"Captain, the Zwilink connector is sending transmitting co-ordinates", lieutenant Tashinga flight control reported.
"Input co-ordinates and initiate take off sequence", captain Maguire ordered from his commander's chair.
As lieutenant Tashinga set about complying with the order. Captain Lucinda walked onto the bridge.
"Captain", captain's Maguire greeted as captain Lucinda walked through the sliding doors and came over to take her seat next to captain Maguire.
"Captain", she greeted as she approached and and lowered herself into the seat beside him.
"Feeling better?", he asked.
"Yes much better, thank you. It seems I was more exhausted that I had imgined. Running through the forest from a herd of stampeding dinosaurs then being trundled like a piece of stake really took its toll on my body", captain Lucinda recounted the horrors of the past couple of days.