
Invincible's: SUPERMAN

what if Kal-el was born in the invincible universe? will follow the comics and will deviate at certain points. there maybe a harem depending on feed back, however for now main ship is Kal and Anissa.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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46 Chs

Space Racer

Along the way to save space racer Allen got a notification from Talescria saying he was needed elsewhere. I wish him good luck as i continue on to reach space racer.

(clark)" I've been flying for a good while and I still haven't reached him, I hope he's not dead by the time I get there." Clark said as he rushed towards space racers location. " Alright I'm getting closer." I pickup my speed and as I arrive on the scene I see running from two viltrumites. " Yo space racer needs some help?"

(lucan)" Who are you?"

(clark)" His back-up who the hell are you two."

(lucan)" I am lucan!"

(Thula)" I am Thula!" and you are in viltrum space."

(clark)" Is that right!? Well lucan Thula I don't give a damn where I am you two have 10 seconds to leave before I beat both of you into a coma!" hopefully they just leave, but knowing how viltrumites are Oh here they come.

lucan and Thula both rush at me and I at them. I collide with both of them grab them both by their throats. " You two didn't think this through very well did you." I said as I slammed their heads together.

(lucan)" what the hell he's strong very strong Thula we have to kill him here or he'll be a big problem for us in the future.

(Thula)" I know lucan!"

(clark)" I'll admit to you guys I got a soft spot for women I don't really enjoy hitting them let alone killing them, doesn't sit right with me so I'll give you both one more chance. leave now and I won't pursue you. stay and fight and I'll kill you both!"

(Thula)" Are you underestimating me because I'm a woman!?"

(clark)" No absolutely not I know better than to underestimate anyone in battle. I just don't wan a mothers life on my hands. Now then will you two take my offer or not?"

(lucan)" Absolutely not"

(clark)" I warned you." I plunge my fist through his chest as he rushes at me. "That's one down now what will you do Thula?" I ask her as I can now see a semblance of fear on her face.

(Thula) This monster he's strong he might even be stronger than lord thragg! "I accept your offer. I will take lucan and leave."

(clark)" a wise decision take him and go, but know this I am going to stop thragg and the viltrumites. If we cross paths again I won't promise to show you the same mercy." I watched as she left with her comrade and said to myself. "That guy was weaker than omniman and less disciplined, The woman however she was strong. I'd say she's stronger than mark that's for sure." Oh well I'll worry about those two later for now. "Hey space racer you alright?"

(s.racer)" who are you!? You just beat two viltrumites by yourself."

(clark)" As I said earlier I'm you're back-up now let's get back to talescria before they decide to come back with more people." and with that racer and I head back to Talescria.