

Ersa, a young man who resides in Pown; the city underground. He is invited to study at the prestigious Rilim academy. Although he doesn't want to, he decided to do it to get money to give to the people who are important in his life. What fate awaits Pown's young inventor?

Omnisentus · Romance
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6 Chs

Chapter one. The academy. Part 1

One day has passed since Alexis's visit. Although he was willing to study in order to get some money for the orphanage, he didn't want to have to involve me with the people at the top. Furthermore, he still had doubts about whether what he told me is true. If not, he would be at the mercy of the vanguard, so he would have to take several precautions before going. But what would these be?

Something metallic fell to the ground, causing a loud crash. When I turned to look, I only found one of the projectiles from the vanguard's weapons, on top of a metal plate that was on the ground. I stared at her for several seconds, until an idea came to me.

I opened the wooden trunk and started searching until I found it. It was an old model of the vanguard rifles, he had found it in the garbage district. He used a different type of ammunition, but he believed he could recreate it if he examined the current ammunition. I stayed still for a while, until lucidity returned to my body. "Where did this bullet come from?"

I thought for a while and remembered something. The clothes he was wearing had been made to have insulation against electricity. I hit my forehead for forgetting such an important detail, I could have avoided jumping off the walls. I sighed and relaxed, at least it had been fun.

I picked up the sphere and took it to my work table. I took it apart and began to analyze each component it had. Its battery was constantly powered by a small chemical battery, which turned on and caused a discharge upon impact. I started rummaging through the trunk and found several of those batteries. I took the measurements of the gun's magazine and started making them. They were very simple, it was just the battery with some wires that made contact with the edges of the bullets and an impact sensor. I ended up loving forty-one bullets; four chargers and one test.

I went outside and loaded a single bullet into the gun. I saw how a latrertux walked along the banks of the river. Without even hesitation, I aimed my gun and fired. As soon as the projectile hit, I could see how the small three-headed reptile was electrocuted. I had done it, I managed to replicate the vanguard's ammunition and I was able to get dinner.

I went for my little prey and took it to the trunk and put it inside a bag in which I had some meat. I prepared one of the magazines and took the rifle. I prepared my bag with all my things and decided to start my journey towards Rilim, the city of the rich.


I was walking through the Fragia district. This was full of factories and power plants. Each with a different function, but using all the same power supply. In some way this reminds me that no matter how different people are, there will always be something we have in common. The sounds of heavy machinery echoed throughout the district, a chaos of sounds. But comforting for me, from a very young age I was in factories and because of that I am what I am.


I learned about electricity at six, how to use tools at eight, welding at eleven, and so on. "My childhood was about working, working, working" they told me when I complained. I shook my head and looked at the ceiling that covered all of Pown. "What will the surface be like?", since I can remember, I was always in Pown and I never saw the outside.

Because of my anxiety, I didn't pay attention while walking and tripped over a pipe. I fell face first into the ground, but it didn't end there. I had hit a table, causing a bucket of water to fall on top of me. Luckily-- the water didn't damage my tools. I got up from the ground and walked towards a pipe that had a gate with an exit to the outside. I stood next to her and when I heard the sound of a door opening, I started counting.

- One two three! —I closed my eyes tightly.

Suddenly, a strong rush of hot wind came out. This helped me dry, although it completely messed up my hair. I looked like a hedgehog, my hairs were my quills. I tried to comb my hair as best as possible and continued walking. If he remembered correctly, at the end of this district was the main entrance to Rilim. It was usually full of guards, but if what Alexis said is true… I should be able to get through, right? He had arrived at the place and sure enough, it was full of soldiers from the vanguard and the mustachioed man. When they saw me, they pointed their weapons at me.

—What are you doing here? Are you going to surrender voluntarily? —Said the mustachioed man as he approached.

— No, I come as a guest of Alexis Teccia. —Everyone was stunned by my statement. The admiral just laughed.

— It's the best joke I ever heard in my life, I'll give you a chance to leave since you made my morning. She—she came up and patted me on the shoulder… "How unpleasant."

I took the letter out of my pocket and gave it to him. He took it and read it carefully, following the reading with his finger so as not to get lost. Once he reached the end of the writing, he read it again, repeating this process about nine more times. His face was one of pure astonishment and annoyance, he let out a loud sigh and gave the order to let me pass.

— Enjoy your stay in Rilim, little leech. —He said through clenched teeth and with a clear glare. I simply showed off with a smile and crossed the entrance, which they were guarding, as slowly as possible.

The admiral stopped me abruptly. He had roughly pulled my shoulder, forcing me to turn around. As I did so, he grabbed my wrist and tried to grab the gun he had on my belt. With my other hand I stopped him and we began to struggle. He ended up taking the rifle from me and pointed his gun at me. While he showed an expression that tried to demonstrate his superiority to me.

I raised my arms and looked at him with contempt. "What is he up to now?" He slowly approached me, glaring at me as he placed his gun on my chin. I sighed and showed an expressionless face. He raised his hand and gave the order for me to be arrested, to which I responded by hitting his hand and disarming him. He was stunned by what he had done, a few seconds later he lunged at me. I moved to the side and dodged him easily. The rest of the vanguard also charged against me, but were interrupted by a scream.

—What do you think they're doing to my guest?! —Alexis came out of the stairs, who was really angry. The admiral said something that I didn't understand and all of his subordinates stood in a line in front of Alexis.

— Mr. Teccia, I'm sorry for this up and down. The vermin was carrying a gun, so we decided to arrest him. —I showed him my rifle, only to see how Alexis snatched it away with a slap of his hand.

—Gustav, this is an old rifle. According to Rilim standards; "Any weapon that is already out of circulation in the vanguard can be carried legally without any consequences." —Gustav tried to refute him, but he interrupted him before he could say anything. —This is because ammunition for said weapon is no longer manufactured, which makes it useless. —I turned my gaze away when I heard what he said.

Alexis handed me the rifle and waved his hand. The vanguard, upon seeing him, withdrew from the place. Gustav looked at me quite angry, I simply stuck out my tongue and made fun of him. He simply frowned and walked away protesting and muttering under his breath. Everyone marched towards the factories, beginning their daily journey. Suddenly, Alexis put her hand on my shoulder and patted me. I turned to look at him and he was just smiling.

- Let's go? -he began walking towards the stairs that led to the surface.