
Into the world that I made

Waking up, I was quite surprised to find myself inside my fictional creation. Unfortunately, this place is the hellhole I personally designed. To survive here, I need strength. Well then, I’ll become the strongest and enjoy my new life. The world has changed? Bring it on! Things will be more entertaining from now on. The hero will fail to save the world? Fine, I’ll do it myself. My world, my rule. ================ Reader Disclaimer: - I'm not a native English speaker. If there is anything wrong anywhere, please let me know - Any criticism is highly appreciated - Hope you enjoy~

kernel42 · Fantaisie
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147 Chs

Chapter 11 - Welcome to school (1)

The horrified look painted on Faye's face had helped me snap back to reality. I finally realised the condition I was in: due to the extreme physical stress and dehydration, my skin was now coloured in a vivid crimson hue. I found it disturbing, but I was also curious, considering I simply felt tired and not in pain. While before I simply suspected it, now I was sure I had an aptitude concerning self-healing. The fact I had been able to push myself so far without rest, was proof enough of this. This meant I had probably underestimated my own worth.

Nevertheless, now that the power-induced intoxication had passed, I could barely move. Marnie personally yanked me up and immersed me in the water flowing in an irrigation channel coasting the railway. After I had somewhat regained my natural skin tone, I was once more lifted and positioned on the cart.

<<I had heard from my niece you were quite something, but I didn't imagine you were this absurd>> Marnie spoke while shaking her head.

In the meantime, she had taken my place at the rear of the cart and had started driving it forward. Seeing a skinny woman dressed like for the beach pushing a few hundred kilos along a railway was quite the surreal sight, but what was even stranger was the sustained speed she was keeping. While I had marched, she was basically running, without breaking a sweat.

Pressured by Faye, I ate and drank until I felt completely full. Despite the fact that the meal was rather poor, I gladly ate whatever was being offered. I could feel in real time my strength coming back, thanks to my accelerated metabolism.

Once I regained my clarity, I decided to ask the question that had been on my mind since the start of my endeavour.

<<Could you please explain to me why on Earth we took this damned thing instead of the train Faye was talking about?>>

Marnie lifted her sunglasses to look me into the eyes, while still continuing to push the cart with a single hand. I felt a little bit of jealousy at her display of strength.

<<Johanna contacted me the moment you reached the guard station. That niece of mine, she was incredibly concerned about the young newborn and wanted me to be the one to keep an eye on you. "Aunt, please, you know your colleagues are not suitable for this", she told me. "Sure, I'll see what I can do", I answered. "I just want to see how he is". This should have been just a simple test to roughly gauge your physical skills, just to understand how I should approach you. I intended for you to stop at the first lunch break, three days ago. It's you who wanted to continue>>

After that, I felt quite the dunce. Anyway, the explanation had clarified most of my doubts, but a new one had arisen.

<<Wait, Johanna is your niece? But she is clearly an adult woman. That must mean you…>>

Before I could finish speaking, the cart jolted, making me almost hit my head against the protruding metallic side.

<<Don't you know it's rude to talk about a lady's age~?>>

I immediately closed my mouth. Although Marnie's lips were smiling, her eyes were threatening. Even Faye looked at me reproachfully. I felt wronged, but didn't dare continue on.

<<How long before we arrive?>> I changed the subject.

<<Not much, although we would have gotten to our destination far earlier if you had let me take your place the other day. Just be patient for two hours. And don't talk. You need to rest>>

Marnie once again silenced me. I followed the instructions. My concentration turned to my surroundings for the first time in the last few days and I finally noticed the mountain range had gotten significantly closer. At its base, it was now possible to catch a glimpse of an urban agglomerate, while on its sides the presence of a ropeway system was noticeable.

After some time, we finally reached our destination. We got out of the cart and walked towards the cluster of buildings. They seemed to be made out of concrete, with tiled roofs and painted in various bright colours. The spectacle of pinks, yellows and oranges blended strangely well with the greys and greens of the mountains and the fields, and the lively comings and goings of the residents gave life to the surrounding environment.

A small market where the farmers exchanged their products could be seen a little further away, while workshops and stores rested on the sides of the main road. The passing people sent various looks towards our direction, most of them aimed at Marnie and accompanied by a smile.

<<I see you are quite popular around here aunty>> Faye addressed her.

<<Yeah my dear, I've performed many odd jobs here and there, helping where I could>> replied Marnie with a kind tone.

While I had been busy being a human motor, the two seemed to have gotten closer. I focused once again on my surroundings. The amount of people going on about their day deeply surprised me. The world I knew of should have been basically uninhabited, but my expectations continued to be overturned. There was the possibility the Gamma Perimeter was an exception, but knowing life could still flourish out here made me glad. What else surprised me was the total absence of proper archumans.

Walking through the buildings, we finally reached the base of the mountain. A big plaza surrounded by little shops opened in front of us. Further ahead, an even bigger space opened up. A big park showed itself, with various lightweight coloured houses sticking out here and there, connected by a web of cobbled streets. Numerous boys and girls, all wearing the same attire, white shirts and black pants, could be seen lying down on the grass, enjoying the sun, having a picnic or playing ball sports.

In the centre of it all, a large building of at least five floors extended itself through the park, embedding itself into the mountainside. The clean white walls contrasted with the surrounding rocks, while large windows allowed sunlight to enter.

We crossed the plaza and cut straight through the grass, completely disregarding the stone paths. Exactly the way it had happened in the city, many people turned to look in our direction, but this time many curious eyes were following me instead of Marnie. It was quite annoying, but I bore with it.

When we finally reached the entrance of the building, Marnie opened her mouth.

<<Welcome to the academy, guys. Let's have fun together~>>

The first hurdle of my new life had finally presented itself.