
Intertwined (Life takes you back) by Kelyoungwrld

Isabella, a popular girl was dragged back in time due to a failed science project by her friends. As though being stranded in time wasn't enough, she had to be stuck where race and language was a barrier. Prince Lee Ji-ho an arrogant crown prince, who learns to trust people due to the help of a foreigner who heals his old wounds. _ INTERTWINE(A Western/Korean collaboration) Its a fictional work set during modern world 2020 and 14th century (Joseon Dynasty) _ Genre Timetravel, Historical, Fiction, Romance and War.

KelYoungWrld99_ · Histoire
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16 Chs

You I'll See/ The Beginning

"Hey" Kate called out to me "wanna go out?"she said as she rampaged around her closet looking for something to wear.

"Its fucking Saturday, i want to sleep in" throwing the pillow over my head.

She looked over at me and Shaked her head "Get your sleepy ass off the bead and get dressed. Am taking you to go see something fun"

"No!!! please let me be, please!" I whined.

"No. No, no you are coming with me. I won't let you miss something so fun and cool because you want to sleep in.

Bella! Wake up please"

"Ok,ok. Am up, if this stuff you wanna show me ain't as cool and interesting as you claim it would be, am gonna kill you for disturbing my precious sleep" I told her

Aaaaaah, I screamed into my pillow.

"Don't worry it won't disappoint I promise"

I stood up, unsure what to wear as I scaled through the wardrobe looking for something casual to put on, hoping that would draw Kate's attention to the fact that I, want to be left alone this weekend and maybe state the fact that I need rest and hangover from last night's partying. I need sleep.

A dash of skinny Jean's and a hoodie should do the trick and a blue Nike snickers would compliment the nonchalant look.

"Is that what you are wearing?" She said as she gave me the stinky eye.

"Ya, if you don't like it, i could just stay at home" I said with a dark grin.

Fall for it, please, please.

"Hell no, even if you had sweatpants on and a swallow t-shirt- you are still coming with me"

Fuck! She didn't fall for it.

"Ahh,save me someone from my nerdy friend" I said with a weak grin on my face.

"Ya, am a nerd and I like it" she replied with a smile.

An hour in the cab felt like ten,Ya that's how tired I was and I tried to show it. Bitchen about it is how I could show I was not gonna go down in peace but I knew she saw right through my Bullshit and still ignored me.

The cab finally pulled to a stop. I saw the building and felt unease, it was an abandoned industrial building that looked more like a haunted house for serial killers  than whatever she had within in my mind and the fact it had dried dead weed's covering some part of it made it seem like a psych ward for the mentally unstable and am pretty sure it's covered in bird shit and human dump.

Why do I feel uneasy?

"Ok,what's this mysterious place you've brought me to? Is it haunted? it's definitely haunted isn't it? Are u planning to kill me off because of last night? I didn't mean to tell Charlie that you have a thing for him, I swear" I tried to defend myself.

"No. No, no, and definitely no. Why would you think that? sometimes I wonder what's going on in that head if your's" she said as  she gave me looked questionable look.

I guess I shocked with my question but I l can't help that I thought that way; she's had a crush on him for two year but never got the balls to tell him. I was just helping a friend but I guess it also backed fired. He didn't feel the same way she felt.

"This place used to be a skin care factory. They produced things like: ocean breeze caramel soap, soul giver liquid soap and many more organic skin care products " she told me as we made our way into the building.

"Ya I remember that, my aunt used it. It truly worked wonder's on her skin"

"Yea, many people loved their product but something terrible happened to the C.E.O. and no one knows or spoke about it ever, all of a sudden they just shutdown. Shocking right?. Who knows what happened?."

"Wow! but I really like there products" I told her

"Ya, I did to but it was crazy, they had to fire over one thousand employees"

"That's crazy in deed, so what's here used for now?" I said as I wasn't very enthusiastic about going into the place.

"Nothing really!" she said as she led the way

Nothing? so why am I here? does she still hold grudges against me for what I did last night? I really meant it though when I told her I was sorry.

Should I kneel down and beg? she kept talking as I smiled at her lightly but scared of what she would do to me. Why am I still following her.....

"Mark's uncle was to sell it, but he haven't found a buyer yet, so, it just an industrial building and, wait for it- our secret location for a science project we've been working on" she said all enthusiastic.


"Do you remember the black out last semester?" she said sounding a bit excited and mischievous about it.

She gives me the uckies when she tries to look evil.

"Ya, the one that shot down all the schools power." I answered as she laughed out loud and so did I.

It was epic, the flashback of the damages done by a bunch of science amateur's who took their science project too far.

"It caused a lot of damages to the school's power supply and a lot of money was spent on the power station trying to fix it. They said it was the handy work of some bunch of science amateurs. Wait! was it?!"

"Ya that one, it was coursed by the project we where working on, so we had to look for another location for it. Va la" she said with an even more enthusiastic smile.

Wow, I never thought I would see her in her rebellious phase, I never thought she would be the troublesome type. Wow Cat, am proud of you.

But what does this have to do with this haunted building "So you picked a maybe haunted building for it. Go science!!" I said with a sarcastic tone

"Its not haunted I can prove that one "

"Ok, I'll believe you, but when shit starts popping out of this building, am out here, I love you but I will definitely live you behind. We've been walking for hour's now, when are we getting to a stop?"

"We're almost there and will you quit whining about every single thing?  Please."

"Am not whining " I said in a cute tone "okay, but where's this project of yours and how come we are not there yet?"

This place is definitely haunted and creepy and stinky.

The inside is too wet for my liking and what's with all the pigeons.

Ahhh, is that a fucking dead rat. I told around to comport myself when I saw Katherine giving me the stink-eye.

"Don't judge me" I told her as I kept walking.

"Its this way, we're almost there" she told me as we climb a bunch of broken stairs that felt very unstable and dangerous.

Yeah, she's definitely trying to kill me.

She lead me towards a glass door, I couldn't help but wonderd "What's behind close doors!" is she really going for it.....am I gonna die today, as weird noises came from behind.

What is happening?

My Consciousness was called back to reality when a man's voice call out to Cat from behind the door as we reach in the door.

"Where the hell I've you been? we've been waiting for you for two hours straight"

"Two hourse, Fourth five minutes and twenty seconds to be presides" another said.

The young man in thick glasses said as he stared at me intensely.

Definitely in the midst of nerds and the smell of science in the air.


So this is me, my first official story on Webnovel; wasn't hoping for much but here it is, please don't judge (but constructive criticism is allow)

So that's the first Chapter (Pt1) of my story (book, novel or whatever this is called).

Was going for something light and ended up with this, gramm errors a made, misspellings too, as this book hasn't been edited by an editor just me trying to be a fast writer, so please bear with me.

Hopefully you fall in love with it and with me as well Please vote, Like and don't forget to comment your thoughts and read my other word like: I'm in love with the Sun, Alpha? Omega!

Yours one and only, no other besides

Stephan Kel Young (SKY99)

Thanks guys love from beyond ❤️