he needed her power and she didn’t want to be his deatheater and kill her friends. She can’t help but run away from Hogwarts and magical world. It was August 5th her birthday from now on she become an adult and can do magic without trace so she went to Forks her uncle Charlie her mother’s friend. She only wanted to hide away from his father ps: it's just a fanfic so this amazing characters don't belong to me ps2: also who knows what i was thinking when i'm writing these.

norika528 · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

chapter 1

Lisa's Pov

I woke up with sweating again only 4 months before Harry went to find Sirius from ministry of magic but it was my father's trap. Deatheaters surrounded us and shouting spells to my friends Order soon come to rescue us but we lost Sirius that day I saw his death and my father used a cruciatus curse on me then I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I only met another unforgivable curse hitting me on my chest after 7 days he offered me to become his follower but I decline it he become furious and shouted killing curse, before it hits me I turn into phoenix and fly away from him I tried to become an animagus and that day I finally turn into one. And now I'm alive and happy that I escaped from him. I'm staying at the burrow today it's my birthday I can finally use my magic. When I headed down everyone shouted 'Happy birthday Lisa' I love this family George and Fred run to me with grin on their face and hugged me tightly. I smiled happily to them and mrs.weasley hugged me like there is no tomorrow, I hugged them all and they gave me a bunch of gifts

"Guys you don't need to do this" I said

"of course we need to do this you are my daughter" Molly hugged me again. I resisted to cry and smiled

"Lisa we will miss you, please be safe" Ginny hugged me she is like a little sister to me

"I will try and you too be safe okay" I whispered and saw a tears building in her eyes. Room went silent I laughed

"Guys it's okay don't be like this, by the way where is Mione?" I asked then door opened my best friend come inside with Harry

"I'm here birthday girl" she hugged me

"Happy birthday" Harry hugged me too that day went like a dream maybe one of my happiest memory. That night I slept with the twins in the couch they were always there when I needed someone. In my third year everybody thought I was the heir of the Slytherin but they believed me and protected me from others. Two years before when my boyfriend dumped me they were comforting me and put a prank on that boy. They looks like a prankster to other people but to me they were always overprotective brothers. I love them and I need them.

Morning they were all crying and hugging me

"Molly please don't cry I will be okay" my mother figure sobbing in my embrace

"Please just be safe Lisa"

"I will be safe don't worry" now I'm started crying.

It was a long emotional farewell.

I apparate to the Forks. It's very risky to travel this long distance but I'm really good at apparate. I try to find uncle Charlie then found him with my name written on paper. I grinned and hugged him, he tensed first but relaxed

"Oh Lisa look at yourself you become a beautiful young lady" I smiled to him of course I'm a part veela.

"oh thank you uncle, how are you?" I asked him

"last three month it's become a difficult, last year my daughter Bella come to me but she met some boy and he leave her and she becomes like a zombie, I actually don't know what to do" he really looks sad. I never get along with Bella when we were a young she acts like a world turns around her, she was always main role of the mary sue novel. I bet she didn't change.

"it's okay uncle I believe she will get better soon don't worry I assured him" he smiled a little during our way we talked and joked around I told him about my favourite twins prank and our school year

He is now looks less stressed. And laughed with me.

"your highness here we are" he joked

"way thank you my sir" I smiled. It was a simple yet comfortable building. I got out and held my trunks he grabbed it from me and shocked it's weight I laughed at his face

"Simple magic can do many things" I walked inside

"Bella" he called his daughter but no one responded "I guess she is with Jacobs"

"okay I will unpack my things and thank you again uncle" I hugged him again

I didn't unpack my things fully, let's say just because I'm running away from my evil father.

My room is simple and I have everything I needed, there were a two desk and I fill one with my potions and potion ingredients. I love potion and I was the only one Gryffindor who get along with dungeon bat. He appreciate my works more than anyone. I went down stair to make some dinner. Molly gave me a food book for witches. I made some beef with my magic then Charlie come inside and amazed. I finished but it was too much to 2 people luckily door opened.

