
Into the world that I made

Waking up, I was quite surprised to find myself inside my fictional creation. Unfortunately, this place is the hellhole I personally designed. To survive here, I need strength. Well then, I’ll become the strongest and enjoy my new life. The world has changed? Bring it on! Things will be more entertaining from now on. The hero will fail to save the world? Fine, I’ll do it myself. My world, my rule. ================ Reader Disclaimer: - I'm not a native English speaker. If there is anything wrong anywhere, please let me know - Any criticism is highly appreciated - Hope you enjoy~

kernel42 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
147 Chs


Nervousness swept over the allied forces army. The time had arrived. Movements were heard coming from the opposing front over the last few days, hordes of monsters amassing just beyond the horizon. Great spell formation had been prepared, and magical barriers had been cast around the castle. If it fell, so would the generals and tacticians, and hope would be lost.

Hundreds of thousands of all shapes and sizes had amassed around the fort's walls. A camp as extensive as several Perimeters hosting many times the population of my world had risen. The time the enemy gave was brief, but the people of this world were always ready for the final confrontation.

There was no strategy or tactic involved in this final battle. Just two endless fronts ready to gnaw at each other. The land would be painted red, a sea of blood would be shed, and no life would rise on that land for ages, no matter who would win. Only destruction would follow.

And I was ready to do my part, according to the deal signed with the hero. The world's fate was irrelevant, I just had to focus on my duty and cleave the enemies until no more stood in the way between the hero's party and the demon king. It didn't matter if either side fell. The true battle would end only with the death of one of the two.

I was in the open field before the castle, gazing at the horizon with my eyes. The enemy was sly, standing just beyond the curvature of the planet. I tried jumping high into the air but saw only a great wall of darkness hiding everything from sight. I informed the ones in charge and then returned to my own devices.

I returned to the camp and found Chloe in the middle of her personal force. She had grown remarkably in the last few days. I had called it training, but I didn't do much personally. I had her spar with locals and exposed to various mana sources. Archs were characterized by remarkable adaptability, so she just needed to let her body experience the structure of this world.

Her resistance to magic was now at the level that the locals considered her impervious to it, and her strength had surpassed that of elité warriors once her muscles had understood conservation of energy and momentum were suggestions rather than rules in this land. Her ability to heal herself had blossomed, and she now recovered at a pace comparable to mine, if not even faster, enabling her to use her full strength without reservation. Indeed, the greatest difference between juveniles and elders was in recovery and resilience rather than muscular capability. Body toughness usually severely limited strength exertion, but her newfound ability offset such limitation.

Despite her dislike for fighting, she stood out as one of the most talented resources in the entire army. Moreover, the discovery of her saintess-like capabilities had gathered attention and respect. Her range was much smaller than that of the saintess, who could cast spells on entire armies, but she could fuel a few with her energy and make them extremely resilient. Therefore, the elité undying force had been hastily created to support her in battle. Although I didn't love the idea of having her in the frontlines, I acquiesced to it as not only was it her will, but it was actually safer than having her in the backlines and further away from my location.

We exchanged a brief look and a smile. She was tense but had a fire in her eyes I had yet to see. She was resolute and ready to do what she believed was right. I was only looking forward to the end of this undesired detour.

I continued on through the camp, finding no impediment as I walked. Everyone feigned ignorance in my presence but moved out of the way as soon as I approached. Word had spread about how I had reacted to Chloe's sparring partners showing her disrespect.

I entered the fort, reaching the central hall where the army chiefs resided. It was more crowded than I remembered, with tens of guards armed to the teeth. I saw mainly humans, elves and beastmen, with the occasional humanoid of the fae-kind. Many gazes focused on me at once, and the sound of unsheathed weapons reached my ears. My eyes widened, and my jaw contracted into a snarl in response. A few jolted back while others looked at me with hostility.

"What is this racket?" a booming authoritative voice resounded in the hall.

The wall of guards parted, and the voice's origin came into view. It was an elderly man with a vigorous body and a regal bearing. He donned well-crafted armour with sophisticated patterns which underlined the nobility of the one who wore it. His deep blue eyes brimmed with confidence and resolution.

"It's… the new companion I was talking about, Your Majesty," the hero standing by his side spoke respectfully.

"Is he the one to suppress the Queen of Rouge?" a second figure spoke.

It was a tall elderly elf, his eyes full of the wisdom of untold centuries. The simple but well-embroidered arboreal tunic he wore perfectly suited his slim body. He exuded vigour as mana danced around him, and the weight of his wisdom could almost be felt.

Both of their gazes reflected wariness while looking at me. Not for what they had heard but for what I was. They felt my aura as much as I felt theirs and naturally responded to what they witnessed.

"He told us so, and from what I have seen, I'm inclined to believe him," the hero answered, his tone of genuine respect and not only due to concern of decorum.

"What an amusing sight," the human looked me up and down while patting his short beard.

From his demeanour, he was waiting for something. It took a few instants for me to decipher his intentions. As soon as I understood what he asked me to do, my blood cooled down, and my pupils diminished in size until they became two points. Like it was an illusion, the calm demeanour of the human king disappeared, and cold sweat trickled down from his brow. His eyes quivered, and his heart began to pump so loud it almost disturbed my ears.

"John," the sharp voice of the hero broke me from my trance.

Although his tone was firm, even he appeared taken aback by my show of emotions. Thinking back, I realized it was the first time I felt such pure disgust towards an individual. My pride couldn't tolerate a thing like that asking me to kneel to him.

"What is the plan?" I was the one to change the subject.

"... Should we discuss it with him?" the elf king asked, wary of me due to my sudden show of loathing.

"We definitely should. The hero has personally vouched for his abilities. We should make use… I mean, make the most of such a valuable asset," the beastman general voice drew my attention, immediately correcting himself after my piercing eyes focused on him.

The general walked towards the table in the centre of the room. He took a map in his hand and came to show it to me. I raised my hand as soon as he was about to open his mouth.

"I correct myself. I don't need to know the specifics of the operation. What do you need me to do?" this time, I gazed at the hero. He was the one I signed the deal with, so he would be the only one whose opinion I would value. The others were ininfluential.

"Once the demons attack, our party will first target the four… three heavenly kings and battle until the special forces have time to engage them. After that, I will find the demon king and put an end to this once and for all," he spewed out with his eyes closed and his hands so tightened blood began to trickle.

"Should I make sure you reach the demon king fresh?" I saw through his intentions.

