
Instant level up(Levelling up in an apocalypse)

In a world ravaged by an insidious disease that transformed the infected into savage beasts, humanity teetered on the brink of extinction. Those who succumbed to the infection became nightmarish creatures, viciously attacking any unfortunate soul they encountered. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. Some individuals, infected by the disease but untouched by its horrific transformation, were reborn with extraordinary powers. These newfound abilities bestowed upon them the means to combat the relentless onslaught of the infected, granting a flicker of light in humanity's darkest hour. As the survivors huddled together behind towering walls, seeking refuge in an isolated sanctuary, a group of individuals emerged as their leaders. These gifted beings, blessed with the potent force known as Chaos Energy, shouldered the responsibility of venturing beyond the barricades to reclaim their lost homes. Among those left bereft by the apocalypse, a young boy named Kadori harbored a fervent wish: to join the ranks of the runners, the brave souls who ventured into the treacherous unknown to confront the abominable creatures. His heart ached with the loss of his last living family members, and he yearned for vengeance against the chaos that had stolen his loved ones. Then, one fateful day, Kadori's dream came to life. Permission was granted for him to step beyond the protective walls, armed with newfound hope and a fierce determination. But destiny is a capricious mistress, and tragedy struck on his very first foray into the hostile wilderness. Yet, even as Kadori's life hung in the balance, a mysterious force stirred. Whispers of a cryptic message echoed in the desolation: "[Host has been found.] [Survive one day alone outside the walls.] [Reward: Instant Level Up]" The tale unfolds with the promise of epic struggles, newfound powers, and the enduring spirit of humanity's will to survive. Kadori's journey has only just begun, and the world beyond the walls holds secrets, perils, and the key to humanity's resurgence.

Quiet_max · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

You are weak

Agreeing to the duel, the two boys stood opposite each other in an open area, with the rest of the students surrounding them, their expressions filled with anticipation.

Bjorn took out his blade and dropped it to the ground.

"I don't plan on hurting you, Mate, so I'll just drop that," Bjorn spoke with a concerned expression.

Kadori scoffed at Bjorn's confident words. "Too bad, because I don't plan on going easy on you." Kadori readied his blade and began to charge forward.

Running as fast as he could, Bjorn still found Kadori's movements extremely slow.

When Kadori got within striking distance, he swung his blade towards Bjorn, who had both of his arms folded behind him.

Bjorn swirled his body in the opposite direction, causing Kadori to slash nothing but air.

Kadori retrieved his blade quickly, slashing out and aiming for Bjorn's chest.

Once again, he swirled in the opposite direction, evading the strike.

"You wish to be a Runner and yet you are slow!" Shaw commented from the side, irritated by Kadori's weak attacks.

"Shut up!" Kadori snapped, swinging out his blade angrily, trying to get at least one cut on Bjorn.

But his efforts were all in vain. Bjorn found everything too easy to dodge, simply by swerving around.

After so many failed attempts, Kadori dropped his blade, bending down and panting heavily.

Seeing Kadori was down, Bjorn approached him with a worried look. "Are you alright..." Before Bjorn could finish his sentence, he was already looking at the sunny sky.

Kadori pretended to be tired and was trying to catch his breath, so Bjorn would lower his guard and approach him.

Finally, the plan worked. Wasting no time, Kadori clenched his fist and sent out a punch to Bjorn's jaw.

If it were a normal human who received the blow, it was likely their jaw would have shattered to pieces, but Bjorn wasn't a regular human.

He had the Chaos energy inside of him.Bjorn took a few steps backwards after the punch connected neatly to his jaw.

He couldn't deny the fact that he wasn't feeling any pain at all.The students and Shaw gasped in shock after witnessing the scene that played right in front of them.

"I did it!" Kadori jubilated, "I'm finally a part of the Runners!"

"Isn't that cheating?" Shaw interjected, "You attacked him when he wasn't ready."

"No, he was right by doing what he did," Bjorn chimed in, placing his arm around Kadori's shoulder, "We need to attack our enemies when they least expect. Taking them off guard might guarantee victory."

"He's the leader of the Runners, yet he doesn't know basic teachings," Kadori glanced at Shaw while speaking those words. "So, am I finally a part of the Runners?"

"Sadly no!" A mature male voice sounded from behind, causing everyone to turn around.

Catching a glimpse of the figure that approached them, everyone began to bow their heads.

"Baron Duncan," Shaw said in a respectful tone, his head facing the ground.

"What do you mean I'm not yet part of the Runners? We made a deal!" Kadori questioned.

"Well, that's on you, but the law still remains. Kadori Kakashi isn't allowed to go out of these walls unless I ask him to," Baron Duncan replied with a stern look.

"What's your problem, man? Why won't you let me run?" Kadori questioned, his voice mixed with anger and sadness.

"Because you can't!" Baron Duncan replied instantly.

"Why not?!" Kadori asked.

"Because you can't!" Baron Duncan replied again.

"But how can you be so sure?!" Kadori snapped, his voice reverberating throughout the area, "What? Because I'm not as tall as them? I'm not as strong as them? Because we are related?"

"Because I don't want you to end up like your mother, Kadori!" Baron Duncan shouted.

The tears that had been gathering up in Kadori's eyes finally overflowed after hearing his mother's name.

The only reason why he wanted to join the Runners in the first place was to make those creatures pay for what they did to his mother.

Kadori wiped away the tears in his eyes and ran off.

Bjorn wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Baron Duncan, "Let him be. He's hurting at the moment. He still needs time to heal."


The next day arrived, and the people were asked to gather around the announcement area as Baron Duncan stood in front of them.

"As we all know, today marks a month since the Runners came back with supplies, meaning we are out of supplies and they'll need to venture outside," Baron Duncan announced.

"You all know what to do. So go prepare your weapons!" Baron Sikes chimed in.

Anytime the gate is about to open for the Runners to leave, every villager is asked to station themselves in front with their weapons ready.

The reason for these procedures was that no one was sure whether there is a creature waiting on the other end for them to open the gate.

So it was safer to prepare themselves for that.

The villagers began to pick up their weapons. Swords, axes, knives, bows and arrows, and so on.

Kadori had his small knife in his hand while his sword was sheathed behind him.

After everyone was ready, they all went to stand in front of the mighty gate, while the Runners were in front of them, ready to dive in.

"Open the gate!" Baron Duncan ordered.

A few seconds after the command, a loud rumbling sound was heard as the gate began to open slowly.

Everyone gripped their weapons tightly as the gate began to lift open at a slow pace.

The six selected runners began to make their way forward after the gate opened up and was able to fit them.

"It's clear! Close the gate!" Modred ordered after the last runner made his exit.

"Close the gate!" Baron Duncan ordered again. The gate began to close slowly.

Seeing the gate was closing, the Runners left the place.

Glancing around the area, Kadori noticed no one was watching him.

'It's now or never,' Kadori pondered, dashing towards the closing gate at incredible speed.

"Get him!" Baron Duncan shouted.

Soldiers tried to tackle Kadori to the ground, but he was too swift and agile.

The gate was now only a few inches from the ground.

'Screw it!' Kadori pondered, sliding on the floor and slipping outside.Bam!The gate finally closed.


(Comments,reviews,and powerstones would be appreciated,guys)