
Into The Unknown Omniverse

Luke, A young man hunting a Cult Organization called Mortifer for planning to destroy the Earth died saving the world and getting his own revenge. After Saving the Earth which Luke Called Earth~chan was Reincarnated by The Creator for saving one of his creations and giving him a chance for Reincarnation and other gifts…. Which Luke gladly accepted because of his love for Adventure and for starting a new life in the new world. Unknown to Luke, The Creator is planning something for him….. The image is taken from Deviantart. Original artist: Digitalninja Current World: NarutoWorld(AU+) Note: AU+ means edited worlds, and having a high difficulty

Mizv · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 11: Daily Life 03; Friends

After eating and leaving behind Kakashi-Nii, Ayame-Neesan and Guy-Sensei we continued our Group Date. We visited different landmarks inside the village. Our first destination is the Dango shop and we bought some Dango to eat down the road, then we went to see the Hokage Rock when we arrived at the destination. Ino asked me if I want to be a Hokage in the near future.

"So Nero, Do you want to become the Hokage just like the others?" Ino asked.

"Well Ino to be honest, I think becoming the Hokage is a Curse. I mean look almost all the past Hokages died due to fighting enemies down the road.

The First Hokage died because of an unknown enemy, and The Second Hokage died because he sacrificed himself to become the decoy and fought the Gold and Silver Brothers. while The Third Hokage, well Granduncle is still the Hokage but he's already old, and who knows what may happen during this time period. then The Fourth Hokage fought and sacrificed himself against the Kyuubi.

So yeah for me I think being a Hokage is cursed itself. Don't get me wrong. Becoming the Hokage is the greatest achievement that we Shinobis of Konohagakure can achieve. Some people from our generation dreamt about becoming the Hokage, but for me, it is not. My dream is to become the strongest shinobi of all, then maybe travel the world when I become the strongest. How about you the three of you, do you also want to become the Hokage someday?"

"Well you see Nero, I can't picture myself as a Hokage in the future. I know my capabilities, and i think I cant become a Hokage with my capability. I also don't think that i can handle the responsibility and pressure of becoming a Hokage. I mean there is a lot of things to handle, from protecting the village and the villagers, from handling paper works and whatnot, entertaining foreign guest and preparing missions for the shinobis within the village. I can't handle those things so i think i will pass on becoming the Hokage and I just want to become strong so that can't hinder you on your future endeavors." Ino said.

"Same with me Nero, Y-you know that I'm a shy person a-and I don't think I can handle the responsibility of being a Hokage. All I want is to improve myself, prove to myself that I can become a strong Kunoichi and improve my character. I want to change my personality and I also want to accompany you on your future plans if ever you want to travel the world." Hinata said.

"Hmmmm! You guys are pathetic! Maybe in the future I will become the first female Hokage, then when I become the first female Hokage I will marry Nii-san *giggling* and when the time that i become the Hokage who knows maybe I will also become much stronger than the two of you. So starting today, I declare that Ino-oneesan and Onee-chan that both of you are my rival!" Hanabi declared.

"Hmmm. Well whatever the future my bring let's just do our best and let's work hard to achieve our dreams and goals. But don't worry Hanabi-chan when you became the Hokage I will marry you, but of course along with your Ino-Oneesan and Hinata-Oneechan. And its fine to have rivalry with them but keep it moderate and please get along with each other." I said.

So after that, we left the Hokage Rock and started again our group date. After minutes of walking we arrived at the playground where there's a lot of kids around at our age playing, Some of them are our friends. We saw Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto lazing around and watching the sky. I went to them and greeted them.

"Sup guys, how are you?" I asked.

"Ohh Nero, you're with the girls. Well I'm fine, it's just that i'm feeling bored. I was lazing around the house Awhile ago but Mom scolded me and ordered me to go outside and play with others. Sigh, women. What a drag." Shikamaru said.

"Hmmm. Nero I'm also fine. Do you want some chips? Its a new flavor that i got. Well i was just dragged here by Shikamaru to play." Choji asked me if I want some of his chips.

"Well thank you Choji but I'kinda full right now. We just finished eating awhile ago." I said.

"Well alright then." Choji said.

