
Meet my (Little) Family

"Sasa!" her michievous grin is showing.

"I thought you will..." I was interrupted with a sudden hug.

"I miss you!" I ended up hugging her back but I feel like I'm having cold sweat right now. The moment we entered our room she's gonna see the baby and Reeve!

"Who's there?" Reeve suddenly asked then Kenji started laughing and making sounds.

Mihaela sudden let go and looked at me like her eyes were asking so many questions.

"Am I hearing a man and a baby in your flat? You got married without telling me?! How could you!!!" she was like holding my arms very tight and I have some explaining to do. She let go of me and opened the door and peeked from it. After a few seconds of lookinh around she faced me again.

"It's a handsome guy and an adorable baby. Nice..." she took her luggage and asked "Can I come in?" I lead her the way. It's gonna be bad. It's gonna be bad. Once the door was closed she looking at me and gesturing at me for some introductions.

"Reeve this is my cousin Mihaela. Mihaela this is Reeve and Kenji my baby." she extended her hand towards Reeve and he gladly accepted it.

"Nice to meet you! This is Kenji. Say hi to your aunt." he used Kenji's hand to wave at her. Why is he acting so normal? This is an emergency. It's my fault for not telling him earlier. I almost forgot that this cousin of mine is so hyperactive.

"Can I carry him?" she asked.

"Sure." he handed the baby to her and my cousin is kissing him everywhere and squeezing him so hard. My heart raced she can be a little brutal to be honest. Good thing that Kenji is still laughing. Its seems like he found another playmate.

"Mihaela right? Come let's eat." inviting her to join us for breakfast. My cousin looked at him very sad because she doesn't want to let go of Kenji yet. "You can play with him later after eating." He took Kenji from her and she walked sadly towards the table.

"You can call me Mimi" she said.

"Okay Mimi is it." he smiled and I think my cousin got captivated by him. She was staring at him but Reeve was busy with the baby he was trying to feed him.

Mihaela was eating wholeheartedly. She has a big appetite but slim. I guess it runs in the blood. We were laughing and my cousin was entertaining us with her stories.

"We'll go swimming later. You should come." my eyes widened. Oh no! I haven't opened up to him about rescheduling it for next week. I feel like I'm having crying emojis now.

"Okay!" she agreed cheerfully.

"Don't you want to rest? We can reschedule it for next Saturday before your go." Reeve looked at me puzzled.

"We can go in the afternoon anyways. Mimi can take a nap first and me too. Right?" my cousin nodded and even gave a thumbs up sign to me. What to do? Looks like this swimming can't be postponed.

"Where's Christie? Haven't seen her since looonggg time ago." Me and Reeve gave her a dead silence which got her a little worried. "I heard she's back from overseas or something. We talked once in a while but not really. Just hi, hello, how are you, what's new and so on."

"She's been out for sometime. She left for months already." I answered casually but I think I got a little stiff in there. Hearing that name is bad news. I have to feed this cousin of mine in case that girl would ask her several updates about us.

"Oh... She told me to say Hi to you by the way in case I go for a visit here." I just smiled a little. That girl is acting as if everything is normal. I kinda hated her already for leaving Kenji here, abandoning him just like that.

She noticed that Kenji fell asleep on Reeve's arms. She pouted, "You said I can play with him after." Reeve laughed. "You go and rest then you can play with him later. We'll go swimming also right?"

"Okay..." she can be a kid sometimes. "Come Mimi you sleep in my room." I took her luggage and brought it inside while Reeve placed the sleeping baby on the crib. Mimi was on the couch and watching Kenji.

"The baby got your genes. It kinda looks like you."

"Yeah. He even got my blue eyes." is he playing along? But he sounds way too convincing.

"What did this baby got from Sasa? Let's see..." She won't see anything! I rushed towards her and tapped her shoulder. "Go get changed so you will have strength for the swimming later." She hesitated but still followed me anyway.

Reeve smiled at me apologetically. What's with the look? You don't have to be sorry with our situation. "Why don't you go with your cousin. I will bring Kenji inside once I'm done." he gestured for me to go.

Remembering what Mimi said, like what if he really is Kenji's dad? It would be nice but will. i be able to accept the truth? The thought of him being Kenji's dad hasn't been excluded from my mind unless proven otherwise.


I laid beside my sleeping cousin. She took the first flight most probably and just told me that she will be arriving in the afternoon so I don't have to get up early to pick her up at the airport.

She mentioned something about Christie. Should I be worried that she's back? Does she have any plans to take my baby away? I won't give him up without putting any fight. She placed him under name and those papers are legit anyway. It will be very hard for her to turn things around.

I'm having headache from too much thinking and felt a small tear escaped my eye. What am I crying about? It's not like they are going to get my Kenji away...

I won't allow it...



Happy reading guys ❤️ Another update for you ?

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