
Interludes and Lures Sequel to Siren Song

Looking into the mirror, Chang studied the familiar yet unfamiliar reflection that gazed back. Her blue eyes, while they were familiar it also felt like she stared into another woman's face at times. Someone far colder, and unattached. Straightening the stiff starched collar on her dark blue button up blouse. Chang practiced her smile, today was a day she had to practice more than any other. 'Today is just another day, don't expect anything different. What happened last year is not going to happen twice.. 'You know more now, you're stronger and wiser than you once were. This year and the ones hereafter will only get easier, just breathe. You can get through this, you've gotten through much worse.' Chang took a deep breath trying to quell the emotions that threatened to rise before meeting her reflection again with a slight smile. 'Happy 25th birthday Chang Xie, no Charmaine Elaenora...'

Kayalicia · Urbain
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6 Chs

Amira (IV)

"Mrs. Liang I have good news for you, not only is the fetus extremely healthy, the ultrasound shows that it is a boy." Beside her the nurse claimed happily as she handed the results to Amira al-Hassan. "The father I'm sure will be very overjoyed."

Laying on the cold table Amira looked at the small black to white gradients that warped around the life inside her, outlining it.

'Our first child.. so little..'

After thanking the nurse Amira al-Hassan left the clinic and came out to the waiting area where Liang Ju-Long awaited her. His calm face looked up, a hint of a smile showing as he curled his thin lips and walked her out to their car as she held onto his arm for support.

Even though she was around six months along, due to her slender frame she looked like she was a lot further along in her pregnancy than she was.

For almost two years the man had refused to touch her, and their marriage had just been a cold facade, devoid of emotions or feelings. Liang Ju-Long had maintained a polite and cordial distance from her for the longest time, no matter how she had tried to make him open up to her. Only in the last year had she finally been able to make the man seemingly made of stone start to open up a bit.

After he buckled her in and started driving did she turn to look at him. "The doctors gave us good news when I went in there." She waited after speaking to see if he was listening or mulling something through his head.

When she did not speak for a moment the man beside her made a small noise in his throat and gave her a quick side look. Seeing that he was listening she continued on.

"The doctors said that the baby is an extremely healthy baby boy. He should be born in August around the same time as my birthday. Wouldn't that be a wonderful birthday surprise?" Amira watched her husband from the side to see his look as she told him.

"Indeed it would." His lips curled only slightly more and his face relaxed a bit.

'Hehe he looks really happy, or as happy as he ever looks.' Chuckling to herself seeing the stone face soften, Amira babbled happily about all what the doctor had told her as they made their way back slowly and carefully to their home.

"We should give him a good strong name, like yours. A boy should be strong. We don't want him to end up weak like my brothers. I wonder if he'll look more like you or me, or maybe he'll be a perfect mix, I hope he looks handsome like his father, and witty like me."

Liang Ju-Long chuckled a couple times as she babbled on, a rare occurance, once inside their home she latched onto his neck.

"Are you happy?"

"Mm." He nodded briefly looking into her eyes, still wearing his relaxed expression.

"'Mm' is not an answer I want to hear you say it."

Liang Ju-Long pulled her tighter into his arms causing her to release a small grunt in surprise. Pulling back her curtain of hair that only came to her shoulders now, he whispered into her ear.

"I am so very very happy. Happier than I have ever been. So much so I still keep asking myself if this is really happening." Hearing his response she smiled and held his neck tighter

"Mm, it is. It really is happening. I'm glad I met you too Ju-Long." Closing her eyes, Amira basked in her happiness.