
Island of the Dead

The only thing I seemed to fail at was talking like a perfect lady… since I really don't like talking to people…

'At least for now' Rose

Well look who finally talked? I thought that maybe you went back into the depths of our mind afraid of what could grab you.

'well it takes more energy form us if I stay active and you really needed most of it, while I sat back and keep learning most of the books you just looked through cause you found them boring to keep reading over and over again, you do know this stuff is useful right?' Rose

Of course… I do… just with my new memory ability… I see no point in re-reading any of them again… it just is boring since I can read them in my own head. Even if I missed something.

Well…as much as I love to read; it might be good to go over, but I never prided myself as a smart person, I just want to have the knowledge of survival… no way would I need to know how to make girly clothes… and everything else in there that probably is useless to me, as well as most of the history of this world that was documented… if we are going into a portal of possible of no return, what use is that? Even if I loved history, oh yeah the portal is something they had in one of the books apparently this whole training thing is for me to survive in the next world… or so it says… and she even admits it… but a chance of no return really is scary if you think about it…

Apparently Rose decided to stay silent after that while desperately trying to remember the current books that are there, mostly cause she thinks I won't dress properly in the future and probably continue dressing in the training gear they have me in since I got here, well different colors and designs but mostly seemly made by Amanda and she has a bad habit of these pants and now long sleeve shirts with straps on them, I know it's winter but the straps aren't that needed. But she seems to think their cute and keeps me in them, well not that they are not comfy but they would need to be a different color, she seems to have all the girly colors… to me black… or red…. Or a color that isn't so bright is more useful to me.

The next day after another month when I thought the training was over because I read every book in that library that they shown me. I was forced to go into a plane then with the help of the demon instructor Jeff forced to jump out of it…

God I hate high places…

The worst of it all he is forcing me to hunt and survive on my own for the last of my training, and that this place has a lot of failed subjects that are more zombie then human or animal though they aren't infectious like the movies and such, they would still rip me to shreds if I am not careful then left me alone in a cabin with a few weapons, no guns, and some dried food that could last a month or so if I am careful.


There was a sound that sounded more like wheezing then a growl but it was loud enough just as if it was outside the door. So I grabbed one of the swords that was laying down in the pile of weapons not really caring which since they are all pretty much the same, built like a half katana and half normal sword, since unlike normal katanas the blade really curved into the middle slightly instead of following to the back and is probably lighter than normal ones.

But what I saw almost made me lose whatever I had in my stomach, it was like half human and half horse of something I have no idea, it had a like most of its bones sticking out of it like there was claw like horse legs on its shoulder blades with a horn sticking out of its head and to the point that it's eyes were like they were dangling from its head with a slight filmy string holding it in place with hairy legs with parts of its bones showing with a clear view that its heart is still beating slowly with its broken open rib cage, just standing outside the door facing it with sharp teeth with a horse head that really has no skin on it. With its having two different sets some sticking right out it's back facing the other direction while the normal set is facing outwards broken and dangling. And the moment it saw me it let out a growl that felt like I was going to fall over.

What in the world… is this place…?

Left with no choice but to fight I came running at it with the basic knowledge I have of fighting hoping it had a similar anatomy as humans, but the moment I got close it threw one of the claw like things on its shoulders at me making me back step, but not being really use to being hit or attacked from both sides the other claw got me by surprise scratching across my back.

Even though these clothes suppose to be resistant to cutting and such it doesn't stop bones and skin from breaking as I was pushed over from the back side nearly tripping over my own feet trying to stay in a defensive stance or else I will probably die.

The beast didn't seem to want to give me a chance to catch myself and came lunging after me with the attempt to eat me alive while keeping it's claws coming after me as well as if it knew that it had me cornered and that I was not use to fighting or something, but the moment it got too close it did a stupid move, that I didn't expect it to do it ran right into the sword I had pointing outwards to try to defend myself while my footing was really unbalanced and it pierced right through its skull and brain out of dumb luck but the problem is it still was able to pierce me with one of its claws in the leg like it seemed to want to pin me down.

Leaving me scared and alone here with this thing finally dead though it's horn when it fell if my sword wasn't there… would have stabbed me while it was trying to eat me anyhow…

Once I got myself inside the cabin and with bandages and the fire started inside the oven as to not use the fire place to draw more attention that I didn't want, but I am sure… that growl was enough to notify almost any of the creatures here to my location.

Anyhow once I heated up the blade to it was hot enough while putting a cloth into my mouth that I was sure it was for the medical supplies here to clean stuff poured the cleaning and anti infection liquids on the wounds while trying my best not to scream, though during the fight I didn't really think too much about it… I know I screamed pretty loud when I was first hit and then when it stabbed me…. Anyhow I need to stop being side tracked I can already feel Rose about ready to snap into a lecture on how it is important to clean the wound and close it, so I put the scolding hot blade onto the wound but this time even with the rag in my mouth I couldn't help but scream, although it was muffled it was really painful, probably way worse than any of the training, and about the level of the torture it took to get into this body only on a smaller scale.

After wrapping my wounded leg up I was able to put some sort of splint on it enough to just keep me stable enough to walk slowly, though getting to far is nearly impossible… and the fact they didn't tell me how long I would have to stay here. But I am sure I ended up using more medical supplies then needed, but I was kind of not in the right state of mind as that there was a freaking monster zombie like thing that tried to eat me hell… I can still feel the guts and other organs that were in it when it slightly fell over me and they dangled out of the body, although… the body itself was like it came out of a nightmare… so was the smell that it gave off… hell… I can still smell it even from inside here, but I know there is no bath in this cabin since it's just a one room cabin with weapons seemingly well defended since all the windows were already boarded up.

Maybe I was stupid for trying to go and fight it…. Maybe if I would of hide myself and waited to it left I would have been in better shape….

'No due…." Rose

Well that was well deserved sarcasm… I probably thought it would be easy kind of like the zombies in games where they are slow and super dumb… this one… I was lucky that it fell onto my blade and killed itself if. It's not like I would get that lucky again, especially with my luck that was considered the best out of all this stay here…

'I think it really isn't right to stay here… maybe things here are similar to the world they will send you to across the portal' Rose

Not really the best way to go though I was put here for training… so might as well as kill as many of them as possible…

'Yes I think so too… these things are gross and needs to be killed off… I doubt we'd be able to kill all of them though' Rose

Getting up with a grunt while equipping myself with more than one blade deciding it's best to move that body away from the cabin while scouting out the area out so I know it's okay to rest at and maybe set up some traps… if any of the zombie games I played was a guide it's best to make sure that the place is well defended.

After dragging the body off to the woods a ways away keeping my guard up and finding a seemingly area to dump this gross thing off… maybe the smell won't be too keen to being next to me… and then digging up holes around it while taking one of the swords cutting off limbs off trees and then setting them up as well placed spikes around the body…

Then start burning it while making sure I have a bundle of the spikes to set around my cabin and setting up this area as another trap… while putting some sort of strings around so the wind would constantly move through and make the sticks scrape each other with holes in them making light whistling noises..

On the way back I had to fight another three of these undead, but since I fought one I am use to their tricks… able to fight them off with quite the ease… and even cutting their heads off though one of the blades become quite chipped by the time I got back to the cabin…

And another three hours I was able to set enough traps around the cabin to count as a proper defense at least for one night… and good timing too since the sun is just about to sit…

I walked into the cabin and sat down, but one thing for sure… I am tired as hell… was the last thing I thought before falling asleep sitting against the wall.