The plan's purpose wasn't to defeat the three heavenly kings but to keep them occupied so they couldn't target the hero. I could see clearly the energy contained in the holy blade had grown unrestful. Its enemy was near, and the hero had to be ready for the battle.

"... Yes," the hero confirmed through gritted teeth.

"Then, what should I do?" I asked.

The hero looked into my eyes. There was a certain discomfort but also an inkling of respect. He recognized my usefulness, even if my personality and actions highly displeased him.

"I don't think I need to give you instructions, John," he stared at me fixedly.

A small smile blossomed on my lips. This was the best answer I could hope for. Complete freedom to act as I deemed necessary. It was the most effective choice. My respect for the hero grew slightly.

I left the room and returned to the frontline. My mind went to what I learned from the hero's companions these past few days, particularly to information on the heavenly kings. Besides the vampire king, whose abilities I had already experienced, the other remarkable individuals in the demon king's entourage were the Walking Breaking and the Herald of Mourning, respectively, the first and second heavenly kings.

The former was described as a really tall humanoid with four arms and an absurd level of physical strength second to none, not even his liege. She was the one responsible for the death that happened at the hero's party. The latter was a walking skeleton, a lich to be precise, an extremely powerful arcanist only the archmage could rival. Although, in theory, less dangerous than others to fight directly, it was still an extremely tricky opponent. Its true danger manifested in large-scale battles, where a master of death like it could make full use of its necromancy.

Personally, I thought the most annoying one for me would prove to be the vampire king. I was already used to physically strong opponents, and I doubted corpse magic could highly hinder me. Skeletons and zombies were irrelevant when you could run through them. Instead, with his ability to fly, extremely versatile blood magic and highly resilient body, the vampire would most likely keep me occupied the longest.

Suddenly, a shift occurred. The air became colder, and the sunlight grew dimmer. I raised my eyes to the sky and saw a thin blanket of pure darkness cover the sky. The veil covered the sun, and only a suffuse dusk light shone through. It appeared I had underestimated the lich.

The ground shook, and cries sounded all around. Shouts of panic, orders to get into position, unanswered prayers to return home safely. From beyond the horizon, the enemy had begun to move. I jumped once again to observe the situation. All kinds of monsters and foul mimicries of humans emerged from the sphere of darkness that had previously impeded my sight. They covered the land like a dense carpet, the ground barely visible through their closed ranks. They outnumbered the allied forces ten to one thanks to the immense amount of undead that accompanied them. Many would die this day and become part of the demon king's army.

I turned to my side. A few companions of the hero's party reached me, but I didn't look at them. I quickly found Chloe's location and saved it in my memory. She stared in front of her with a stiff but resolute expression. Her warm energy swirled around her and wrapped around her allies, imbuing them with unnatural regeneration.

I finally turned my attention to the archmage. Her eyes were closed, and myriad arcane symbols swirled around her as strings of mana detached from her and attacked the blanket of darkness covering the sky. Her mana was the colour of the morning and began to create holes in the dark cover. Nevertheless, they closed up more rapidly than she could open them. She opened up her eyes and showed a clear emotion for the first time. It was puzzlement.

"What?" I inquired, intrigued by her sudden change in expression.

"I feel the power of the Herald mixed within the veil. He is sacrificing his own self to cast Old Magic," she immediately explained.

While the other party members were surprised at her sudden talkativeness, I mused over her words. If a lich, a being who abhorred death so over anything else, was willing to give up himself for victory, it meant this was truly the end. Either the side of light or the side of darkness would fall today. There wouldn't be another battle.

It was strange. From what I had heard, the war shouldn't have progressed this rapidly. The demon king's army had continued advancing ever so slowly. A long war of attrition should have benefited the demon's side, as every death was a new soldier. Nevertheless, overnight, the forces of darkness chose to put everything at stake.

A suffused light rose from the ground as the clerics and paladins of the allied forces fell on their knees in prayer. Their voices mixed together with one another, but only one resounded. It could be heard everywhere, and it seemed the land itself was spelling the words. The origin of the pleasant song was a dome of light further in the rear, where the saintess stood, her eyes closed and her guardian dwarf by her side.

A powerful pillar of light emerged from her figure and cut through the veil of darkness. Sun expanded, and a light shone over the entire army, a faint glow covering all their bodies. The black shroud receded, and the sun slowly shone again over the land. The radiance reached up to the frontline of the enemies before stopping, unable to dispel the darkness anymore.

I stood still for a moment in genuine awe of the extent of the saintess' powers. Even if empowered by the entire holy force of this land, in an instant, she had returned the light to the world and empowered millions of individuals with her prayer. The effects of her spell were even greater on the members of the hero's party, who shone brightly for only a moment before the pure energy became one with them. I looked at the beastman for reference. His strength had risen sharply to such a level he could face the strong ones of this world.

The only one who didn't unite with the light was the hero. It had simply awoken his dormant power. He kept it hidden, but I could almost hear the screams of his holy sword. If he only let himself loose, I knew for certain he could surpass my strength. Nevertheless, he had to preserve his energy for the demon king, and most importantly, he was bound by our contract. The ties of the Veil were still latched onto him.

I turned around. While standing still, I stretched every muscle fibre in my body and ensured every bone was in the correct position, slightly relocating those that weren't. I needed to be in tip-top shape. Even a fraction of a percentage increase in power transmission through the kinetic chain was worth having.

The warhorns cried out, an unpleasant cacophony filling the air. Monsters and demons screeched, and many ears bled. Orders flew around, and great spell formation appeared in the air. Spheres of fire, spears of ice, and storm clouds appeared in the sky. Mana density rose unprecedentedly, and I felt it on my skin as if it were material.

"NOW!" a single order resounded across the army, the voice magically amplified.

And the war began. Streaks of fire and ice and thunderbolts broke the ground, and debris scattered all around as the great plane became littered with holes. Murky magical shields were raised on the other side, but hundreds of monsters fell victim to the first artillery attack.

The frontline cried out its resolution in a number of languages and ran at their enemy, the light of the sun following them as they approached the darkness-covered enemy. I turned to the hero. The radiant holy sword had been unsheathed, and its light resembled a star. He looked at his allies. He exchanged a single glance with the archmage, and she immediately distanced herself.

The earth rumbled as constructs of bones and stones emerged in the middle of the front and rear lines, reaping tens of lives. The elven archmage floated high in the sky and began to cast shields everywhere to protect her allies from the terrifying magic prowess of the enemy. Mana lines sprouted from her body and connected her to the mages and sorcerers of the allied forces. In an instant, her eyes shone like fire. Hundreds of arcane symbols surrounded her and called forth a meteor shower on her enemies. While the saintess empowered and healed the soldiers, protected from the enemy artillery by her dwarven protector's magic, the archmage was in charge of tactical defence and attack.

