
Becoming a Lab Rat

Having secured the allegiance of another orc clan, Erich had immediately shipped them off to the remainder of his horde to be re-outfitted with the latest equipment that Tia had manufactured. Meanwhile, Erich began to focus on Tia's efforts to perfect the truth serum, and within two weeks, she believed she had the results she was looking for. All the little AI needed was a test subject.

Of course, Sages were hard to come by, and because of this, the little devil approached Erich with an interesting offer. Which she made once they were alone in his captain's quarters. 

"Master... Tia believes she has found the solution to the serum, and how to prevent total brain death... However, she needs a test subject, and since Sages are hard to come by, and are valuable prisoners. Tia suggests that Master volunteer to be the subject himself.