
Training Intensifies

For some reason I woke up today dreading going to the training field… I had a really bad vibe… but I found out why once I got there…

I don't know if it's the body or me, but after awhile I was able to predict his movements since he never really moved in a complicated pattern and started dodging his moves for a little bit, but with low stamina it was really hard to do anything else and it only lasted to I wasn't able to move, then out of nowhere he decided to change the plan and make me run laps around the Gym too I dropped.

He keep this going for a long period of time all while trying to hit or throw balls and such at me, nothing really hard… he hasn't hit me bare handed or anything so I know he's holding back, but every day is like I am walking throw lava and while I disturbed a very angry bee hive, cause it keep stinging all throughout the training and in fact the first month I only was able to dodge one ball but cause of that I ended up face planting right into the wood floor.

And it isn't even the worst part of it… he started acting very nice the moment I walked n the door…

"I know you're probably hungry but today I am going to just teach you about the human body, and its weak points and how to strike hard even with little to no strength of your own." Jeff

Then he motioned me to sit in front of him while the books are between us.

The books have names such as 'Human Anatomy and Physiology' , 'Lab Results and how to know what organ of different animals is healthy or not' , 'book of pressure points' and etc, but the most disgusting of it is there is pictures of live animals and people cut open with all their insides displaced with different names and such for everything, not drawings that are in normal books but actual people and animals, it's lucky I didn't eat cause I had to puke just looking at them some reason they even have a smell in here… which is odd too I seen behind him at the corpses.

This lesson also took about a month since he didn't like to be nice… after all he was only nice to see my reactions and focus my attention on him instead of the corpses behind him….

He enjoyed making me feel all the dirty organs that went cold, and some of the animals were even still warm one even moved and cried cause it was still alive, I feel like I am hating this guy even more now cause of all this animal cruelty I am one that couldn't care too much about my fellow humans, cause I seen the things on news and such, we ourselves really never care for others outside of our circle, we see strangers as nothing more than that even if they were to die we wouldn't really care to much, in fact I seen people blow up post about it making it like it's something super interesting when it is really something sad and disturbing.

By the time I was able to finally master all of this stuff, I had a sick feeling that I could never forget what I had learned even if I wanted too every day throughout the month I ended up having the worst nightmares of these people and animals coming back to haunt me and cut me open for revenge.

Even if I am not that much of a nice or caring person I still believe every life is one of a kind and deserves respect, not this lesson or disgrace for the dead, hell to me animals should only be killed if you need them for food, or survival other than that you should respectfully let them live their own lives.

But one of the nightmares was so bad that I couldn't wake from it I had a dream of my family, friends, and everyone I ever knew or cared for was in the mix with thoughts people and animals trying to claw their way at me, blaming me for everything with dead eyes, blaming me that I should of protected them, that I should have been more, told them that I could of saved them if I had watched the signs had forced them to seek help, even my family and friends that are still alive are doing the same thing it was so horrible to I felt someone shaking me while talking to me in a soft voice telling everything was okay.

But when I opened my eyes no one was there, the room had still been sealed from the outside.

'Yes sealed they are keeping me here for "my own protection" and had to lock the door.'

No idea who was shaking me but my body itself is still shaking from the nightmare, maybe that's what was shaking me, but I noticed my face was a bit wet from crying it must have been that bad that I mentally felt someone talking to me that didn't exist just to escape what I have always blamed myself for.

My father's death, my grandmother's, my two uncle's, etc. the list goes on, I've since young had some kind of six sense something is going to happen, I can't exactly say to who, but it usually is someone next to me someone I know. It has always come in the form of cold chills and nightmares similarly to the one I had only on a lesser scale.

Somehow my throat even seems sore; maybe I ended up yelling in my sleep?

'Yes, you did.' Voice

I jumped because the voice seemed to come out of nowhere, but when I decided to look around no one was here, only me in this locked room inside a bed which is not that bad actually pretty fluffy and felt like a five star hotel type of bed.

'I am inside your head' Other me

'…. So… you're the original owner of this body?' Jona

'Yes… Kind of? More like we both got awakened in this body at the same time… so I might as well as be part of you.' Other me

'It is kind of hard to believe, but I think I might have had a mental break to have to talk to myself' Jona

'You probably we're always mental' Other me

'Thanks, so… what do I call you?' Jona

'You can just call me Rose for the time being… kind of like that name in our memory.' Rose

'Well Rose… I guess we are in for the hell ride together'

'You probably don't know the abilities this body possesses… since I keep most of my time trying to figure out how to talk to you I found out this body has a photographic memory, and a faster learning curve then even babies when they are learning to speak, it's like we take in everything they send at us and learn it at a fast pace, believe it or not… it would probably take a whole lot longer to get out of that beating physically then a month, and that lessons on the bodies of humans and animals people tend to learn that for years before they are any good at it, but it's glad to know you at least can talk more than three to four words at a time even if it's just in your head~"

Well that explains why I felt someone being afraid of these people, and someone taking out of that nightmare, must have been my other self even though I am having a hard time believing it, probably was the original of the body but didn't have any ability to move or take over kind of like someone in a vegetable state.