Our task, instead, was to ensure the hero could reach the demon king undisturbed. As I contemplated how to act, the beastman fighter standing beside me began to morph. His body quickly grew in size, and his appearance became much more leonine. He got on all fours, and the hero and archer got on his back.

"Enjoy the war," the beastman chuckled at me before quickly disappearing into the fray.

I stared one last time to my side. Chloe was in the middle of the enemy forces, her fanatic followers cleaving enemies before any could reach her. Her heels made quick work of the unfortunate monster who managed to slip by.

I finally relaxed myself and let my instincts take me over. All kinds of impulses ran wild through my mind as the side of me that desired only entertainment became dominant. I kicked the ground and appeared in the middle of the enemy lines. My only purpose was to break everything I could find and attract as much attention as possible. This way, the elités of the allied forces would be able to focus on supporting the hero instead of bothering with other tasks.

Even if my eyes were unimpeded by the veil of darkness, I barely looked at what was before me. I swung my limbs wildly, hitting stones and bodies without focus. Strange cries of monsters reached my ears, but they were cut shortly after attracting my body's attention. I relished in my own self as I propelled myself across the enemy lines. The resistance slowly grew in time, with different kinds of dark magic raining down on me, but my supple skin repelled any offence. It hadn't been more than a few minutes, but the area around me was already noticeably quieter.

I stopped momentarily to look for a more enjoyable catch when a big meat projectile suddenly emerged from behind the enemies and hit me squarely. I managed to raise an arm to intercept the offender. A shockwave ran through my entire body as I was catapulted across the battlefield. I looked up and saw a big green punch break my nose and bury my entire self deep in the ground.

Fascinated by the sudden contestant, I swung my arms and returned to the surface, only to be welcomed by a crimson lance which drilled into my exposed belly and pushed me deeper into the enemy lines. The spear of blood pierced through my skin and prickled my abdominal muscles. I grabbed onto it with both hands, broke it and freed myself from its push. My skin quickly recovered, but the sudden sequence of attacks forced me to shut down the automatic mode.

Disgruntled, I reluctantly paid attention to the two disturbances. The blood magic had already given him away, so I wasn't surprised at seeing the ferocious, ugly mug of the vampire king. He had his usual pale complexion, and two crimson wings sprouted from his back and kept him airborne.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the atrocious individual who broke one of my avatars. Who would have thought we would meet each other again?" the vampire king addressed me, mockingly covering his mouth as if surprised.

"Focus on task," the second individual grumbled.

"Do not fret, friend. There is no one as focused as I," the vampire chuckled, sitting with crossed legs on his companion's shoulder.

I stared at the new arrival. I first noticed that she was tall, around 6 metres. She had four arms, two in the regular position for a humanoid and two others a little lower and a little shorter. Her two thick legs were firmly planted into the ground, reminding me of a pair of tree trunks. She wore barely anything, just wolf fur covering her lower body and another one covering her chest area. Her skin had a curious shade, between a dark grey and a brick colour, and gave the idea of a suit of armour. She held no weapons, but her squirming muscles seemed to cry out there was no need for one. Her eyes held only ferocity, with minimal hints of intelligence. I deduced I was in front of the first of the four heavenly kings, the one known as the Walking Breaking. Her savage appearance highly reminded me of some depictions of trolls.

They weren't the only ones to appear. Several tens of higher vampires and brawny humanoids were scattered in a circle around me, enclosing the area I was in. Judging from what I could see, they were of significantly higher level with respect to most of the enemy troops. Nevertheless, they did not intend to move, simply guarding this location against outside interference.

I stared into the distance. Although slightly slowed down, the hero and his companions steadily marched towards the vault of darkness soaring from the horizon, where the demon king was thought to be. My brain went over all the data I had collected quickly, and I came to a conclusion, one which was quite obvious. Nevertheless, I couldn't deny my rising curiosity.

"Am I the true target of this campaign?" the words flowed out by themselves.

The vampire snickered. The troll furrowed her brow.

"Less talk. More hit," she snarled.

"I couldn't have said it better, friend," the vampire giggled in response.

The earth under my feet rumbled, and a crimson cocoon enclosed my body in a fraction of a second. I swung my arms to the side and dispersed the blood entrapping me. Two hands appeared in my field of vision. One grabbed my head while the other hit me in my lower stomach. I was swung into the sky.

Under the control of gravity, I fell down once again and was intercepted by a kick, which sent me through a number of reddened walls. After several tens were broken, I finally came to a stop. The enraged visage of the troll appeared in front of me, and her three hands buried me in the ground. She jumped back, taking her distance from me. I grabbed the surrounding rock and returned to the surface.

"You. Strong," the troll talked with her limited vocabulary.

"I told you taking the initiative was unwise, friend. As you can see, the fiend is… treacherous," the vampire finally turned serious.

I spat out the mouthful of my opponent's flesh and let the fingers I had plucked out with my hands fall to the ground. While I had been on the receiving end of my opponents' barrage, I had focused on a single one of the troll's arms, making one of her hands just a little more than a stump. She appeared angered but also thrilled. I could see her broken flesh slightly squirming, trying to heal from the wound.

"No mana," the troll observed correctly.

Mana couldn't influence the wounds I inflicted. I was a mature archuman, and my will superseded what didn't comply with the natural laws of my world. Nevertheless, her natural biology was still in effect, but it would take a long time for her fingers to return.

"Now, now, friend, let's follow the original strategy. You must make sure he doesn't touch me while I whittle at his life," the vampire spoke.

He stood up and extended his crimson wings before soaring into the sky. His eyes glowed a deep crimson hue, and a bloody mist which dyed the atmosphere red rose from the ground.

"Yes," the troll nodded at the cowardly vampire.

The next moment, hundreds of blood spears formed from the mist and rained down on me. I protected my eyes with one of my hands and threw myself at the flying vampire. Two gigantic hands wrapped around my lower body and thrust me against the ground while the third one pummeled my face. I blocked it with my right, my fingers digging into its resilient skin, but the troll retracted it before I could tear off any flesh.

I kicked my legs and stood up. The troll's strength and speed were comparable to my own. Reaching the vampire before dealing with her would be difficult, so I immediately changed my battle strategy.

In a second, I appeared in front of the troll. Her eyes showed surprise at my unexpected speed but still followed my movements. I swung my fist at its lower leg, and it intercepted it with its broken hand. The arm absorbed the impact, but the bones fractured.

