
Getting used to being Female

After waking up I found myself still in the pink gown in a room that seems similar to the one I used to change into that other gown. Looking around there really isn't much special in the room other then my body is that of a female, and quite young at that.

This is quite unheard of by most people outside of the otaku style of life would never really expect it to happen but it is still somehow cool and interesting to me… was never attached to being male to begin with, not that I was gay or anything just didn't hold too much to genders.

This probably is the best example of running away from my old life; though it feels cowardly they at least won't have to worry anymore due to the promise in the agreement if it can be hold with any bits of truth.

"How do you feel Jona? Any discomforts?"???

The mad lady from before is standing before me, now that I got a good look at her she had long straight black hair which complements the long white lab coat, and uniform underneath it…. the thing you'd not like or feel that she's trouble is her slanted villain like eyes, but the eyes themselves are enough to draw you in since it's rare to see one being with two different color eyes from where I was raised, one being silver while the other being aqua blue.

But as she said my original name changed… from the guys name to something more girly?


I wonder if she's going to cut me up like in thoughts government science movies.

"You haven't talked much since you got here…." Lady

"Why… would I... when I don't even know you…"

Seriously why would I talk like some social idiot to strangers? It's not the safest idea to do so, but I guess I should be more friendly since they got me when I was pretty much down on my luck not knowing if I could find another job since the computer selling and building wasn't going well, and I didn't want to waste all the money I got from my father for nothing.

"Your body is that of a thirteen year old girl now, you need to come through all sorts of training programs we got set for you. This will end up taking a few months to even a year depending on how fast or slow you learn them, and you don't need to know me or my name, since it is against policy in case of information leak the less you know the better off you are." She said with a smile

"Training?" I didn't really have much to say other then the fact it seems the change wasn't the only thing that I had to do, and can't really trust the government more then I can throw them… and I doubt this body can throw much.

"What is that look for?" she said with a sigh, "you have no need to worry about training just yet, it would be in bad manners to throw you straight into it without letting you get use to the female body."

As she was saying that she pressed the button on a door in the room came out with simple female tight pants and a black T-shirt and panties and a sports bra.

But before I could even say anything she started helping me undress and then dressed me in the clothes she took out… not that I could do anything just yet the body feels quite fragile and weak, probably do to the lack of exercise even with the machines keeping the muscles in shape.

Luckily the embarrassment didn't show on my face do to all the practice of hiding my emotions and facial expressions, but I couldn't help but twitch as she took the clothes out for me to wear.

"Even though your… not very talkative at least…." She mumbles the rest I am unable to hear but I can tell by the disappointment on her face I must have dodged a bullet somehow or another.

"Anyhow… let's get you use to walking so follow me the best of your ability" she had said without even looking back as she walked out the door

Leaving me with only one choice and that is to walk out after her… though it is hard to walk I have to hold onto the side of the wall and even my steps were unbalanced and I even fell quite often on the way… but she didn't even seem to help or stop, but she did slow down enough for me to catch up.

After about two hours of walking around I finally got use to the body and was able to walk without much of a problem, probably do to the body being stable and not mistreated much.

"You will stay here, and learn all sorts of advanced subjects and how to be female and Amanda over there will be the one to help you with this." She pointed to the girl that had the attendant like big sister type air around her; maybe she is some sort of nurse or maid, since she is also dressed like one? But why pink…

"You must be hungry; it's already morning come sit with me" Amanda

As she was talking the crazy lady that was with me before happened to have walked out, so the only thing to do now is to agree since I am hungry… and it looks like bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and even your choice of drink like milk or orange juice… but still not something I'd want.. at the moment…


"You want coffee?" Amanda

"Yes… please?"

"Alright give me just one moment to get it." Amanda

She seems to be nice, but best not to anger her, since this place is heavily guarded, even if I can't see them I feel they'll jump right in if something goes wrong, as she gone and got the coffee and brought it back I had already pretty much ate what was put in front of me… this body can sure eat… luckily I did have a lot of manners and training growing up being around a lot of rich people does that… in order to get a good image on them that your professional.

