
Forest of Beasts

Waking up with a massive headache as I had remembered all the skills and abilities of my game character I had just finished making before getting here… though I seem to have keep my king level cultivating since I can sense the Qi in the air… but then again it's not like I'll want to spend hundreds of years advancing like in the novels..

Taking a good look around me seemingly to be a forest with not much different from my old world other then the tree's themselves are quite thick and way taller then I'd ever want to believe… while thinking of this I decided to think of my status….

Name: Jona Anders

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Celrisu Sub-Race: (High Human)

Health: 1,900/1,900

Mana: 1,960/1,960

spiritual: 3,652/5,000

level: 1

Job One : Princess

Job Two: None

Class One: None

Class Two: None

Str: 382

Dex: 760

Con: 655

Int: 530

Wis: 639

Luck: 100

My status is quite high for someone my age I believe… though most of it is similar to my game character… though the stats are quite a bit higher…

"Goddess again I hate to bring this up but you know I didn't really have the time to tell you this, but in this world we try to keep one from being overly powerful over others, as to keep a good rivalry going on between the races, and anything that would advance the world too far such as giving out blueprints on how to make guns or things the world isn't ready for will have dire consequences

Good luck and if you have questions you can go to mine or his temple and pray"

Well that's good of them to tell me… though I doubt I'll ever need to go to their temple… if I can ever make it out of this forest…before I could think on this matter more Rose decided to put her two cents in.

'Well now, Princess~ You need to be more proper now and speak more… Geez I go to sleep to wake up in some sort of game world? Really? You are in the portal and it is turned into a game interface… Just like in the novels you have inside your head' Rose

Well… not that I wanted to be a princess to begin with Rose, but it looks like my health is still low… from all that stuff we been through Rose.

'Well it is fine but your outfit is pretty badass~ and you seem broken kind of like a normal novel character.' Rose

The Goddess did say that I wasn't over powered, and really the classes and such match what they were in the game. I just am not sure what spiritual is because it seems to just be barely used? Probably that healing power? Since I really didn't have the use to use mana back home.

'Look at the area around us it's like we are in the middle of nowhere…. Do we even have skills?' Rose

We should since the classes are there….. maybe I have to think of the 'skill list' just as I was thinking of it the skill list popped up right before my eyes.



