
Walking Into Hell

There is a time in everyone's life that they want to give up, and just kill themselves, well this is my time. My name is John Anders one of the age of 26, nothing special about me, I had just came out of the gym from a work out though I don't know any type of martial arts.

Keeping my body fit is something I do; I can probably fight pretty decently since fighting dirty is the best way to survive in an actual fight. Some may say it's best to call the police? But what good would they do in this small town, just a small fine and they'll let the guy or guys go free. As I was thinking I came across my own mother she seems thoughtful for some odd reason and sad.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Oh… John… I just had a fight with Bob again…" mother

"…" sighing and walking off but not before I said, "You'll need to get away from him eventually… or you'll regret it and it'll be too late"

I hate talking more than anything, but sometimes words are very well needed… Especially with my family all I have left are my mother, brother, sister, and aunt. You may think that it isn't a bad to have this left, but you must know my father was killed by his own brother simply over money nothing more nothing less.

I really have no friends left cause of my family, you may think the police would do something, but again they won't do anything do to my family having most of them in their pockets. A small town like this really won't have much to hide on the surface it looks like a retirement town, but deep below it is worse than most cities.

"Oh, John come here!"???

"Who are you…?"

"Just your worst nightmare!"???

Keeping my poker face up which is pretty neutral and blank I backed off slowly, before breaking out in a sprint towards my car since these guys are probably hired by a family member, I say guys cause there are at least five others hiding around that one waiting for a moment to get in.

They seemed to be ready for this and attacked from a hiding spot by my car getting hit in the gut really sucks, but the guy was on the floor do to my punch to his private area.

I was able to get into my car driving off, looking to see if my mother was still where she was, which she was getting into her car driving off which is good in a sense…

Stuff like this has been happening every since my father died, since I am the oldest I was able to get all his money he had worked for, was able to pay off the house, and all the bills…. Been doing this for a long time before I even got the money since my family really… never helped my mother didn't , my brother had a government check which was okay in some sense it helped but it helped him more since most the money he used went on food which he ate most of it. My sister moved out unable to deal with the family anymore, my aunt, she just left she was disabled couldn't lift her arms above her head, even had issues walking but she left the first chance she could get after my father died.

Getting home was a long drive, since I live in the middle of nowhere, I decided to get on my computer and play my game that I had put tons of modifications on. I had played tons of games, most online, but this one let me pretty much mod the character however I wanted as long as I had the skills to build the modifications, I put together all the best parts of the games I loved the most their classes, skills, jobs, and even races. Making my own unique race Celrisu which is a race of divine power, and the weirdest part is it all came to me in a dream.

The race itself is nothing special it is able to change its race to any known races that it had a blessing for or had been acknowledged by something of the race akin to gods or divine. It came from an Ancient Vampire and an Ancient Angel. You may say it is impossible, but nothing is impossible, the race itself doesn't have any unique skills other then these two, during any race change the Vampire and Angel sides abilities can still be used, though not as effectively, this also means you need to drink blood every so often or you'll become very weak.

While the Angel side really doesn't have much for weaknesses the emotions of it are harder to control since you can have guessed it a fallen angel. An Angel that has normally no emotions at all since their only soldiers meant to be the swords of gods that have created them. A Fallen Angel on the other hand gains emotions, not as strong as humans or other races that depend on it, but they'll have a strong tendency to going berserk.

But with the skills you gain such as Calm Mind comes in handy since it makes the emotional imbalance lower. Another thing is I only ever made the female side of this race… because I really didn't care to look at males.

I had always loved spiritual abilities such as Qi to grow stronger by cultivating is always interesting, but this being a game cultivating in it is like resting you have to put it on a timer and let it do so, which is why I am checking my game right now since I had set it to do so while I went to work and then the gym after so it's been on pretty much for twelve in real life time which would estimate to one hundred and twenty years.

Which in the game was an already developed skill inside it she just let her own race become able to use it. It starts from different stages and ranks each stage has ten ranks at the start and slowly lowering as you go on. Not that it really makes much of a difference in game since without it your just unable to go do set quests in towns, cities, capitals, and even sects or guilds. The ranks start at the body tempering stage starting with Novice, Warrior, Knight, General, King, Emperor, Sage, Supreme, Saint, and Heavenly stage.

The Novice stage is as known as making your body strengthening to be able to hold the Qi in it, thus depending on what is in your character like drinking dragon's blood, and other skills will change this quite a lot.

Each stage is not what most stories have in cultivating novels, but it's more or less how the sociality in this game worked? As it states the stage names really have rather no meaning since it all is around powering one's body stupidly strong.

Since my character is of the Divine race I had the ability to go straight to Knight rank with rather ease, hell even General wasn't hard, but it took over an extra one thousand years of hard work to even get to the King stage which is the first part of even getting the elemental tempered body, and only then can I even use Dragons blood in the body which gives me quicker and easier way to use mana…

Yes this game mana was locked to you reached King Stage, but being Divine, I already have access to the holy and light arts, but with the vampire side I also got the dark and death arts. Every character is given time and space arts.