She headbutted me, and I parried with my skull. Nothing broke, but a momentaneous concussion slowed down her reaction times. I plunged my fingers into her unprotected chest, aiming for her heart. A bloody geyser erupted from under me, and thousands of small knives covered my epidermis in thousands of paper cuts.

The flow raised me over my opponent and made me miss the killing blow. I kicked my legs as if I were swimming and exited the geyser just in time for a blood spear to hit me in the back and break against my spine. A punch welcomed me, causing me to end up in the middle of the enemy's fray.

Several individuals fell to my body, which traversed them like a projectile. I turned myself in midair and landed on my feet. Another volley of blood spears came at me. I avoided a few and broke others before kicking the ground and reaching the troll. Bloody tentacles emerged from under me and wrapped around my leg, slowing down my momentum and giving time to the enemy to counterattack.

A crimson scythe wielded by the troll aimed at my lower abdomen. I grabbed it with my left hand. The razor-sharp blade cut through my skin and scraped against my bones. I squeezed it in my hand, causing it to nebulize in the air. The troll attacked me relentlessly, this time with blood spears. I blocked two of them with my hands, but a third found its way to my scapula. I aimed at its knee with a kick, but a new set of red tentacles gave her the time to jump away and distance herself from me.

Even if the troll's intelligence was on the lower side, its battle instincts, physical prowess and decision-making were top-notch. Coupled with the extremely insidious abilities of the vampire and my non-perfect condition, they were a tough opponent. Nevertheless, they couldn't win.

"You can't hurt me," I declared, made unscathed by my regeneration.

"We'll see," the vampire hissed between gritted teeth.

"Good! Fight!" the troll laughed.

And so the battle continued. The troublesome opponents continued to take advantage of their nigh-perfect teamwork and versatile abilities. The troll chipped at my body with her great strength and blood weapons while the vampire disrupted my movements and equilibrium with his powers. His use of mana wasn't as extensive as I had already seen him do, but extremely focused and, for this reason, much more effective.

In the meantime, the war was at a stalemate. Tactical magic rained all around us. Torrents of fire and gigantic rock structures ravaged both sides, hundreds of corpses littering the land in a matter of hours. Nevertheless, the momentum of the conflict showed no sign of dying down. While the frontlines continued to butcher each other, the backlines kept the stream of supplies and reinforcements going. Enormous teleportation arrays transported troops from all over the continent to the battlefield, continuously replenishing the opposing armies. Every single speck of iron, every last drop of blood would be spent in this battle, which would be remembered for ages to come.

And in the middle of it all, there I stood, highly inconvenienced but barely hurt by my opponents. The troll was instead on her last leg, literally, as I was currently munching on the one I had torn off. It stayed balanced on its remaining lower limb, using the two still usable arms to move around. It lacked one of her eyes, and her jaw was dislocated.

The vampire was unharmed, but his gaze was full of hate. Although he had supported the troll with his powerful blood magic, he had kept his distance all this time while his ally fought me directly. The amount of hits they inflicted on me and the amount of blood they made me spill wasn't comparable. Due to the tricky field I had been fighting on, just a few of my attacks had been successful, but each one counted. Theirs didn't. After a little over ten hours of confrontation, the result was their imminent defeat.

I usually found a good fight fun, but this one just irked me. For over ten hours, I had been pushed and pulled all around the battlefield due to the continuous interference of the vampire. Once I laid his friend to rest, he would follow.

I began to walk towards the troll. Her expression was tired but serene. She was an honest being who found solace in fighting strong opponents and who was ready to gracefully accept its end. I had no intention of dragging this more than necessary. I needed to regroup with the hero, slay the demon king, devour his essence and strengthen my body.

"You strong. I respect," the troll spoke in her broken voice.

"You were the best one I met so far," I spoke truthfully.

In its strictest sense, I didn't feel respect, but the troll was the only Otherland being who didn't cause me displeasure. She wasn't blessed with particular intelligence, nor was her strength ultimately something I would remember, but her straightforwardness and honesty made her much more commendable than the always disrespectful hero in my eyes. Maybe I should have taken their side.

"I fight to end!" she shouted, the vampire's magic giving her bloody prosthetics.

"Yes, fight to the end," I lauded her effort.

She ran at me with all its might, her crimson limb developing sharp claws. I let them raze my side and swung my arm in response. My hand sank through her skin and pierced through her heart, my entire limb disappearing inside her body. With one last gasp, she stopped moving, and her essence dispersed.

I furrowed my brow due to the strange sequence of events, but I had no time to ponder over it when a crimson spear suddenly appeared and embedded itself in my stomach. The violent assault caused the deceased body of the troll to explode, and the wrathful vampire appeared in front of me, its pale hands pushing the spear deeper into my body. He was trembling, and his wings were falling apart. He had barely any mana left. This was its last attack.

"You… wretched abomination…" the usually talkative vampire had lost his lustre at the death of the one he called friend.

"My friend was… unbreakable. Yet you…"

"It was simply unlucky. It met the wrong opponent," I replied candidly.

The troll's body was indeed resilient, but mana would have made her a force to be reckoned with. Against me, she was almost like a juvenile.

"... 'It'? You call her an 'it'..." the vampire mumbled with widened eyes.

"Let's end this," my gaze sharpened.

Remindful of how he had bit me, I chose to repay him in tandem. I turned my head horizontally, forcefully unhinged my jaw and closed it on his neck like a guillotine. Most of it disappeared with a single bite, and a slight push of my hand completely severed his head from his body. The former rolled around on the ground, stopping after a few meters, while the latter collapsed to the ground like a ragdoll.

I stooped down to recover his heart and absorb his essence but stopped as soon as I noticed it dispersing in the wind. I frowned once again, confused and vexed, unsuccessfully trying to look where it ended up. A fading chuckle drew my attention, and I turned my irked gaze towards the head of the vampire.

"What?" I spoke curtly, unable to contain my rising temper.

"It's over," the vampire giggled.

"Explain," I took the head in my hands and held it before my eyes.

"His Majesty was right, as he always is. You are the true danger," the head didn't stop smiling.

"Why are you targeting me instead of the hero?"

"He is just part of a cycle. But you herald the end"

A horrible sense of foreboding assailed me. I perked my ears. An inaudible, ominous chant pulsed through the air and void. I gazed at the ground and finally noticed the spilt blood wasn't draining naturally through the ground. An imperceptible force was ever so slowly pulling and pushing it along barely unnatural paths.

