
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
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29 Chs

Chapter 14 rated m

They went down to the planet setting up camp thirty yards from the crash site that was now cleaned up, the soldiers that Jessica sent had their own ship and set up a protective barrier that will keep the area inside safe allowing nothing to pass through.

Amani looked around pulling up her hologram screen to check all the view points that their cameras are covering when she feels a pair of arms hugging her from behind making her smile when she feels her Bodie reacting to the touch.

" Tai I thought you would be resting before we go out in the morning or maybe one of the others was keeping you busy " Amani said turning around wrapping her arms around Tais neck then kisses her and bites her bottom lip asking for entrance which Tai allows.

The men her mother sent walked out of their ship then looked over a1qßààa and the newest one scoffed while staring at them, Tai felt someone's negative energy and she opened her eyes watching the one she felt uneasy about. Amani felt the tension coming from Tais body so she opened her eyes as well but noticed Tais eyes changed from where the pupils were not round but slits now and a yellow green color.

" Tai...your eyes " Amani said pulling away cupping Tais cheeks making her look at her, the man walked over joining the others at one of the bonfires but kept his eyes on the two.

" Amani stay away from that one and warn the others, have Romm keep her eyes on him at all times " Tai said sneering at the man when he checked Amani out, one of the other soldiers saw what he was doing so he stood up blocking the man's view.

" you must be crazy to do that to our master's daughters woman, keep your eyes off those women " Pak said holding the hilt of his weapon.

" Pak what's going on " the commander walked over and Pak did a salute to him so did the other guy.

" our new recruit was disrespecting Tais woman by checking her out like a dog in heat...Wasn't you Cyrus " Pak said looking back at Tai who kept watching them and Commander Talbot noticed that she was pissed.

" I'm sorry sir..I didn't know and Pak didn't give me a chance to explain " Cyrus said bowing his head while Talbot was watching his actions.

" even if you didn't that's no way to treat a woman especially any of these women, I'll let it pass this one time but next time you won't make it back to the space station" Talbot said nodding his head at Pak who followed him leaving Cyrus by himself, when they got several feet away from him.

" he's acting strange so keep an eye on him for now but be careful I'm afraid that you wouldn't win in a one on one with him " Talbot said patting Pak on his shoulder, Amani pulled Tai back inside the ship when she started to growl.

" Tai what's wrong....get inside now " Amani said pushing Tai toward her room on the ship, Amani noticed Tai's nails growing longer and she quickly called Olivia inside.

" what happened with her " Olivia said pushing Tai down on the couch then scratched her neck then straddles her lap holding her down.

" Amani the scratch is too weak " Olivia said as she pulls Tai into a heated kiss, Amani quickly turned around when Tai ripped open Olivia's shirt the hungrily kisses down her neck to her chest.

" oh shit ahh " Olivia said while moaning out when Tai pulled her making her grind on her hard member which Olivia quickly reaches down undoing Tais pants and pulling her member free while slowly stroking her. Amani was about to walk out but stops then turns around watching Olivia take Tai inside of her while she slowly moves up and down moaning.

" AHHHH HAAH AHHNNN" Olivia moans out as she starts bouncing up and down faster and harder, Tais eyes turn red while her pupils go back to their regular shape.

" OHHH FUCK YES MMMM" Olivia moans out while Tai does the same as she starts licking and sucking on her neck and when they both was hitting their orgasm Tai bit Olivia's neck making the girl moan loudly.

" AHHHH HAAH MHMM ohh I love you Tai AHHH" Olivia moans out while they ride out their orgasm, Tai blinks her eyes a few times then hugs Olivia tight then she makes eye contact with Amani.

" Amani " Tai said holding her hand out to her and she slowly walks over taking Tais hand, she pulls Amani down on them catching her lips in a loving kiss.

" are you okay now " Amani asked caressing Tais cheek while smiling lovingly at her while Olivia was now asleep with her head on Tais shoulder causing Amani to laugh at her.

" it's been a long time since she has been with someone since she'd usually either kill them or put them into comas " Amani said tucking a piece of Olivia's hair behind her ear.

