

???: "KASIM! I know today is your last day of school but you have to pay attention and not use a book as cover! You're 1 million years too late for that to work!"

Kasim: " Y-yes Miss….?"

Mrs. Cross: "It's Mrs. Cross to you young man, you should've remembered my name since I have been your teacher for awhile now. You should go to the bathroom, the chalk I threw earlier smacked that book into your face and you could use the water to wake you up."

Getting up from his desk, Kasim looks at the edge of his desk and sees a piece of chalk smoking a tiny bit. (Weird, why is it smoking? How hard did she throw it?) Walking towards the door in the front of the class, the teacher says something before Kasim has the chance to leave. "Kasim just in case you're forgetting where the bathroom is, it's the last two doors down the hall to your right." Thanking the teacher, Kasim left the room and headed right. Having a slight pause in his step before entering the male restroom, he thinks about all the events that happened in his 'sleep'. (It was real, I am sure of it. The pain from the bullets and the warmness of the blood felt real enough. I wonder where I am and why am I in school again.)

Going towards the sink he wets his face and looks into the mirror. (Yep it's still me from that 'dream' just younger and slightly different hair color. Before it was a really dark black but now it's a snow white color and slightly long enough to slick back. My skin is still the same toasted olive skin tone and I'm an average height of 5'5.) Getting finished wetting his face from the slight drowsiness, Kasim starts to leave the restroom but is stopped and pushed back inside. Another student about 5'6 seemingly made of muscle with spiky blonde hair and a sleeveless student uniform walks in after pushing Kasim.

???: "Well well well if it isn't our schools best survivalist and book worm Kasim. I heard that Mrs. Cross hit you again today and that tomorrow you and a few others are going to awaken the soul monster and get their brand on you."

Kasim: (*Sigh* Why the restroom again?) "Yeah word travels fast and I have to get back so if you could excuse me and go about your business I won't bother you."

Len: "Oh? You really are such a forgetful person, it's me Len and I just wanna show you my brand and the power I got. The tattoo on my right arm, the shape is a red bull due to me soul summoning an inferno horn bull. Lets see you take my Burning Lariat right now!"

Len extends his right arm while it turns a little red and bulges at least 2 times in size. With a burst of speed he is in front of Kasim, Having no time to dodge the sudden attack he blocks it with his right arm and hops slightly back to cushion the hit. *BANG* Kasim gets hit in the wall opposite of the exit and gets knocked out. Len seeing him not moving smirks and turns to leave. "Ha to think you had the high score in combat and knowledge you parentless sack of waste."


In a dreamlike state Kasim looks around and sees on the floor a reflection of himself, the 'him' from the dream. In front of him sits the Kasim from the restroom, staring into each other's eyes; 'dream' Kasims' blue and 'Real' Kasims' red eyes. "Sit down and I'll tell you what is happening to you Kasim." says a smooth voice coming from the sitting Kasim.

Doing what he said, I go and sit down in front of him hoping he can answer most if not all my questions. "First you can call me Anon and I'll just call you Kas, now the 'dream' you had was real and that's what happened a million years ago. The day of the meteor shower was the day your old world changed. Small fragments entered every living being and stayed there giving people monsters from their very soul. The animals awakened abilities and got stronger. That isn't the most shocking thing to happen, the continents shifted and made the supercontinent Pangea rendering all life on land to communicate together and wars between countries over territory. After close to 200,000 years of constant fighting between people and animals something new came into the equation, monsters and mythical beings such as elves and beastmen. As you can guess the world was evolving fast and everyone adapted some choices good and some bad. Creation of magic energy from the various soul energy in the air to new technology enabling for better fighting choices. People also realized that the soul monsters were getting stronger and now left brands or tattoos on you signifying you having a soul monster."

"For now that is the basics of what happened, you live in a country that I would say is a melting pot of past cultures and is now called Alsta country of leading technology and magics. Any questions since I am sure I answered most of them already."

"Yeah you answered most of them. I wanna know more about the tattoo and monsters can I tame more? Can I use a weapon to fight? Who are you?" Anon at this point showed a serious look in his eyes and responded, "The tattoo can only happen once but can be changed when the soul monster evolves, which is only 3 times and the last one is a choice between two forms. The brand can be anything and would be a representation of the monster or their element. You can tame more monsters and store them inside the brand, which can hold an infinite amount of creatures but only 10 monsters can be branded with your soul monsters' brand. The branded monsters will give you one ability from their own skill set and can become stronger when you use them more. The weapons now are called G.E.A.R which stands for Generating Equipment and Reactors. Reactors are tools that allow you to use magic in the air. The black wristband on your wrist is one and you use it you have to focus some energy into it. You get to forge a different weapon using different energy but once made it cannot be changed and once it breaks you have to wait to reform it. The band itself is indestructible and made from Alsta."

"For your last question and since we are almost out of time, I am Anon the shard from the meteor that hit you and the memories of this time period Kas. We will see each other soon in the real world and not your mindscape. Check your pocket and It'll prove that you indeed time traveled. Be careful out there things may not be what they seem and the past can catch you off guard. Goodbye Kas."

Waking up I stand up and clutch my head from the headache and memories of this Kas. I reach into my pocket and find an item that shouldn't be here...the ring. "Now this is getting weird."

HAHA I made another Chapter to introduce more of the world! I hope its easy to understand but if not I'll try to go into it more in the future!

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