"What are you doing?" I spoke with apprehension in my voice, my humanity overriding the bounds of my body. The vampire's head gave me a last mocking smile before dispersing in the wind as ash.

A shiver ran through my spine. Something really wrong was about to happen. My brain worked at full throttle as I scanned the battlefield, searching for the strongest mana sources. I immediately discarded the archmage and ran at full speed towards the second one. I cleaved through an army of undead and found a congregation of robbed skeletons conducting what could only be seen as a ritual. Each one of them weaved enormous amounts of mana. They were the ones weaving the great magic circles raining down destruction upon the forces of light. Yet, they focused on the richly adorned figure floating between them and over a great sphere of crystal mana. The lich was unmoving, fixed in mid-air, chanting soundless verse that didn't belong to this world or others.

I immediately obliterated its existence and broke the crystalline ball, causing all other skeletons to fall apart unmoving. Nevertheless, nothing changed. The ominous chant was progressing by himself. The crystal sphere was void; everything inside it had been long consumed.

A mighty earthquake shook the land, and many lost their footing. An oppressive force pressed down on everyone. Even my knees almost gave way. Mighty cries of pain and fear rose from both sides as the weak were reaped. Blood and essence were drained from them and collected in the depths. The strong fled from the centre of the battlefield with their life intact, although strongly ailed by the forced bloodletting. A single drop of ichor fell from my left eye and was drunk by the soil.

And then, there was silence. An eerie, unnatural silence. Not due to no sound being emitted but due to sound itself being erased. And then, there was mayhem. The land split in half. A hill rose from the earth's bowels like a child birthed from a womb. Debris the size of houses rained all over the battlefield, crushing whoever they fell upon. Mighty shields were raised, but the twisted flow of mana made them brittle. Shouts and cries were muffled by the shockwave caused by the ascent of land.

Then, the hill moved again. It grew higher and higher until it stood more than fifty men tall. It stretched its hands and covered the sun. It stretched its feet and turned over the land. It opened its eyes and cut through the essence of the world.

The hill breathed for the first time after aeons, and the spark of life ignited. Their naked body was covered in the spilt blood of the deceased. It seeped through their skin and gave their ashen skin a rosier tone. They laid their eyes on the terrified beings around them. A playful smile rose on their mouth. Their grin caused everyone to shudder in fear.

They took a step. Reality quivered. It was barely capable of containing its greatness. Hurricanes ravaged the land. Their hand approached the ground, and innumerable combatants were squashed under its unbearable weight. They swung their legs slowly but cut through the land quickly. No one could escape their attention.

I couldn't do anything but watch in awe. The great being was unlike anyone I had ever met. Although their body was tall and mighty, their essence set them apart. Reality itself shivered around their skin, unable to fully contain their grandeur. Only the one my enemies called Mother surpassed it.

I swiftly broke off of my stupor. My eyes quivered. After ravaging the side of darkness, the giant had set their sight upon the allied forces' backlines. The combined efforts of everyone had raised a mighty shield. The saintess blessed the protectors, her guardian gave shape to the last shelter, and the archmage weaved it stronger. And Chloe fueled them with her powers. And the giant's eyes were set on her.

They took a single step, and the distance halved. They took another step, but a disturbance made them take it back and turn their attention away. I was the disturbance, in particular, my hand piercing its neck. Their skin wasn't invulnerable but highly resilient and much too thick for my attack to inflict actual damage. They swung their hand quickly and tried to swat me like a fly. I moved out of the way and to the other side of the neck, once again plunging my arm through its flesh.

They continued to try to squash me, not even deigning me of a single gaze. I continued to move around, desperately trying to gather their attention. I finally managed when I appeared before its eye and sank my fingers through its cornea.

It shouted in pain and finally took several steps back. The land was ravaged once again, and many were stepped on, but it was inconsequential. My purpose was to distance them from my people, and that was the only thing that mattered.

This time, they moved much quicker than before and swept me away. My bones creaked under the immense pressure of their palms, and my body cut through the air and embedded itself in the parted land. The sun, whose rays had begun to filter across the disappearing mantle of darkness, was once again blocked by the gargantuan body of the giant. They towered over me like I was a puny thing.

They raised their foot and prepared to step over me. Flames enveloped it as it descended on me like a meteor. I briskly kicked the ground and distanced myself before I was reduced to smithereens. The scalding shockwave hit my body and sent me flying once again. I pressed all my limbs into the broken earth to forcefully break my momentum.

The giant stopped moving and stared at me. Their expression communicated great annoyance. My brow quivered at the sight of their already cured eye. It didn't simply heal. The action I undertook had been erased. Reality was thinner around the giant.

They stared at me. They gave me a look of contemplation. They opened their mouth. The world trembled under the weight of their tongue. My eardrum burst, and my eyes opened wide.

[Do you understand?] the giant's language impressed itself in my mind.

It was an elder tongue whose words I didn't know but whose meaning was apparent. It was simple and complex, with higher concepts in lower sounds. It was ethereal and concrete, as if it didn't belong to this world but also came before it.

"I do," I shouted at the giant. If I could gain time by conversing with them, I would do so. They weren't an opponent I could defeat.

Their pupils grew wider, and amusement covered their face. They fell to their knees and neared their gargantuan visage to mine, staring at me with a single eye.

[What an amusing little fellow. To decipher the old words, what are you?] the giant inquired, clear curiosity in their voice.

"I am an archuman"

[An archuman, you say? Oh, I remember. Your kind ravaged these lands and disturbed my rest. But still, that makes no sense, little one. Those who are void cannot receive the elder worlds. Are you, perchance, a vessel of my fragmented kin? You do have a familiar scent]

I stood still, unsure of how to respond. The giant seemed to know and understand a lot. They recognized the name of my people and appeared to have recognized the true nature of the Legions. I already understood he was a higher being, but the extent I still couldn't grasp.

The giant tilted their head, their great eye nearing me. Their pupil grew and shrank several times as they observed me intently. A low rumble shook the land. The giant broke into a roaring laughter and repeatedly hit the land with their hand parting it, unable to contain their gleefulness.

The ground under my feet disappeared, and I fell over their palm. The giant stood up and brought me to their eye level. Their wide grin sent shivers running down my spine.

[Oh! Oh! Oh! You are here! You are here! Free from the grasp of the false idol, you walk the earth once again, brother! Oh, joy!] the giant jolliness parted the sky.

They launched me towards the sky and caught me a few times, like a parent playing with their small son. Puzzlement invaded my mind at the sudden display of friendliness.