Charlie went to door and grinned

"Hey Bella, Lisa came this morning" I smiled to her, did she just frowned to me

"it's nice to meet you Bella" I said cheerfully

"yeh" was the only answer I get, then I turn to boy standing behind her, he seems cute and tan

"Hey I'm Lisa, Charlie's friends daughter" I stretched my hand to him, he took it and gently shake

"I'm J-jackob Black and welcome to forks" did he just stutter, how cute and Bella looks like a pissed in her pants

"Nice to meet you, are you hungry? Today I made a too much dinner I would be happy if you stay with us" I smiled to him he returned my smile

"yes your right Lisa and let's eat dinner before it gets cold" Charlie boomed

We sit down but Bella just didn't want to eat dinner so she went to her room.

"it's really tasty" he said with full mouth it reminds me of Ron I chuckled and give him a more.

"Let the poor boy swallow first" uncle said and we chuckled

"so where are you from, your accent sounds different" Jacob asked

"I'm from England so maybe it's sounds different, so tell me Jacob where can I find motorbike?" I really wanted to bring my bike with me but it wasn't good idea so I changed my galleons to some muggle money. My mother was the heir of famous pure blood family so i didn't have any problem when it's become money.

"Paul is trying to sell his bike, he bought new car so he don't need bike anymore but I can tell it's quiet new and cool"

"really that's good then when can I meet him?"

"tomorrow I can bring you to La push" I smiled ear to ear.

"Lisa do you want to attend school? I know it will be boring to you" uncle told me

"oh right I wanted to ask you that it would be interesting to study muggle subjects" I grinned

"then I will call to director of school he is my friend" I nodded my head

"thank you uncle" I smiled again

"oh it's already late I need to go bye Lisa, see you tomorrow" Jacob get up from his seat and walk to door

"thank you for staying at dinner" I smiled and hugged him. I saw a tint of pink in his tan skin and I smirked

I hummed some songs while washing dishes, actually I was sitting and dishes washing themselves. Maybe staying here wasn't that bad choice but I miss my friends so much and worry for Harry.

I went to my room and brewed some potions it makes me calm. I lay on my bed and yawned soon my eyes become heavy.

Bella's Pov

I can't believe she came here. Lisa was always the attention whore they were eating dinner and laughing with Jacob. I hate her she was always smart one. We studied one elementary school and she was always top of the class everybody praise her and now she is looking more beautiful than I expected. Everything must be mine.

Jacob's Pov

Wow Lisa was so beautiful, kind and funny. She is very different from Bella more lively. And her food it was heavenly, I really liked her and when I come home I talked about her to my father. I can't wait to meet her tomorrow.

Lisa's Pov

I get up from loud scream I grabbed my wand and went to Bella's room she cried and scream in her dream I sighed and relaxed. I thought it was a death-eater's attack. I went to her and rubbed her back trying to calm down.

"Accio calming draught" I whispered and pour little sip to her throat, soon she calmed down and sleep peacefully. It must be a very bad dream I rubbed her back again and went to my room.

In the morning I changed my clothes and prepared some breakfast. I placed some toast before Bella and Charlie

"Are you okay Bella?" I asked

"it's none of your business" she said coldly. Charlie just started to eat his toast it become really awkward silent soon I heard door knock. I run to it and saw Jacob standing there he hugged me and smiled

"Good morning Lisa"

"Good morning Jake, how are you? Oh where is my manner you can come in" he chuckled

"Thanks I'm good so are you ready?" he raised his eyebrow

"of course wait me one minute I will get ready"

I went to my room and grabbed my Gryffindor scarf, wallet and locked my room with strong charm. I go down and met a really pissed Bella but I ignored her and hugged Charlie

"Bye uncle"

"Bye Lisa be careful" I nodded and went to Jacob's car