
Intergalactic Hunter System: Traveler Between Worlds

Can A one-person travel to a Different time and different reality at the same time? Yes, someone did, and his name is Divider! This divider is an excellent liar. The gods and goddesses decided to banish him to a white void because he divided the Number empire and the Mathematics empire (Math empire.) by lying to them! Some Gods and goddesses felt bad for Divider, so they give him a problematic mission to complete. If Divider completes the quest, they will free him from his personal hell. But.. ....If he fails, he will stay there for all eternity!

Galaxy_In_Space · Fantaisie
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Intergalactic Hunter, Divider!

One thousand years ago, a WAR started between Mathematics and Number Empire. People dubbed this war "The Great Number War!" Or "The Great Math/Maths War!" Both names are accepted. And to this day, the war is going on! However, a mere mortal does not know their is a war going on because it's not on the surface of reality. It's on the outskirts of reality!

It means it will affect every mortal and immoral alike that existed in life, any shape and form. You may ask, how did this war happen? It happened because of one selfish man named

The Divider is a fitting name for a mortal who divided all life forms in existence.

What horrible thing he did that started a life-shattering war will he lied. He lied to everyone who was a number about the other Empire and vice-versa.

The war went into a stalemate for two thousand years, and it's still in the deadlock today. When the war was in a standoff, numbers, math, humans, gods, and goddesses sent him into a different dimension called White Void.

White Void has a lot of similarities to another plane of existence called Hell; they both make people suffer for the rest of their lives. And another similar thing is deities are sending people from the different multiverse to these places out of reality.

When they are similarities, there is a difference too, and they are: White Void is the only reserved for one soul, not multiple souls like hell. Two, there are no demons or the devil to punish you! Three is all white, as the name suggests. And finally, four, it was super chill cold instead of grieving hot!

And who am I? I'm Divider, yes, the same Divider that started a whole war after lying to the most prominent empires ever, never seen by mortals or immortals living their lives in one of the realities.

And this is my story of how I become the most potent Intergalactic Hunter ever!


I was Butt naked in White Void, and I was shivering from the cold that I looked blue, and I had never looked blue in my entire life or been in this situation before.

When I got woken up, I didn't feel the cold, but that is not important right now. The important thing right now was I was confused about where the higher beings sent me into this time; then I realized the room was cold, and my body was freezing up.

From the freezing temperatures and being completely nude, I fainted on the

whitest-looking floor.

<Banishement complete!> A massage was floating in my head, but I could see it because I was not conscious at that time.

I finally opened my eyes, expecting to see White Void, but it was a different place, and I was looking around to see where I was?

"This is not White Void, so were on the omniverse, am I?!" I mumbled those words from my mouth. And I was confused about we're the gods, and goddesses banished me this time?

I was looking at my right and saw something connected to my wrist, and at the top, there was liquid inside a transparent bag.

A little later, someone with a pink uniform entered my room. And it was a mortal I had never seen before in my entire existence until now.

And this life form was bringing a strange thing that was getting pushed by this moral. That strange-looking device was making an annoying noise when driven by this person.

When this mortal was getting too close to me, at that time, I thought they were about to kill me! I was naive back then; the person didn't kill me. The living being just took the bag attracted to my wrist and replaced it with a new one. Then they left the room, and at one point in my life, I found out that mortal was a human girl.


After she left the room, I went back to an unconscious state for the time being. Then I woke up, and I was in White Void once again.

This time, I was not alone, though. There was no other life form besides me, but a blue system was floating in my sight between my eyes. And these words are written on it,

<Welcome Intergalactic Hunter, Divider: Select A Universe To Travel To!>

At first, I tried to close the system, but instead of closing, it got smaller that could fit in my pockets. It took off inside of my hand's palm. I could still see the blue glare of the system and the x button on the top corner.

When I saw the x button, I started rapidly pressing it to close the system down. However, I tried to push it to leave my hands and not see this annoying system anymore.

But I tried everything, and nothing was working for me until an unfamiliar voice said my name with an unfriendly tone, "Divider, If you try pressing the x button on Mr. System again, you're dead... understand!"

This voice was intense enough to echo entirely of White Void. "Who are you?" I asked when hearing his voice, and not going to lie

I was scared at first.

I think he got upset at me when I said who you are?

When I said, that a gash of waves of wind and sound came rushing towards me. It was so powerful that it dragged me backward.

Then he asked, "You don't know who I am?!" I thought and thought when I was about to answer until he just responded to his question.

"Don't answer it... I'm Zeus!" I already knew he was the god of the sky and father and protector of Olympians and mortals.

It was to make him mad, and I think It worked pretty well, and I know another way to make him even madder by saying these words to him, "I never heard of you?!"

I was trying my best to hide my smile when saying that probably some God or gods and goddess knew what I was doing, but Zeus was angry that he didn't look deep into it?

You are probably thinking, why am I doing this to a strong God that will destroy me any minute at any moment? He knows something about this system; that's why I am doing this.

'I want to know where this came from, why it is here, how to delete it, but it seems like Zeus does like it when I do that! And why doesn't he want me to delete it? Do other deities know about this system's existence, or is only one God knows about it? Or a group of supreme beings knows?'

If one of my questions in my mind is answered, I will be satisfied, but he would leave me hanging without answering a single one, then I will not be satisfied?


Okay, when I said I never heard about you, everything became silent, no cold freezing me to death, no winds to annoy me with the sounds they make, and freezer me into my end.

A little later, the silence broke when some other supreme life form was laughing at Zeus, "Hahaha... Did you hear that a mare mortal does not know who you are?!" It was Hades who was laughing at Zeus.


Thunderbolts, we're getting formed on Zeus's palms, and it was making violent sounds! And the sky God's aura changes into a murderous one.

When Hades saw that Zeus was holding thunderbolts and felt the aura, he backed up, "heh, Zeus... I'm already going back to the underworld, so don't send me there yourself!"

When Hades said what he said, he teleported quickly to the underworld. When he went back where he came from, Zeus aura into a righteous mode, but Divider opened his mouth again, making everything worse than before.

"Why did Hades leave me with this old man? He is much funnier, more powerful, and more relaxed than this old man!"

Once again, I was holding my smile, and I think I made Zeus even angrier than before. Poor Hades, he got a thunderbolt in his ass!

"Hades!!!" Zeus' voice echoed across the White Void, not just in the Void. It echoed on every universe as possible.

Once again, thunderbolts got formed by the palm of his hand, this time with an even more murderous aura around the thunderbolts and himself, and this time, the color of bolts changed to red!

Zeus teleported to the underworld to catch Hades and possibly kill him!



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