Meditation lv 4

Martial arts lv 7

Stealth lv 6

Acting lv 9

Poker face lv 9

Cooking lv Max

Blacksmithing lv 5

Tailoring lv 9

Carpeting lv 5

Teaching lv 4

Locksmith lv 6

Alchemist lv 5

Dancer lv Max

Scavenging lv Max

Trap making lv 4

Swordsmanship lv 6

Mind scape lv Max

Blade Throwing lv 6

Calm Mind Lv Max


Blade Dancer

Blink lv 7

Vanish lv 6

Blink strike lv 6

Elemental Stance lv 9

Path: Forgotten Seal lv 3

Path: Forbidden Art : lv 5

Path: Unknown Seal {Locked}

Hungry blade {Only in Vampiric form}

Dancing Requiem of the Dragon's Wrath lv Max

Quick Draw lv 3

Dance of Fire lv 5

Dance of Blades lv 6

Dance of Demons lv 5

Requiem of Angels {Only in Angelic Form}

Clone Passive skills

Class Skills and Stat Limited

Mana tank



smite lv 4

Healing lv 5

Holy ward lv Max

Lay of hands lv max

Sun Flare lv 5

Turn undead lv max

Sanctuary lv 5

Judgment of Light lv 3

God's wrath lv 3

Final stand lv Max

Unbreakable Bonds lv 4

Aura mastery lv 3

Riposte lv 3

Sacrifice lv 2

Virtue's blade lv 3

Saint's sword arts lv max



Ninjutsu Lv 8

Fatal Wind lv 5

Target Marking lv 3

Ghost Step lv 6

Wind Slash Lv Max

Flow: Chakra Lv Max

Crescent Slash lv 3

Cloning lv 3

Blackmoon Dance lv 4

Dance of the Dead lv2

Black Spirit (Cold Hearted) lv 3



Healing art lv 5

Angel's Feather lv Max

Caring Hands lv 3

Medical Mastery lv 7

First Aid lv 5

Medicine Craft lv 9

Pressure Points lv Max

Bandage Crafting lv 4

Stitching lv 5

Holy Magic lv 5



Step lv Max

Katana Stance lv Max

Quick draw lv 4

Counter lv 4

duel stance lv 3

Elemental Draw lv 5

Phantom blade lv 4

Hard Edge lv 3

Spiral Cut lv 4

Illusionary draw lv 2

Overload lv 4



Bow mastery lv 9

Dagger mastery lv 6

Hawk's Eye lv 5

Sky Eye lv 3

elemental enhance Arrow lv 4

Tracking lv 5

radar lv 6




Forward charge lv 5

Vow of Truth lv 3

Noble vow lv 5

Side slash lv 6

Severing light lv 5




Fortune's Blessing lv Max

Legendary Beast's Power lv Max

Soaring Kick lv 3

Flowing Water lv 2

Furry of kicks lv 4

Summoning lv Max

Absorb summon lv Max

Flashing light lv 4

Pole Mastery lv 9

Anima Stance lv Max

Fearful Air lv 3

Anima Roaring lv 4

Flow Arts lv Max

Moonlight Strike lv 3

Rampage lv 4

-Only Able to summon things living in this world or are hatched here.



Fire mastery lv 6

Magma mastery lv 3

Earth mastery lv 7

Wind mastery lv 5

Space mastery lv 5

Time mastery lv 7

Staff mastery lv 9

Wand mastery lv 9

Lightning mastery lv 4

Metal mastery lv 5

Water mastery lv Max

Ice mastery lv 7

Light mastery lv 4

Dark mastery lv 3

Teleport lv Max

Mana shield lv 6

Double cast lv max

Silent chant lv max

Chant less lv max

Sage's Memory lv max


Dragon Knight:

Dragon Knight's Standard lv max

Inferno Flames of The Sun King lv 3

Infernal Breath lv 4

Frozen World of the Queen of The Void lv 3

Icy breath lv 4

Searing Heart lv 4

World's Paradise lv 5

Dragon Leap lv 6

Flight lv Max

Holy Armor lv 7

Dragon's Blood Lv 4

Inhale lv 5

Burning heart lv 9

Scaled skin lv 4

World of White ruin lv Max

Dragon Ascension lv Max

Holy Wraith of the Dragon Prince of heaven lv Max

Well now this is super interesting, it seems I did keep most my skills from my game characters, though some are lower than I had and medic just seems to be a lower version.

Well then… this is a large list of skills though she did say I would have to make my own right in the arts and earn this worlds classes… but reality I doubt I even need one… seeing as that's a bit odd even for myself… well I Wonder if there any titles?


Goddess of time's blessing

War God's blessing

Infinite Memory

Child Prodigy

Weapon's prodigy

Book Worm

Fast learner

As for titles… they aren't as important to look into at this moment… though some of them do look quite well because the area around all wooded but luckily I am on a road. So I will just follow the right side to I go somewhere no point in waiting around for something to come to me.

The road is well made and is easy to follow, though some parts are uneven it isn't that hard. But on the way I decided to try to practice Holy Magic in process to level it after harming myself do to intense physical training when I went off into the forest to fight the beast here… somehow they seem rather weak compared to the zombies but it was quite fun getting use to fighting them though it took a lot of effort to even kill them.

While holy magic healed my health back to full it was harder than one would expect specially the imagining of the healing art. It was mostly imaging the human body getting rejuvenated and full of life, but to me even with following that train of thought the healing seemed to only heal thirty health every minute or so at the cost of twenty mana, though it keep a good time waster.

But something tells me I need to do more intense training here…

'I could do the training for you~' Rose

Indeed you can because you're me, but something tells me that it would be a moot point if you learned how to do it all even if you told me or I could access the memory of it won't be the same as actually doing it.

'I mean to me wouldn't it be easier to just imaging a warm healing light?' Rose


Really, why didn't I think of that… most likely cause I am still not believing in the concept of magic, really in my eyes it is pretty illogical, and I have also noticed I can't change the Job "Princess" it is like it is locked on the first job as if I only have one spare job that I could change.

When I imagined the way to heal myself the way Rose suggested I ended up healing over one hundred health at one go for fifty mana to be compared to the before it is much more beneficial to use.

Since I believe my control of magic is not that good it's better to use less… scientific ways to use magic or it might end up blowing up in my face at least to I get use to controlling magic…. Since the other way might have healed less it seemed to be quite more intense since I had to focus on set body parts since it's quite hard to focus my mind on my entire body since even though I spent little over a year in it… it's still quite new to me since I still don't know everything there is to know. Even if know how the human body works and set animals of my old world…. This body isn't exactly human form what I know.

