
Training with Rose

Pov: Rose)

This is going back into the forest while in one of our training sessions.

As you already know I am Rose, but before that I couldn't move anything at all my body was just stuck no life, and really nothing but darkness with no reason to move on, and it went on like that for what seemed eternity but then a major shock of pain that was really impossible for me to describe came over me leaving me with nothing but fear of what's going on.

When I finally came to after probably the pain being too much for me to even handle… there was someone moving my body, but I couldn't speak to her either but she seemed to be slightly smart… by her thoughts of hers she was already doubting the people here, and not trusting them at all.

When I could finally talk to her she was having a nightmare according to her memories and one that was too hard for me to describe myself, but I had the feeling of just wanting to protect this small person that even though she was inside my body, she might even be younger than me.

I ended up talking to her after that dream, though she's a bit weird even though I am here she keep taking to her throughout it all taking it up on herself and acting rashly.

And when we got to the point to where I first was mad at her and beat her up while making it up to her.

The second time is me trying to act the part of one of her favorite characters with my own twist, but I know I over did it with the last kick to the head, I had thought since it's a dream plane one can't get knocked out.

But what happened next scared me more than my acting because she got up seemingly blank minded with none of her old self inside her and eyes of a dead killer….

The next think I knew I was being thrown in the air without her even touching me like she herself was just using pure power to fight me while fighting close to me leaving me no way to defend myself.

I really regret acting like that but it was a lesson she needed… if someone that was really that way were to fight her… without me being able to help her she would lose , I know how kind hearted she really is, maybe a little childish but she acts the way she does on the outside to avoid being hurt, I can see that by her memories.

I could only cry at my foolishness for scaring her like that, but she slammed me down to the ground with such force even the power I can't see or feel like she is using some sort of hidden arm to throw me around like a rag doll… but the moment she let up I could only do one thing and hug her tightly trying to get her to come back to herself.

"Jona! Wake up! I know you're in there!" Rose

I know it isn't really going to happen but I know if this is as cliché as it seems this might work…. But real life is never the same cause the next moment she just threw me off as the darkness that she drove away before when I first got mad at her started closing in on this space even more like it was alive on its own.

But I guess luck was on my own side because she vanished and the place went back to normal as I had known she really had feeling asleep.

'you.. Shouldn't have knocked me out like that'

What seemed like a few hours she seemed mad at me making a comment like she didn't even remember what she did.

"Do you even remember anything after that?" Rose

'huh? There is nothing to remember when you're knocked out you knows… I can't be inside that place unless I am meditating other so when I actually sleep it's impossible'

So it's true the girl doesn't know what she did or what happened…

"I only did what I did to get you ready for the future if you ran into an enemy like that" Rose

'Well you should only do that on moderation… and on enemies not me it was scary as hell' Jona

I couldn't help myself but smile happily at her and giggle, yes this girl is more of a child then I am, and I swear to you gods above I would do anything in my power to keep this girl safe.

"So what about the clones?" Rose

'Clones?' Jona

Dear god, is this girl brain dead?

"The move to your Kunoichi class maybe we can use it to let me take over one of them as a temporary body to help you in special cases." Rose

'oh…. OH! Yeah we can do that, but since I don't know how to activate them yet it would be a bit hard….'

…. Really? And as many books she read? She can't activate them? Maybe she is just really brain dead at the moment or the type that really doesn't think too often…. Well the important stuff anyhow… she even kept just scanning through the books she was told to read… without much care…

"Just act like one of your story characters and how they used the skills." Rose

Then she seemed to understand and closed her eyes cause I couldn't see the outside world anymore since we share senses, and started moving her hands as if in an absent minded motion making symbols fast similar to what you see in a famous idiot out of one of her animes and her words that came out was a bit utterly different then what I'd expect.

{Perfect clone}

And over 200 of her spiritual energy was taken though only minor bit of mana was taken making it a bit confusing since mana recovers a lot faster than her spiritual energy leaving her with almost none left though she tends to train it by using it she can make it slowly increase or so we hope.

And to make matters worse I know she is using too much spiritual power to make it then it is actually needed but I am sure… if she used too little our connection might also be lower.

The clone itself was an exact replica of her except for the eyes being a different color that even confused her.

'Now what?'

"Let me try something" Rose

I then concentrated my being like you would see in animes and imaged myself being inside the body of the clone and the next thing I knew I could control the body as if it was my own, but I can still feel that I was inside Jona's head I was just connected to the body and able to move it.

"What was with the 'perfect clone' move?" Rose

That really was no need to add the world perfect right?

"Well I figured with my knowledge of the human body…. I could make a clone that was exactly the same as a human with all the knowledge making it more than just a clone."

She seemed to look down a bit since she has had a habit of letting her guard down with just me, so I can see her face had turned red so she's just trying to hide it a bit.


"Well should we try different moves?" Rose

She nodded and by the end of the day we figured out how to use all of the moves she had and the 'Blackmoon Dance' was really something since it could it was better with a clone so it with both of us was able to make it into a waltz of blades.

Name: Rose

Age: 14

Gender Female

Level: 10

Race: Clone <Human>

Health: 400/400

Mana: 950/950

Spiritual Qi: 200/200

Job one: <Locked>

Job Two <Locked>

Class One: <None>

Class Two: <Locked>

Str: 220

Con: 150

Dex: 810

Int: 420

Wis: 400

Luck: 120

My skills were pretty much the same as Jona's so no need to look at them for now.

Well that's a bit over powered? But a few skills are locked… meaning I can't use them cause of being a clone… too bad…

But I do wonder what 'Path' is…

{Path is a set of footwork that is only used by the forgotten Royal Family of Flames.

The kingdom was destroyed by an army of demonic beast that came out of a gate to a broken dungeon.

The dungeon itself has sense been sealed keeping the demons from spawning out too much, but sadly there

has been too many of them that has released on that day and is still raiding villages too today.

This Path art comes in three different skills:

Forgotten Seal: is an art where you seal the movements of your enemies in a small time frame depending on its level

the air around the target seems to hold them steal for a small time frame kind of similar to time stop ability, but this skill

is forgotten for a reason. The only ones able to use this is the people of royal blood, if anyone else was to try they would end

up frozen as well. Making this skill pretty useless to anyone else.

Forbidden Art: As it is said it is forbidden even the Royal family didn't use this one unless it was the last resort, it is like trading one's life

for power, and if it didn't kill the user even Royalty would be unable to fight anymore, and would be weaker than a commoner with no power.

This art itself brings the life force of the user into a storm of blades around the user cutting and killing anything in a thirty meter radios.

Unknown Seal: this is an Art that is even forgotten, no one not even the Royal family has been able to unlock its secrets}

Well that also explains… the danger of when she used Forgotten seal… and was sore for a while it seems all these skills are last resort types…

I won't be using these skills for a while since all of them seem to be iffy even if they are powerful not even a skill I want Jona to use….. but the rest is pretty self explanatory since they are out of the game since the three dances buff allies while fighting and hurting the enemies, Fire increases moral and str, Blades increases speed and sharpness of a blade, demons takes away the feel of pain making them like demons on the battlefield, while Requiem of Angels itself even though it's locked I know what it does, it is a healing dance where everyone in the radius will be healed of any wound, at the cost of the users health and mana, but it would never kill the user just make them really tired.

Elemental stance is similar to martial arts except it uses the elements that dance along with your blade. And the rest is pretty much explanatory right???

….. I have taken on Jona's habit of monologue…