[Umh? Oh, you don't understand] the giant noticed my estrangement.

They bent their knees and gently placed me on the ground.

[Well, it doesn't matter. It was still delightful meeting you. Now, go] the giant turned around, setting their sight on the barrier once again.

[Brother, what are you doing?] they appeared perplexed.

I had gotten in between them and the barrier, my arm raised to signal them to stop.

"Leave them alone," I asked of them.

Nevertheless, I knew they wouldn't listen to me. The giant appeared friendly towards me, but I knew it was just a spur of the moment. I didn't know why, but they considered me a relative. But that didn't mean anything to the giant. I could feel it. They saw the world through eyes even more broken than mine.

[Brother, soon I will fall asleep once again. Do you negate me my enjoyment?] the giant frowned, squatting me like a fly.

The ground collapsed, and I sank deep under the push of their palm. They stepped over me, causing me to sink even deeper into the earth. I immediately kicked myself to the surface, just in time to see the giant bring his hand near to the barrier.

The gargantuan shield of light wavered at the mere touch of the great being. Their skin sizzled slightly, and they withdrew their hand, murmuring their annoyance. I focused my gaze and saw many magicians and priests falling unconscious at the mere graze of the giant. Most of the mana contained within the barrier had already dissipated. Only the holy power of the saintess and Chloe's energy provided a modicum of protection.

The giant squatted down and started to scratch the barrier. They giggled while their fingers sizzled, and the barrier dissipated quicker and quicker.

[The essence of the false idol and… what is it? It is my brother's scent…] the giant spoke to themselves.

Before they could find an answer to their doubts, they uttered a cry of pain and took several steps back as I broke their eye. While they were enraptured by the cruel game they were playing, I ran over the barrier and jumped at them. I kicked myself away and landed once again on top of the barrier. Even if it appeared transparent, it was extremely solid. While I would have had great difficulty trying to pry it open, the giant appeared to be taking their sweet time.

"Leave. Please," I spoke earnestly to the giant.

In response, they pressed down on me with their left index fingers while observing me with indifference. I raised my hand and stiffened my body, refusing to collapse. The barrier under my feet cracked.

"Focus!" I shouted at my allies.

The barrier had to be strengthened where I stood while the giant focused entirely on me. I met the saintess' gaze. She seemed to understand it too, as when she began a new prayer, the barrier became more transparent, except for the small portion around me, which became much thicker and brighter. Its colour changed, departing more and more from a strong gold and turning towards a more orange hue. My gaze, this time, met Chloe's. She was shouting something at me, but I couldn't hear. The pressure of the giant was increasing, and my bones were beginning to yield. They started to crack, but I still held on.

The giant clicked their tongue.

[Brother, I told you to go. Why didn't you listen? Just go] they spoke with a sigh.

My mind inflamed with rage, and I exerted even more strength. Cracks appeared under the barrier as I pushed away the finger. But it only lasted for a moment, and the pressure soon increased again. One of the ligaments in my knee snapped, but I still held on.

[How silly] the giant chuckled.

They picked me up, grabbing me with their index and thumb. The two gargantuan fingers squashed my entire body. I tried to push back, but the giant's strength was too much, and their skin had grown too hard to be pierced with my hands. Every effort on my part was rendered vain by the difference in status between the two of us.

The pressure was becoming unbearable. Ribs broke and punctured my lungs, and my joints twisted. The giant was simply too strong for me to defeat. Even if I were at my strongest, I wouldn't be their opponent. It wasn't just a matter of strength or power. It was a matter of authority. Lower beings couldn't stand up to higher ones.

The pressure suddenly disappeared. The giant's grip still held me firmly in place, but he wasn't squashing me anymore.

[I'll give you a choice. Let yourself be squashed, or go and watch me squash the unborn] the giant showed a tainted smile.

"F**k you," I answered without hesitation.

[Very well] the giant resumed as before.

They exerted even more force, and blood shot out from my pores. I was being wrung like a sponge. Nevertheless, I still held on desperately to the spark of life within me, even if my body was falling apart. I couldn't die. I had to return home.

I had a duty to protect my people. I had the will to protect my people. I had the strength to protect my people. But I lacked the means to exert it. I lacked the knowledge to channel it. Even if I had witnessed those who were beyond the world they inhabited, I still wasn't ready to reach them. I was so near, but the last piece of the puzzle was lacking.

Suddenly, a golden aura began to flow in me. I widened my eyes in surprise and prepared for the worst. But instead, strength returned to me. The alien energy seeped into my bloodstream and spread throughout my body. It mixed with my ichor and nourished my broken self. I began to push back against the giant and distanced their fingers enough to open a fissure through which I could see. There, I saw the saintess spread on the ground with a pale complexion. Many people were by her side. The great shield of light completely dissipated, and its power flowed to me.

I smiled. I hadn't expected such a development. The saintess had given up her blessing and bestowed it upon me. The amount of power flowing to me was unbelievable. Every single cell in my body thirstily devoured it. As it had not been forcefully taken but instead willingly given, Her power completely became my own. I felt my body beginning to change, and then there was darkness.

I felt myself. All three of them. The one who only moved for its own enjoyment, the one who only moved for revenge and the one who only moved for duty. Each different from the other, divided and yet one, a single shared will. And now they were one. My soul was intact, and the vessel was ready. I made it for this very purpose, even if I didn't know it then.

I opened my eyes. I gazed at the giant. They stared at me. Their expression changed. I wished to free myself from their grasp, and my vessel exerted my will. My arms shot to my side with unbound strength, tearing the fingers from the giant's hand. I chose to near the giant's chest, and my legs kicked the air. The giant had to be distanced, and my hands pushed them away.

The giant took several steps back, even their gargantuan body unable to stop my newfound strength. They looked at me, astonished at what I had become.

[You rose] the giant spoke.

[I did] I replied.

It was difficult to put down in words. No tongue I knew could correctly capture the metamorphosis I had undergone. Everything had changed. My body had become a simple vessel. My muscles, bones and ichor were now just a conduit to translate my will into motion. A way for the strength contained in my soul to reach the material world. An instrument which followed my authority. The vessel was still imperfect, but its true nature had been revealed. This was what it meant to be a Legion.

An undesirable weight was weighing down on me. Now that my vessel could sustain my strength, I could throw it away. I tugged, and the chains of the Veil went loose. They wouldn't be able to interfere anymore.

I kicked the ground and reached the giant's eye level. I kicked the air and reached their face. They raised their hands to protect themselves, but the shockwave of my attack travelled through. The giant groaned in pain and swept me away. I landed near their foot and grabbed their heel. I smacked it, and their foot turned. The giant fell to the ground with a growl. They stared at me and smiled.

