
Chapter 102: Super Gravity Weapons, A War Spanning Over a Hundred Light-Years

Yan Xia ascends from the surface of /Star City until he stands in space, over a million kilometers above the ground.

Chu tells him that this is the best observation point.

From here, Yan Xia looks down and sees that his former home is now as small as the tip of a needle, while /Star City remains vast and endless.

As Yan Xia observes, /Star City is undergoing changes, but the process is incredibly slow due to its immense size. In reality, every object within the city is being reconstructed at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

After several days, a section of /Star City transforms into a massive "I" shape, spanning five astronomical units.

The "I" is not formed with its tip as the head but rather with its side, creating a five-astronomical-unit-long surface.

This surface has no visible cannons, but Yan Xia notices square-shaped indentations that form a stepped pattern, resembling an inner pyramid.

After another ten days, Chu sends a message to Yan Xia.

"It's complete."

Yan Xia is slightly surprised, as he hasn't observed anything significant.

Once Yan Xia returns to the ground, Chu explains the purpose of his message.

"I agree with the Civilized Federation's classification of second-tier civilizations, which considers the four fundamental forces as weapons. However, on a large scale, it's the electromagnetic force that's primarily used, not the strong, weak, or gravitational forces."

"The strong and weak forces are nuclear forces, which require particles to manifest, while gravity exists without the need for particles."

"Our scientists have been exploring the use of gravity as a weapon for over 12,000 years, and now we have mastered this technology, which is what you've seen—the super gravity weapon."

While the concept of gravity as a weapon isn't new, the addition of the word "super" makes a significant difference.

Super refers to supersymmetry, so this is a supersymmetric gravity weapon.

Although the Civilized Federation has indirectly proven the existence of gravitons, they have not yet proven the existence of supergravity. If supergravity does exist, it would mean that not only gravitons but also their supersymmetric partners are responsible for the propagation of gravity.

Since the Civilized Federation hasn't proven supergravity, they can't make accurate assumptions about its existence, which means Yan Xia doesn't fully understand how the super gravity weapon works.

"Is the super gravity weapon based on gravity waves or gravity itself?" Yan Xia asks after a complex series of thoughts.

Chu smiles.

"Of course, it's gravity. I think you'll observe the effects of our weapon here in 1178 years."

According to Yan Xia's understanding, gravity propagates at the speed of light, which means it cannot exceed the speed of light. However, Chu claims that the results will be visible in 1178 years.

This implies that the Olive Branch Civilization has mastered a superluminal weapon that can reach any target almost instantaneously, ignoring the speed of light. The super gravity weapon likely utilizes higher dimensions to propagate gravity, which the Civilized Federation cannot currently comprehend because, in their existing research, higher dimensions only allow for the propagation of specific particles and forces at speeds below the speed of light.

The weapon is terrifying.

However, gravity weapons have a weakness—their strength diminishes with distance. Yan Xia wonders how powerful the Olive Branch Civilization's super gravity weapon will be after traveling a distance of 1178 light-years.

Based on Chu's confidence, it's clear that the weapon will still retain a significant amount of power.

This is the first time the Olive Branch Civilization has demonstrated its military might to Yan Xia.

"Our weapon will reach its target before yours, and that's the decision I wanted to show you."

"What do you think?"

Yan Xia smiles.

"Then I wish us a pleasant cooperation."

Despite his words, Yan Xia feels a sense of unease internally.

In theory, the Olive Branch Civilization releasing its weapon first would cause the Silk Civilization to turn its attention towards them, making the Olive Branch Civilization the primary enemy.

This would seem advantageous for the Civilized Federation.

However, the Civilized Federation's weapons have already been deployed, but they will arrive after the Olive Branch Civilization's weapons, which means the Olive Branch Civilization will question the existence of two advanced civilizations in such close proximity (less than 280 light-years apart).

They may assume that the original aggressor has simply moved to another star domain, which would cause the Silk Civilization to become even more cautious towards the Civilized Federation.

This is a critical issue, as the Silk Civilization is a powerful civilization, even more so than the current Civilized Federation.

If the Silk Civilization views the Civilized Federation as its primary enemy, it will likely inflict greater damage on the Federation, while the Olive Branch Civilization sits back and watches the two civilizations fight.

Furthermore, the super gravity weapon itself is a dire warning.

"Let's just wait and see."

Chu leaves, and Yan Xia returns to his base. He uses the tachyon communication device to inform Ella about the situation and asks him to pay attention.

Yan Xia also notices that /Star City is gradually moving closer to the Civilized Federation, and if the destination is the border of the Civilized Federation's star domain, the distance is less than 250 light-years.

After the message is conveyed, Yan Xia begins to interfere in the internal conflict of the Olive Branch Civilization.

He supports Chu's side.

However, as an external supporter, Yan Xia's actions only serve to increase the tension within the Olive Branch Civilization, which is precisely his goal.

After 183 years, the 'Changers' make an important decision.

They support a spokesperson.

The role of this spokesperson is to negotiate with Chu, continuously advocating for the rights of the 'Changers', and Chu's attention is diverted to this task, as he engages in daily debates with the spokesperson of the 'Changers'.

Chu seems to enjoy this process.

Meanwhile, Yan Xia continues to spread propaganda within the Olive Branch Civilization, causing more of its lifeforms to develop a sense of resentment towards Chu.

During this time, Yan Xia never falls asleep.

Without Ella's assistance, he must handle everything personally, and even if he were to sleep for a hundred years, many things could still surpass his original plans.

Another 995 years pass, bringing them to the time when Yan Xia expects to observe the effects of the super gravity weapon, 1178 years in the past.

Yan Xia sees it.

A star collapses.

The star is young, with a lifespan of several billion years ahead of it, but it collapses at that very moment.

This is not a coincidence but rather the result of the super gravity weapon.

Yan Xia, through extensive planning, tries to understand how gravity can be used as a weapon and how it can cause a star to collapse from such a distant location, something even gamma-ray bursts cannot achieve.

The distance is over a hundred light-years.

Yan Xia is stunned.

The Olive Branch Civilization has demonstrated the power of a 2.4-tier civilization.

Before Yan Xia can fully process this information, four years and two months later, a beam of electromagnetic light pierces a corner of /Star City.

The beam spans over an astronomical unit, and the lives of approximately 60 billion Olive Branch Civilization lifeforms are extinguished in an instant.

It's a counterattack from the Silk Civilization.

The 999-year-long debate comes to a halt before the full millennium, as both the 'Changers' and the 'Conservatives' unite in the face of an external enemy. They stand on the tallest building in /Star City and declare the beginning of a war between civilizations spanning over a hundred light-years.

The war, as Yan Xia had envisioned, is now underway.