The dragon blood is something that allows one to use the other elements and is needed to fit in the classes from my games I had made strong modifications for.

I spent a few hours fighting and raging at the game too I was finally able to beat the dragon to take its blood and drink it. Giving me the ability to use magic from all the elements… but before I could even try out any magic me had a knock on my door.

Arming myself with a loaded pistol before I open the door slightly to see a woman with two men behind her seemingly in suits and probably government officials.


"Is John Anders here? We have a deal he can't refuse." Woman

"You're speaking to him"

"Well we have a deal that'll be the chance of a life time if you'll take the time to look at it" so she said while handing me what looks like an agreement form.

From what it says if I wish to know everything I'll have to sign an non-disclosure agreement, but from the looks of this it's an experiment on how a male can change to a female…. Probably guessing by my blank face the whole time she thinks I think they're a scam artist so she opens to say more.

"If you sign the disclosure agreement we can tell you more… but from this is not a scam we know that you have had a hard time and this can be used to make sure your family doesn't have to suffer anymore" she had said

I sighed, even if this is a scam I'll be able to waste some time, not like I am having to pay them anything so I took a pin out of my pants pocket and signed the agreement on the front and back page.

"I agree…"

"Good come with us… our boss would love to get this over with!" she said kind of cheerfully.

It took about ten hours getting there to such an government base out in the middle of even more nowhere land, but it doesn't matter all that much to me do to the fact I'll already be ready for anything the worst thing that can happen is I'll die, but I will also make sure to take a few with me… though they took my weapon once I agreed.

When I walked into the facility they took me to another room where I didn't know what to expect, but one thing is for sure there was a young girl in the tub with blue gel floating around her with the usual medical breathing equipment long with muscle tension to make sure her muscles stay in fit shape well as much as possible.

She had long silver hair down to her thighs, seemingly pretty fit for the child; the body itself didn't have much fat quit like an expert in exercise like myself. Though she does seem to look quite frail for her age, her chest is also quite modest but not too small to call them flat, but you can tell her body is starting to curve up and that she'll be really beautiful in the future, and her body itself is pretty much perfect without any flaws other then the fact she looked like she was starved a lot and her growth was slowed but is on the start of recovery.

If one thing I had to say I hated is the fact she's in a pink color medical gown with glowing lines that is like neon lights in my eyes which is very frustrating.

Though it made me think why do they have children here for experiments as well? Is this really a legal business?

"That child isn't a normal child, we had found a quite the find when the asteroid hit south of Mexico, we found DNA in it which was able to form a body similar to this, but only was able to make female bodies, nor does it ever gain a mind of its own it's more of a mindless clone without any other use… and the fact if we don't find a compatible host mind to put in her she will die like many others, and the host mind if not compatible will also die." She had explained it in the easiest way I could think she could without saying everything she didn't need too.

Well I guess this will be my new body? Not that bad looking, a little too young for me, but 26 years of life as a male to a female that is no better than a child? If this is true… or even successful, hard to take in, but according to what I was told earlier my family wouldn't need to worry anymore and their lives would be quite safe.

"Well Strip all your clothes off even the underwear" she said

"…." I gave her a look like she's a pervert and backed off slightly

"Mr. Anders… You can't expect us to start the process with your clothes on, it would hinder it and even most cases make higher failure rate. And there is no need for medical tests since we know all of your medical history, unless you want to die without the highest chance of success?" she said with a smug look.

She then handed me a gown similar to what the girl is wearing and told me to go change in the door off to the side.

A bit confused and lost I decided to do just that and walked into the room which is standard for hospital rooms all white and a tile floor with what I think to be a hospital bed, while taking off my clothes I can't help but think about what they meant about host mind I am pretty sure that is some sort of brain transplant? If so… all the stuff I been through… beaten and tortured just to keep what little family I had together I took the blunt of it with my father and when he passed away I took all of it, sometimes it's just too much to take… probably why I took this hoping I'd get away from it all.

The gown makes my skin tingle a bit, even walking feels like hardened leather made to hinder movements like straps on a hospital bed but it is do able with effort. When walking back into the room the same lady there looks at me like I am disgusting to look at, and probably hates the way I look. I got to admit even with a fit body I am quite the ugly guy…

"Get into the tub… so we can start the process."

Not letting me finish my self-loathing she orders me to do it, well since if this is legit my family would be safe… even if I can never see them again.

She then got to work plugging me in to the medical machines and iv's as well as the oxygen mask, what you'd expect, but what was quite annoying is there was nowhere in the papers I read stating how painful this process actually is, it's like worse than you can even imagine it felt like your body is being melted slowly like they are dripping lava on you only from the inside instead of the outside. And somehow I couldn't pass out like something is keeping me from doing so but it is also hard to move or even open my mouth…

As I was in pain I looked over in the corner of my eye to see the girl beside me seemingly going though the same painful experience as myself, and suddenly the pain stopped and feeling relief… and being unable to stay awake any longer….

The last thing I remembered was looking at the lady laughing evilly like an evil mad scientist to the point she fell over on the floor… so unprofessional….

I am not dropping my other story, I am just posting this one for now.

KuroSonacreators' thoughts