
Beneath the water(1)

"It could also mean attempting to make contact would be dangerous", said captain Lucinda.

"We don't know that yet", said captain Maguire.

"If they are the ones who stole the aura from the Bulba, they will have every reason to be hostile", captain Lucinda went on.

"The presence of the aura on the planet does not necessarily make the inhabitants of the planet the thieves", said captain Maguire.

"What are you saying?", asked captain Lucinda.

"Have you considered the possibility that the actual thieves could have chosen to hide the aura on this planet", captain Maguire countered. Think about it, a planet completely covered in water. What could make a more perfect hiding place, than beneath an endless ocean. Especially if they thought the Bulba would come after them", suggested captain Maguire. "Gven the fact that the Bulba do not seem to be the forgiving type, such a possibility is not too far fetched".

"'What are you suggesting?" asked captain Lucinda.