
Into the Shadow Realm

Creed2020_ · Autres
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Something Different

After the war with the king's army, Fang lays there, the poison of the silver arrows affecting his body slowly. In and out of unconsciousness, he begins to wonder if he had made the right choice of running into the battle. Maybe I should have stayed behind the rock he thought. He could hear faint voices yelling his name, his sight fades to gray and he's in a different world. " What is this place?" He asked aloud. A voice from a corner with one candle lit beside replies " welcome Fang, we have been expecting you. Could have been under better circumstances, but alas here you are!" " What is this place? Who are you?" He asked again the unknown figure answers " your spirit is in the shadow realm! Your body was infected with liquid silver which is going through your body as we speak. Which is killing you." Fang has a look of fear on his face when the figure spoke again" Fang fret not brother! We will not allow you to die we are going to give you the antidote that will disperse the poison from you! We will also train you to become a shadow assassin like us." Fang looks up " wait! That was you guys with Creed when he unleashed his power on the army and chief commander?" " Yes, that was us and some of the ancestors!" The figure replied he then stepped out of the corner. This figure was about 7 feet tall broad-shouldered with a long black and smoke gray cloak outlined with a tribal imprint and eagle wings on the bill of the hood. " Come Fang follow me!" He waved as he walked by him. As they walked away from the corner with the candle, they came to a hallway lined with 7 torches down the wall each with a 2-foot space. " Fang you are still a young pup however.." he turned around with a snap grabbing his fang and ripped it off his neck then continued " you will no longer require the fang to communicate or have or special abilities. Instead, we will give you the means of a shadow and move with a purpose!" He began thinking about what he was saying "what is your name anyway?" He asked abruptly. The figure stopped turned around and replied " they call me shadow fox!" Fang shrugged " ok whatever!" " Do not get snappy with me young one!" Shadow fox replied. They began walking through the hallway, into a large two-story hall. Fang looks around and sees that this room even with two floors has 300 rooms on each floor, along with torches lining the walls. Torches by the doorways about 150 or so torches had red or blue some white. " What are the different colored torches for?" He asked shadow fox replied " the red is for lethal assassins, blue is for minor assassins, and white is for assassin's in training! Now its time for your training. Depending on how fast you learn young one will determine if you get the antidote and sent back!" He looked at him " wait! you're sending me back?" Shadow Fox nodded " yes after we train you and turn you into one of us. Plus you will have grown more mature!" They turn down another hallway this one was short leading into a round training chamber, as they entered the chamber Fang noticed the swords, knives, spears and dark corners spread out around it. " Now you train young one!" Said shadow.  He tossed Fang a sword as he hollered "Now block" as he brought a sword down ~ clang~ as the swords collided. " Good and again!" He brings the sword around from the side Fang spun and moved the sword towards his back ~ clang~ he throws a punch spins the sword to where the blade is against his forearm and puts it against shadow Foxes neck. " Nice one, I was not expecting that!" He put his sword up and grabbed an ax " put your sword up and catch this!" He told Fang, he walked over and put the sword on the rack just as he turned an ax was hurtling towards his head. He fell to the ground as the ax spun over his head " what the hell fox! Are you trying to kill me?"Fang snapped " No Fang! I'm preparing you for when we do send you back out, you can be ready." Shadow Fox replied " wait! Your not training me to be better then Creed are you?" He shook his head " no! I don't think anyone can ever be as good as him. No one knows the power he has running through his veins except us!" He shrugged " yeah ok -- so what are we doing now?" Fang asked. " I noticed you have an ancestors blade! Do you know what that blade does? " Fang looked at his blade and replied, "gives me more power!" (Smack) shadow fox slaps his head " yes and no, Fang not only does it give you power it also protects you from being blindsided, but it also gives you a sense of your surroundings when you are unaware! Come on we go to eat!" As they walk out the door and down the hallway they pass another figure of the shadow realm, this was tall and had a dark gray tail and he barely noticed the eyes they were red and black. " Who was that?" He asked Fox replied" that was Akela a shadow fire wolf, she just lost her twin sister Keela to a shadow hunter! They use different things to kill us shadows" ---- there was a long pause then continued" poor thing did not have a chance, they were out scouting around for an unknown cry for help! When they found the source Keela was butchered right in front of her sister." Fang put his head down and mumbled " damn! That's rough having to lose your sister like that!" He nodded and he finished by asking " Is she going to go find the people responsible and make them pay?" Fox shook his head " that is not what we are here to do, we are here because we all need to learn the aspect of letting things go for good reason!" He shrugged and walked after Akela. Akela turned around just to see Fang jogging up to her. ~sighs~ "what do you want! I have nothing to say to you!" Fang stopped and stepped back a minute " I just wanted to say I am sincerely sorry for what happened to you and your sister --" "it's okay you can say it I'm having to learn to let go! You know you can't let others define you! If you do they will be doing it for the rest of your life! Now if you'd excuse me I have to be somewhere!" She said and walked off into a dark hallway.