
Warlord 3

When the group made a camp and sat down on the ground to rest, they started to discuss their next steps when the screen appeared in front of Morana once again.

{You've gathered a total of 3 allies, but that's not nearly enough to defeat the demon king. A group of potential allies are fighting demons not too far away, follow the directions to them.}

Then the text disappeared and in its stead appeared the map. It showed directions like GPS and the group decided to follow it.

Their destination was not close but It wasn't far away either. Considering that the first task helped Morana find Emily, Zole thought that this one might lead to others as well.

On their way they met demon attacks more than once, sometimes a couple in a day, and exhaustion was written all over their faces.

"We can't go like this." Said Zoel after cutting the head of the last demon.