" I'll be honest at first I thought I couldn't do this especially with the girls, yes we always played around with others but with you it's different and now I'll have to share you with them...maybe it's fate playing with us like we played with others but in this case I'm willing since we all will keep you safe. I love you Tai " Amani said kissing Tai's lips then trailing kisses down to her neck where she gently bites into her neck making Tai buck her hips then Olivia moaned making the two laugh.

" let's get her to bed " Amani said standing up to help pull Olivia off of Tai which was a work out taking twenty minutes to get her to let go.

" I think she was wanting to keep you inside of her " Amani said kissing Tai again, she lets Tai go about her business while she changes into her night clothes laying in bed with Olivia snuggling up to her smiling.

Tai was walking around the ship when she saw Taki watching several screens outside the barrier, inside of it also inside both ships.

" I see you managed to get cameras inside their ships" Tai said walking behind Taki then sits down beside her, Taki choked on her saliva and Tai gently pats her back then laughs at Taki blushing.

(" I know what my mom said but how am I supposed to mark someone so innocent like Taki ") Tai thought to herself when an incoming call came in, on the screen was the rest of Lillian's cadets.

" hii Taki I'm letting you know we will be there in a couple of hours " Sylvia said as Fina leans in waving at them, when she sees Tai her smile goes wide and she even blushes.

" I can't wait to see you I'm sorry we couldn't come we had another mission " Fina said winking at Tai making her chuckle waving back at the two, they both smiled at Taki making the girl squirm in her seat.

" oh Taki it looks like you get alone time with Tai, now when we get there and get this mission done we'll be oth spend time alone with Tai together...Right Fina " Sylvia said with a smirk while Taki rolled her eyes.

" ok guys see you soon....be careful " Taki said cutting the call off then shyly smiling at Tai while reaching for her hand.

(" if I don't take my shot with those two coming here I'll never have my chance with Tai ") Taki thought to herself leaning in softly kissing Tai who pulled her in for a deeper kiss.

" I'm sorry Taki I don't want to move too fast with you so I'm going to be honest " Tai said pulling Taki over on her lap making the girl yelp in surprise making Tai laugh at her Innocence.

" look Taki for some reason you and the other girls are my ones, my heart and I guess they call you all my mates that I need to mark also you all need to mark me " Tai said looking into Takis eyes while rubbing her back, Taki kisses Tai again then moves her hair to one side showing her neck to Tai who gently starts kissing Takis neck.

" ahh " Taki moans out gripping Tais shoulder when she bites into her neck while hugging Taki tight, Taki bites her bottom lip to keep herself from moaning from the feeling she is feeling right now.

Taki kisses Tai passionately kissing her neck then bites her on her shoulder making Tai hiss out in pain for how deep Taki bites her, she smiles pulling Taki in for a heated kiss.

" Taki w-wait" Tai said as Taki's hands slide down to her breast as she starts rubbing them while grinding against Tai's front.

" no I want this Tai " Taki said sucking on Tai's neck while she pushes her hand down Tais pants then looks up at Tai with wide eyes.

" well that's surprising" Taki said while slowly stroking her, Taki snapped out of it then gently pulled Taki's hand up then kissed her lovingly.

" Taki I want our first time to be slower pace, I want it to show you how much I love you " Tai said he tly kissing Takis lips when Lillian walked in smirking at them both then sits down in the seat Taki was sitting earlier.

(" well I've read that men or intersex will be in pain being worked up like this ") Taki thought to herself as she looked over at Lillian with a serious face, Lillian was laughing until she saw Takis face that quickly shut her up.

" Tai since your dead set on not being with me now I guess Lillian can help you out..but tomorrow you will be with me and yes your my first so I'm glad that you want to wait" Taki said kissing Tais lips then gets up pulling Lillian up out of the chair.

" Wait Taki what are you doing " Lillian said then Taki pushed her over on top of Tai then looked over to her bed.

" I'll be in the cockpit for a while " Taki said leaving them alone in her room, Lillian looked up at Tai with a shy smile when she felt that Tai was turned on.

" oh ok I guess I Interrupted you two" Lillian said slowly getting up with Tai standing up behind her pulling her against her chest kissing her passionately.

" Lillian I hate to do this right now but—" Tai said but was cut off when Lillian hungrily kisses her, Tai picks her up then carries her over to the bed and rips her clothes off while Lillian helps Tai take hers off as well.