
Into the Shadow Realm

Creed2020_ · Autres
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Sent Back

As Akela disappeared into the hallway Fang thought what did she mean, what if I can get her to train me. He turned around being forced to defend himself against an incoming sword, he threw both of his hands up into an x with his gauntlets. * chang * echoes down the quiet halls,

" Who are you?" He asked suddenly the response was to straight forward " I'm Uri shadow master assassin and your sloppy on your defense! You must be ready at all times to fend off anyone or anything that threatens you!" Fang took back by the way this guy was talking to him he was he blurted " Creed is the master assassin, you are a fake!" Uri looked at him and replied sharply " I told you I am the shadow master assassin listen young fool!" Fang felt a massive surge of anger rising when Uri said young fool so he threw his hands up and walked off "stupid no good piece of junk, old ass fart calling me a young fool he's the fool" he mumbled as he turned the corner into a mess hall-like room. " I didn't think shadows ate!" He said Fox walked up beside him and replied" yeah I know! But the difference is between us and you!" "What?" He said, " the difference between us is --- nothing, we are actual people that are known as shadows the real shadows are the ancestors that you saw with Creed." He nodded and walked into the mess hall, everyone stopped, the room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. " Enough gawking at the temporary guest! Eat." A voice from behind Fang yelled, he turned to see Uri walking in. " Are you seriously that rude or do you not have any feelings of how others may feel?" He asked Uri as he walked by " childish fool!" Yet once again he felt the anger boiling up inside Uri turned " go ahead and do something! Here in the middle of the mess hall, you have to learn to control your emotions and channel them! That's what makes you a good assassin! If you don't want my help then leave!" Fang put his head down realizing that all Uri was trying to do was teach him how to be a better assassin. " Okay okay fine I'll try to pay more attention!" trying to figure out how he's going to get the determination, the drive. " now listen to me fang! First off we are going to take this!" Uri says as he grabs the fang with a quick movement, "Hey!" as fang jerks back almost falling backward and losing his balance, trickles of blood begin to fall from fangs mouth, " AKELA!" Uri yells Akela comes running into the mess hall " what do you want?" she says as she turns around " oh! it's you!" she says with sigh grabbing a small bag with medical supplies " now hold still!" as she grabs fang and takes some gauze and dabs his left side of his mouth. He grimaces in pain "ow! will you be careful please!" Akela smirks with a grin " don't tell me you're a wimp assassin!" " haha! no, I can take the pain." he replied. Uri looks at them and told them to hurry, Akela finished up " I was done anyway, Uri! By the way have you told him about you know what, for you know who." Fang looked at Akela then Uri confused " the what, what, and what? hello is one of you going to tell me what the hell you're talking about?" Fang demanded, Uri looked at him and replied " your fang that was allowing you to communicate is no longer a part of you, instead this blade that you have is allowing you to understand more things of the assassin world. This ancestor's blade that Creed gave you is the key for you!" He looked at Uri " wait I was told that this blade was made from someone for me!" he said, Uri nodded his head " who do you think made it? how do you think the blade came to be so fast ? how do you explain the newfound ability to see the shadow realm? And last but not least why do you think that you came here instead of dying ?" Fang was astounded and confused at the same time " wait! that was you! you did that and all this?" Uri nodded in agreement. " well I suppose I'm grateful, so thank you!" he finished saying after he said that it caught Uri off guard. " well I wasn't expecting that, sounds like you may actually make it out of here!" as he picks up a chalice with his right hand and hands it to Fang, he grabs the drinks and takes a sip " what is this?" he asked Uri replied " its a mixture that Akela made with four different types of wine mixed." he takes another sip of the mixture, has a hint of ruby red wine, grape, a hint of cherry and herbs and an unknown brand that he's never heard of " this is so good!" he told Akela, she nodded and walked out of the room. As fang and Uri talk about creed and the rest of the group, Midnight shows up out of nowhere " Fang! you're here! oh, thank the moon. I don't know what happened. All I know is that------- wait that piece of-" Akela walks back in " I felt another wolf force show----!" as she bumps into Midnight " excuse me I'm talking here!" she snapped. as soon as she did that about 50 plus wolves came out from the shadows murmuring "it's her! it's her!" Akela looked at Midnight and instantly fell to her knee as did the rest of the wolves in the room " Midnight Blackblood! you grace us with your presence!" Midnight looking confused "uh what is going on?" Akela rose and looked at her " you are the midnight warrior correct! you are the only dire that has achieved the ultimate title know by the ancestors, you're recognized as a queen here!" Midnight still confused about how that title came to be " what are you doing here?" Akela asked her. Midnight as if trying to remember" the only thing I remember is that I got knocked out, and-----" she began looking around frantically "OH MY GOD CREED! I have to get out of here! I have to get back to him!" she said Akela responded " what's going on up there?" midnight looked at her " he was training recruits to be assassins and more of the king's men showed up! Started another fight and plus they are adapting to how they attack. They don't want Creed or the rest of us around." Before you two go, we r going to give you both a gift. Uri walked over to a counter grabbed two red chalices and handed them to the "drink up!" as the took a drink they became sleepy. They fell asleep to the thunderous roar " ALL HAIL THE BROTHERHOOD!"