"Hmmm. I'm also fine Nero. I was thinking of what to eat later, i was thinking of eating Miso ramen but my allowance was not enough. Sigh. Why did mom limit my allowance? I cant eat at Ichiraku Ramen later. Sigh. Well i think i will just stick to instant ramen later." Naruto said.

While me and the boys are talking. The girls went to the bench where there is a pink haired girl sitting.

<Ino POV>

When we arrived at the playground we saw some of our classmates playing and lazing around, we also saw our friends Shikamaru, Choji, Naruto. Nero went to them to greet them. While Nero and the boys are talking, I saw Sakura sitting on the bench alone crying. so I went to her, along with Hinata and Hanabi. When we arrived at her front I poked her head and asked her what's up.

"Oh hey sakura what's up? Why are you alone here sitting on the bench? Why don't you joined the other girls there? And why are you crying? I asked.

"Y-yes. Ohh hey Ino, Hinata and? Well i just don't want to mingle with them a-and also they bullied me a while ago because of my big forehead. even though i already covered it with my bangs they call me out because of it. some mean people started to bully me." Sakura said while crying.

"O-oh thats mean. I was also bullied before because of my eyes. This is my sister Hanabi, Hanabi this is Sakura our classmate within the Academy." Hinata said introducing her sister.

"Hmmm, nice to meet you sakura-oneesan. I'm Hanabi." Hanabi introduce herself.

"Well its also nice to meet you Hanabi-chan. I'm sakura just like your Onee-chan said I'm also one of their classmates in the Academy." Sakura said with tears on her face.

"Well that's bad. I think you just need to embraced it, Also i think you don't need to listen to what others say about your forehead. And then let it affect you. You just need to be confident on yourself. I mean lot of us have different imperfection on our body, we just need to embraced it and not let it affect who we are. So how about this, how about you let me change your look." I asked her.

"Thank you Ino, are sure? " Sakura said.

"Yep. Here let me just change it for you" I said.

I gave her one of the red hair turban that we bought awhile ago. I then put it on her head and change her look.

(Image here)

"There you go. Good as new. " i said.

"T-thanks" Sakura said

"So what are you guys doing here? Are you with Nero?" Sakura said.

"Well to answer your question Sakura. We are having a group date with Nero today. So yeah after walking around the village we decided to go here in the playground." I said.

"Y-you guys are h-having a group date?! *blused* I mean. Is it fine? I know that the two of you like Nero, but is it fine to the two of you liking the same person?" Sakura asked the two.

"Well it is three, Hanabi-chan also like Nero. Well it is fine. Both Hinata and I already talked about it before and we agreed to accept our feelings to Nero and share with it. also my parents and Hinata and Hanabi parents are also fine with it. Our parents are already planning to engaged us to each other, were just waiting for the right time to finalize it. I think after we graduated at the Academy it will become official." I said.

"Ohh that's great. Congratulations to that" Sakura said while feeling down.

"Ohh what happend? Why do you feel down all of a sudden? Don't tell me that you also like Nero? " i said.

"OHHH NO thats not it. Its just t-that. I think i have a little c-crush on him. I mean we barely knew each other and we barely talk within the academy. Its just the he have the perfect silver hair, a perfect round eyes and a beautiful face, and his confidence also attracted me. While its true the i have a crush on him I also felt envious to you guys because the three of you are close to others within the class. I mean all of you are acquainted to each other. While for me I barely knew the others and I don't think i have a friend within the class." Sakura said feeling down.

"Well we knew them because of our family. Almost all of them are friends with our parents and clans. While most of us are acquainted because of it." I said.

"Hmmm" sakura just nod to it.

"So how about starting today we became friends? Like the four of us become friends." I suggested.

"I-its fine with me." Hinata said.

"Hmmm. A new rival arrived. Well its also fine with me. I can be your friend but i will treat you as one of my rival to Nero-niisan." Hanabi said.

"Is it alright with you guys? I mean its just a crush you don't need to treat me as a rival. We also barely knew each other so i don't think its necessary to be alarmed with it." Sakura said.

"Hahaha its fine Sakura, well all of us came from that stage. Who knows maybe if you are given a time to know and talk to Nero more you might really fall in love to him. So its fine" I said.

"T-thats right" Hinata said.

"Well okay I guess." Sakura said.

"So starting to today all of us are Sisters" I said.

"Hmmmm" all of them agreed to what I said.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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