But as she came back she gave me a disappointed look, not because of my manners in fact she was happy I didn't make a mess like a slob.

"Here you go, your coffee do you need any sugar?" Amanda

Shaking my head no since coffee is just for the habit I had doing after eating I picked it up with my father.

"You are really like they said you we're huh?" Amanda

"…?" tilting my head in confusion.

"You rarely talk, you seem well behaved, and just like a doll with little to no personality, to be honest I never expected you to have manners of a proper lady, and eat messily like most poor people, not that I say their all pigs, but not many are well behaved and proper like you'd find in nobility… But now that I see your more behaved then I would of thought, I would love to work with you during your stay, like she said earlier my name is Amanda and will be your personal supervisor while you're here, and get you use to all the needs of a female body" Amanda

Really now… I have no idea how females eat and act proper I am just copying what I seen on animes and such, since it really isn't hard to do so since I already know must basic manners and read how getting use to the female body mostly goes into manners…. Since I was always rather good at acting the part in order to get most jobs I had. As for the doll part... well it's best to show as little as possible to people you know nothing about.


I really have no idea how to react it's like she's some rich girl that lived in the world with a silver spoon in her mouth, but from what she said she is above me meaning she will probably be the one making the training layouts.

"Well it's time for you to take a bath, and probably get use to how to such things" Amanda said a little too happy.

She took my hand and lead me to a large open bath and helped me take my clothes off while still slightly confused at this she even shown me all sorts of spots one should wash and be careful for like one would a child first doing it on their own for the first time, and even shown me how to use the restroom though I keep a pretty blank face the whole time… it's something I would rather not tell others since it's rather… unusual since I was a male before. She even went as far as to show me how to do my own hair and style it and stressed it is something that should be well taken care of.

The worst of it all is the clothes she expected me to wear… the other clothes I had wasn't that dirty… but they are even more girly tight pants that even had straps around the thighs making it rather fitting and quite easy to move in probably can use the straps as knife holders in the future, as well as the sports bra is a bit more girly… and pink… the pants are at least normal… but the shirt is also pink…

God… how much I hate pink… it is like the worst color ever… seemingly the worst color… yes I had to repeat myself.

Then she led me to another room with another woman sitting there with books of different subjects starting with math and ending with rocket science… yes… I didn't expect them to want me to know all of it…

But the way she taught me or how this body is I have no clue I was able to pick up most of them rather fast though it only took a few months to learn all of what she wanted me to know… in fact I could now be one of the leading scientist.. in the world though I am never going to admit being smart… like that it is just too much work, and another thing I seem to realize everything I learned doesn't seem that hard just reading or seeing it once I can remember it without any trouble.

The worst part is how a woman would move and fight… though she said it is just basics before the actual training. This alone is what took me more than a month to get down since they expected me to walk perfectly… as to make my stance or defense… that they taught me saying it's only basic martial arts able to be able to slightly defend myself…

But I suspect it is more or less just a way for them to girly me up more since walking like this seems more girly too me, but I noticed I was able to walk faster and have less waste of stamina when I did so… they made me practice it to the point I was able to do it on pure muscle memory… and the fact of it is even running is the same… to the fact they even forced me to polish up on basic manners…

If I had to say anything it would remind me of a royal princess in stories or movies I seen I had to get it down as well… and after I finally got use to that even bathing and using the bathroom alone… was slowly getting more normal for me since I have to do it daily.

What doesn't get me is the fact Amanda keeps making me wear pink or girly things. Not that I don't understand her taste… and her wanting me to get use to being female… the fact that I rather have some more private time…

The fact I have explored this body quite a bit in the bath… once I was able to do so alone, and I can say one thing its way more than I expected.

Well according to them tomorrow is when I start… the real combat training… well let's just hope it's not something super… hard…

That was the last thing I was thinking about as I fell asleep on the pillow.

Do point out any mistakes.

KuroSonacreators' thoughts