[It was fun] they spoke as I proceeded to hit their face.

Tongues of fire dyed the sky while the land broke apart, while I made the giant unrecognizable. Only a lump of meat remained after I completed my work. Nevertheless, the giant still lived. They fell into a deep sleep once I forcefully ejected all the blood and life the ritual of the forces of darkness had bestowed upon him. Aeons would pass before they would wake up again, and by then, the earth would have already devoured him.

I stared at the people who remained. Of the millions of soldiers who had fought this great war, only a handful remained. I took a few steps and appeared in front of my allies. The dwarf showed an empty, unfocused expression, while the archmage didn't dare to look me in the eyes. The one who used to be the saintess was unconscious, her energy completely drained.

I turned to Chloe. Warm tears flowed from her eyes, awe and adoration the only emotion she transmitted to me. Her knees were trembling. She lost strength, and I supported her. I lightly tapped the ground and brought out a rock to have her seat. I softly put her head against mine and gently brushed her belly. There was no need for words, as my intent and care were clearly exchanged.

I turned once again and set my eyes beyond the horizon, where the last opponent hid himself. Although free from the shackles of the Veil, I was still bound to the word I had given. It was time to put an end to this story.

I walked past the broken land and beyond the wrecked giant. I walked through the destroyed ruins of a previously wide castle, of which only dark rubles remained. The impaled Karnak entered my eyes, its life fleeting but still present. Thalorin was unconscious after having suffered great blood loss but was still breathing.

Further away, the gold-wrapped hero was confronting a mighty dragon, puny compared to the giant. The hero unleashed powerful slashes of light, ravaging everything in their path, while the dragon breathed a fire hotter than a star.

I continued walking, and the battle froze the moment I set foot between them. The hero stared at me with widened eyes. Mana enveloped the dragon, and he turned into a horned human covered by a dark robe and mantle. I didn't pay much attention to his attire and focused on his demeanour. He refused to look into my eyes and fell to his knees.

"Have mercy," the demon king trembled.

[Why did you unleash such a being on your world?] I addressed the demon king regarding his decision to awaken the great being.

"You monsters decimated everyone. The giants, the fairies… the dragons," the demon king answered meekly, hate and fear in his voice.

[Was it worth it?]

"The Old One would have fallen asleep once satisfied. But your kind has endless bloodlust. You hunt every breathing living being to extinction for fun or for materials. The bonesmith made ships of my brethren just because he could. His horrors are still branded in my blood"

[You asked me for mercy, yet you insult me]

"... I apologize. Just take me and leave. Please," the demon king offered me his neck.

I turned to the hero with an unperturbed gaze.

[Lucius. You may choose his destiny]

The hero stared at me. He tried to grasp what I had become but failed to do so. The power contained within the holy sword had reduced significantly, and with it, his status. My gaze pressured him to make a decision. As he was about to speak, a new figure appeared.

"Please, spare my father," the archmage prostrated before me.

"Elara?" the hero exclaimed with widened eyes at her sudden shift in behaviour.

"Please, he is defeated. There is no need for any more carnage," the archmage continued her plead.

"Elara, what are you doing? You told me the only way was to defeat him," the hero squatted down to her level. He tried to help her up, but she refused his touch.

"Don't you see Lucius? He is defeated. He is broken," she held the hero's gaze, tears in her eyes.

"He is still dangerous"

"Dangerous? The demons are no more. My father just destroyed his own mana circuit. It's over"

The hero's gaze focused on the demon king. Cracks had appeared on his horns, and pieces started falling off. In terms of power, only a middle-aged man remained. The war had ended, and light was the victor. Many resources were spent due to the last battle, and innumerable fell at the hands of the great giant. The damage suffered was severe, and decades would pass before the world would recover. But it had ended.

[How do you wish to proceed, hero?] I stared at the hero.

The hero stared back at me. He finally opened his mouth and pronounced his judgment.

A large crowd welcomed the entrance of the hero's party in the royal capital of the greatest human kingdom. People of all ages and races from all around the continent had collected there to celebrate the return of the world's saviours. Cries and tears of joy flowed in abundance, filling the entire city with a festive atmosphere.

The hero guided his party astride a white steed. The saintess sat behind him while his companion rode behind. A carriage followed suit. It hosted a handful of people, so keeping hidden from the crowd's sight was better.

The archmage peeked outside with a vacant stare. She rode with Chloe and me, who was currently resting against my shoulder. And in the middle of the carriage sat her father, the once-was-demon king, bound by heavy chains. He hadn't uttered a word since his surrender, since the hero had decided to leave the king to decide his fate.

The hero had asked me to accompany them until the hand before giving up the holy sword. I ultimately accepted under Chloe's request. She hoped my presence would help the archmage plead her father's case. The once-was-demon king had gone so far as to render himself completely powerless to show his complete surrender, so she wished a fair trial would be conducted. Moreover, Chloe wanted me to be there to ensure the archmage wouldn't take inappropriate action.

We finally reached the royal palace. The hero made way while I personally escorted the demon king. The guards looked terrified. Even if now powerless, he was still the greatest symbol of fear the world had ever known.

We made our way across the long hallway and finally reached the throne. It was in the middle of a richly adorned hall, with spiralling columns erecting towards a large white dome. Great stained glass windows let the sunlight through, and murals depicting the continent's history covered the walls. There were several depictions of the past heroes fighting against great calamities, a couple of them portraying the current demon king as the enemy to defeat. It appeared he had lived for a long time and suffered many defeats but to have returned from each of them. Now, he would never re-appear. The cycle was broken.

The human king sat on his throne, surrounded by his noble court. The elf king and the beastman general were nowhere in sight. Although allies, humans were the most numerous and influential. The decision regarding the fate of the demon king had been taken jointly at the battlefront, but recognised formality imposed that the human king would be the one to express it.

"The hero and his companions return victorious!" the royal speaker's voice was heard.

A mighty applause exploded from the noble court. The hero kneeled, and his companions followed suit. Only Chloe, the archmage and I remained standing. No one dared to make any remark about it. The king had prohibited them. He was there when I fought the mighty giant.

"Today, the demon king stands before us, powerless and defeated. The king will judge him for his sin. Let him come forward so that he may receive his just punishment," the royal speaker's voice resounded again.