So we decided to practice other arts like Clone since it was quite easy to figure out… and we found out Rose can come out and control the clone so making practicing physically a lot easier as she seemed to get a grasp of the skills easier than me.

While fighting back and forth and fighting monsters while learning easily control over the skills I decided to see if I could do what I did in the game cultivate… though not expecting to go higher than the King Stage, it's still good enough to strengthen my body…

Sitting down while Rose in the clone guarding me in case something happens I enter my meditation state, while seeing a lake inside me it's different then before… it's not where I practice with Rose or other it's more like a lake inside myself like in the novels I read… some seem to be an ocean some seem to be a pond… while mines only a lake.

Feeling like experimenting… I try to pull the Qi in my body into my muscles and skin only to find it is quite easy to do so… following the Kings cultivating art… it seems hard at a glance but since they are quite different then the novels or other stories that make them able to split mountains… it really is a simple body strengthening art…

Though your speed and such does increase… you'll still find it really hard to face a Dragon without good gear even if you were at the Heavenly Stage.

While thinking of this the Qi in my body had nearly empted into my body and strengthening every part of my body… before slowly refilling since I am in a Qi meditation state it refills quite fast… or at least to what I feel, but my body refuses to take anymore into its cells, skin or even bones… after the first push it seems that I have reached the limit to the next stage.

Opening my eyes only to find out its morning and Rose is quite bored… and a quick check to my status only to see that nothing really went up but I do feel stronger in a sense.

Getting up nearly made me jump into the sky and landing was quite the pain too…

After a few hours of getting use to it and Roses laughing on the ground I was finally able to move normally.

"I didn't expect you to take three days to meditate… you wouldn't even answer me when I thought we'd need food… " Rose said between laughs.

"I didn't expect…"

"it to take that long?" Rose


"You know… you really should talk more… not as much as your internal monologues but still" Rose

"Not really… since it's easier to think then speak…"

After that Rose let the clone poof to go back inside me, as it was probably not good to waste my mana on keeping the clone out longer.. at least for now

'You can talk better this way huh…' Rose

Yes I can, though this is one long ass road with very little people… it's like the whole time we been here not a single person has been seen…

'Well we might of missed them when we go into the forest to train and store the bodies of the monsters we fight, though I doubt it is a good idea to meet strangers alone like this' Rose

You have a good point… but it still is quite weird no one is here…

Deciding to go back into the forest yet again to keep training…. By the day's end I decided to check my status yet again

Only to find out my level has went up from one to twenty with all the time we been here… and all of my stats stayed the same… other than that my skills had went up were Martial arts to level nine, stealth to level seven, swordsmanship to max, throwing blades to eight.

And at level ten I was able to gain a few new classes Ranger, and at level twenty I got the class Swordswoman… each of them are at the given levels… Ranger is at level twenty, while Swordswoman is also at level Twenty… though it is probably I spent all this time actually fighting that got them higher.

Though they didn't really give me any new skills since my previous classes tend to already have them.

Trying different styles of the quick draw combo made killing things quite easier… but somehow skills form classes didn't seem to raise or the fact that they were unable to raise cause of the classes not being actually classes anymore but I do find myself getting better at using the said skills over time.

We spent most of a whole month doing this… only to find out it's not a good idea to use the path arts since it leaves your body extremely weak after using just the Forgotten Seal… which just seals up the area around you allowing you to have control over even the air in a set space, but only for less than twenty seconds, and after wards you wouldn't be able to move at all.

But it is only a small part of the skill it really isn't used this way… it's suppose to seal off magic and such on a set target not a space… we just… decided to tweak it… and I can already feel the gods being mad at me for doing so… hints the pain… that took me over four more days just… to recover from… four days… for just… twenty seconds… not really worth it…

But it isn't really that much of a problem we gotten easily able to fight quite easily in this forest… but it are not that the whole world would be easy.

Deciding to make a camp for tonight hoping tomorrow would be the time I'll actually meet someone… and find my way to a town.

I want to put this out there, originally this was suppose to be for RRL thus if you see Tablet marks here or there please post on the comments so I can remove and edit it a bit, thank you ahead of time

Word count: 2,796

KuroSonacreators' thoughts