
Uniting the Orc Clans Part III

Unlike his duel with Mala, which was an engagement duel, the rules were different this time around. Armor was forbidden like before, but the warriors did not fight nude, they only wore a pair of trousers. And they were permitted one melee weapon of their choice. 

Since this was a fight between chieftains, both of them were permitted to wield their Power Hammers, which was a symbol of their authority as chieftains. Such weapons were devastating, so much so that most living beings, if caught within the blast radius of their attack, would die instantly. 

Because of this, the battle would be one of speed. Whoever struck the blow first would kill the other, and if they both struck at the same time, then both men would die. To the crowd, this was truly an exciting display, because it was not every day that one witnessed a fight between two Chieftains.