Cries filled with hate and poison flew against him as I dragged his body into the middle of the hall. I left him kneeling before the flight of steps that brought him to the human king's throne. This one raised his hand, and his court fell silent. He held his sword, a beautiful blade adorned with gold and gems. He descended the steps that separated him from the demon king and stood before him. The human king avoided my inquiring gaze as I awaited his judgment.

In a single swift motion, the human king beheaded the demon king. Black blood stained the pristine floor as his head rolled around. The archmage didn't utter a word. Only a soft weeping was heard from her. The human king turned around and returned to his throne. Once he was sat, he opened his mouth.

"Light is the victor!" he declared.

His court cried out in jubilation.

"Thanks be to the Goddess!" their praises annoyed my ears.

I continued to stare at the king. I was waiting for his order. He shivered under my gaze and straightened himself up. He raised his hand, and silence fell once again. He cleared his throat and made his last declaration.

"Today, we honour John Doe, the hero from another land who escorted the hero in his great mission. As thanks for everything he did for the continent, I hereby bestow the holy world upon him," the human king showed a wry smile.

Something prickled my back. I turned around and saw the gold-wrapped hero pushing his holy blade against my skin. His sorrowed look gave way to astonishment as he could not pierce my heart.

"What…" the dazed hero spoke.

[I thought you wiser] my soft voice broke the windows and cracked the murals.

Since the moment he had asked me to accompany him to the royal capital, I knew he intended to betray me. His king judged me too dangerous to be left alive and staked everything on the last spark of the holy sword. Nevertheless, I believed the hero to be intelligent enough to disobey his king, but it appeared it was not the case.

"Hero!" the king shouted.

The hero moved once again, slashing at my chest. Golden light surged from him as he consumed the last energies contained within the holy sword. I grasped the blade with my open hand and broke it in half. He widened his eyes and distanced himself from me, waiting for an attack that never came. He watched me dazed as I stood still.

[We had a deal, hero] I spoke with a soft smile.

"I received orders," the resolute hero gripped his broken sword against me.

"Who the f**k is dumb enough to break a contract with one of us? He must have s**t for brain," a new voice entered the fray.

The hero snapped around, but his neck snapped back. He fell to the ground dead before he could understand what was going on.

"Who are you?!" the hero's companions raised their weapons, ready to confront the intruder.

"I'm sorry young ones, but appropriate punishment must be dealt," their bodies flew at the sudden appearance of the calm but firm voice.

The noble court fell in disarray at the sudden appearance of the intruders. They appeared humans, but the power they held within themselves was anything but. A woman and an elder, the former with annoyance painted on her face and the second with a gentle demeanour. Two people I were familiar with. They locked eyes with me. We smiled at each other.

"F**k. Should I call you sir now?" my foul-mouthed friend grinned widely.

"It's been some time," the good-natured elder who first guided me on the other side greeted me.

[There is work to do] I welcomed their appearance.

"Of course there is! This f*****s dared to break a contract! How f*****g stupid, must you be?" my vulgar friend shook her head.

"A little restraint in front of our maker," the old man reproached her.

I ignored their quarrel and turned around. I set my sight on the king. He wasn't looking at me but was staring at the dark hole that had opened in the middle of the hall. Mana raged widely around the great opening, which could only be described as a tear in reality. This resulted from breaking a pact signed under the authority of the Veil. It was its unravelling. Now, archumans could freely flow into this land. The old customs of the first travellers required archs to enter such worlds and ravage them as an example for all the others. There weren't many, but each world held individuals who could peer through the Veil and see the consequences of not honouring an agreement with the archs.

The king's head flew as a new individual appeared behind the throne. He proceeded to massacre the royal court and then set his sight on me. His eyes widened, and he kneeled to me. A few others appeared, and they did the same. Twelve mature archumans had just appeared in these lands. More than enough to destroy everything. They patiently waited for my command.

As I was about to open my mouth, the archmage tugged my shirt. I raised my hand to stop my friend from ripping her apart.


"Have mercy on us," the archmage pleaded. She didn't speak on behalf of her people. She spoke on behalf of her world.

I stared at her intensely. I looked away for a moment and locked my gaze with Chloe's. She had been approached by the elder, who was tenderly shielding her from the sight of others. I read the thoughts hidden in her eyes. A plan popped up inside my mind.

[What can you offer me?] I asked with an indifferent smile.

"Everything," she declared meekly.

[And everything I'll take] I helped her up.

I grabbed her chin with two fingers and turned her eyes towards mine, but she still avoided my gaze. I lightly pressed my thumb against my index. A single drop of ichor flowed out, and I pressed it against the archmage's forehead. The act was mostly symbolic, but even symbols held power when performed by someone like me.

[This world is now mine, and its people are my followers. Cull those who resist and support those who yield. Listen well: this one's name is Elara, and I choose her as my own]

At my declaration, the archs left the royal palace and travelled to the four cardinal directions. I left Elara behind in the care of my foul-mouthed friend, who would be her guardian until this world was pacified. I approached the elder and addressed him.

[Bring her back. There is much I have to do] I commanded him.

"What do you mean, Mr Doe? Are you leaving me behind?" Chloe addressed me with a frown. Her gaze held awe towards me, but as we stood, she had the right to treat me comfortably.

"Don't be gloomy, little one. He has much to do to put an end to Her tyranny. He will surely return soon," the elder addressed her as a grandfather would his granddaughter.

She seemed unconvinced but finally relented. As I was about to exit the royal palace, the elder gave me a last piece of advice.

"Be quick, John Doe. War rages, and your loved one grows tired. She awaits your return," he spoke.

I didn't answer and kept going straight. I held his words deep inside my heart, but there was something I had to do. As I walked, the world around me began to distort, and reality began to unravel as I stepped into the hidden domain. A beautiful woman with flowing golden hair and eyes that shone like jewels sat in the middle of a wide expanse of pure white. A candid dress covered her voluptuous shapes.

[You return, my groom] she welcomed me with a smile.

Unmoved by her appearance, I approached and towered over her. My eyes cut through her very being, and I recognized her for what she was.

[I came for you, fragment of the Goddess] I addressed the portion of Her being She had left behind to watch over one of the many worlds She reigned over.

[Have you come to accept me?] she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me on top of her.

I laid a hand on her bosom. She smiled at me. Her expression stiffened, and she soon closed her eyes. A pool of ichor spread from under her as I stood up, her heart in hand. I closed my fist and squashed it, deleting Her vessel in this world. The one the archs known as Mother was an entity which got Her power from the worship of Her children. To compensate for the indifference of the archs, she had made many other worlds to gather devotion. And I would take them all from her.

I stepped to the left and into the void, towards frontiers unknown.