'You know I can hear your thoughts?' Rose

Yes, I got the feeling you could since you practically live in my head.

'Then you know that there is no one else here to talk to other then me right?' Rose

Yes, but I've been like this for awhile now it is keeping everything organized since I can't forget anything I talk about even think about in my head, other than the nightmares that can be hazy and not full pictures I can forget them at times and such.

'I think you are really a mental case…..' Rose

Most likely so, but then you are also me even if you may differ in personality.

Just as I was in thought with myself Amanda walked in with a tray of food, surprised I was even awake, it seems the room is either sound proof, or the watch dogs outside the door didn't tell her anything, but I do know I look like a mess, though I have stopped shaking, I am still red eyed with tears dried on my face.

"Sorry…." Jona

Still some reason I can't bring myself to talk much with these people, not that I am shy, it's just I feel it would be a pain to do so.

"Sorry for what? Oh my, looks like you had a nightmare or something?" Amanda

"…nightmare" Jona

"Well then let's get you cleaned up, I am sure you're old enough to know that nightmares are just dreams not real right?" Amanda

"…. Yes" Jona

"Good time for the bath~" Amanda

My body couldn't help but shiver at that… this is going to be a long day….

After some time of getting myself ready and constantly hearing Rose bickering in my head telling me it is fine, since there is two of us now we can have two different people looking at two different expects….

The day it was quite harder than before… I mean he instead of throwing stuff at me he made me run through traps and such that if I fell well… let's say it'll hurt like hell this keep on for another month or so… to the point I could clearly call myself a ninja… since I was able to dodge and jump and run a little bit on walls to get the way out of the traps.

Then the next thing I knew he was throwing different books about all sorts of styles of fighting with weapons

Hell it even had books for each type of sword let alone axes and poles and other weapons, and how to properly maintain them even repair them if I had the materials to do so… this took more than a month to read all of them and memorize them… but it only was a month and two weeks… but it wasn't boring… just stressful cause after learning one book he would then force me to practice with it… just to I got the basics of it…

Today was suppose to be more advanced knowledge of it… which I am not too happy about…

If it wasn't for Rose I doubt I'd be sane after this… if I was ever sane to begin with…

It was also about three months before I was considered a master of all the weapons there… and this was just the melee ones…

The last month of the year he had to train me he decided to throw me into fighting with all swords of throwing weapons like ninja stuff like throwing daggers, shirikins, throwing spikes, blow guns, kunais, and bows. It was not that hard… but it still took a month to get it to a point he was satisfied…

But the year was finally over… I think I can relax not having to deal with him anymore… I can understand why women become man haters…

Today was the last day, he was going to have one finally fighting with me with all he had… in order to see if I truly passed…

We are across from each other staring each other down like the fighters in old movies… but sadly he made the first move not giving me a chance to do anything throwing a punch at me.

While I was able to dodge and throw him like he had done too me, he was able to rotate and still land on his feet before doing a spin kick towards me leaving me no choice but to guard sending me a few steps back with sore arms.

While I was stumbling a bit he decided to rush me with a fury of punches and kicks only letting me have a chance to defend but no ability to go back on the offensive… or what one would think… since I had been secretly hitting his pressure points.

It finally started to show itself as he got slower to the point his body isn't completely listening to me which was a sign for me to start my own assault on him…

Same way as he was hitting me I was hitting him while making sure he isn't able to touch my pressure points by rotating around him similar to a certain ninja but with less power behind it.

This went on for a few hours… using my speed and flexibility against his overall bulky power and form...

When I felt I had him he surprised me with a grab with his feet… for some reason instead of falling like I had expected it to be... he fell using his hands and arms as a brace and wrapped his legs around my waist while doing a full flip slamming me into the wood floor unable to get up due to the shock of the impact leaving me quite dizzy…

"Hahaha good young lady good!" Jeff laughed and shouted this too me…

"Ahaha, good you we're very obedient and learned all the lessons and to be able to defend yourself, now it's time for you to take all you learned into practice before we toss you into the portal we found. As to what it is we don't know, everyone we sent in has yet to come back out, and apparently anyone too strong is kicked back out. So we made your knowledge just enough to pass barely for an advanced user of the arts, sadly we can't supply you with guns or ammo but swords and a durable clothing that is strong enough to resist cuts by a sharp blade or bullets itself. And as to why we can't give you guns is this portal refuses to let them enter if you have tried you would have lost an arm at the worst, or not allowed entry." The crazy lady appeared

While letting me take it all in she has decided that she is waiting for a reply from me like some sort of weapon or soldier trained for war.

"…. Understood, but…." Jona

"But?" Lady

"Keep your promise." Jona

"What promise? The one that your family or you won't have a want or need? Meaning that all bills are paid and food and a place to stay with money to get things they want?" Lady

I only nod at her wondering if she is playing me.

"that's already done and taken care of, though you can't see them anytime soon but if you come back you'll be able to reunite with them, but they already think your dead, cause your body was sent and used as a funeral only a week after you started training, though it was all paid for and the money they received is still going to go even to their children's children are dead." Lady

"Good…" Jona

Most chapters are over 2,000 words.

KuroSonacreators' thoughts