
Chapter 5: Carne Village

As I was walking into the village I recognized something weird and off. The thing that was throwing me off was that the villagers seemed way too trusting. Now normally that would be a good thing but my previous experience in my former life taught me to be careful at all times. So the best way to find out what was going on was to go up to the head or chief as they called him and see what was going on in this village.

So the basic first question that I asked was where I was and in what country. To which he said that I was in the village of Carne located on the border of the Re-Estize Kingdom and The Kingdom of Lugnica. I also learned that small villages like this one have been getting attacked lately by bandits. Which to me seemed a little weird as all the villages that were getting attacked were small villages on the border which to me seemed odd. So I asked the Chief if any of the other Kingdoms on this map had been wanting to go to war, he said yes that the Slane Theocracy was always wanting to fight with Re-Estizes over the smallest stuff. But what threw me off was that the other villages reported having been attacked by bandits that said they were from Baharuth. Which if you asked me it seemed a little weird because why would the Bahuruth Empire go through all of the trouble to attack the Re-Estized Kingdom which was not close enough to them to be a threat?

To me, this all started to smell a little fishy. So I told the village Chief that I would stay and help out in any way I can. But I told him that my services weren't cheap and would cost quite a bit. But weirdly enough he seemed relieved that I was going to help even without knowing my price. So they gave me a nice little home to live in until I dealt with their little issue of the so-called bandits.