
Inseparable (Wednesday Addams x Y/n Grayson(male reader)

the Addams's and Grayson's always had a strong bond and Wednesday Addams and Y/N Grayson have been close since they were babies After Y/N's parents were killed the Addams family took the boy under their wing and Wednesday grew fonder of Y/N's presence, and the two became "INSEPARABLE". However, after the two got themselves expelled from their school Gomez and Morticia were faced to send the duo to a certain Nevermore academy as their final resort. But unbeknownst to them they would learn to love it there. or will they?

FixatedWiriter · TV
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22 Chs

Let it all out (short chapter)

Y/n and Wednesday strolled together into Jericho, heading towards their therapy session. Wednesday carried a heavy weight of guilt for her hurtful words towards Y/n, but he seemed distant, his gaze fixed ahead, oblivious to her presence.Wednesday mustered the courage to break the silence, her voice laced with concern.Wednesday: "How have things been for you?" she asked, receiving no response. Frustration building, she halted and gazed at him, desperate for a reply.Wednesday: "I understand my words upset you," she began.Y/N: "No, stop! i don't think you understand how much you mean to me," he exclaimed. "Being with you was my escape from the haunting memories that still plague my mind. You were my peace, Wednesday, the only one who could distract me from it all." His outburst caught Wednesday off guard, her eyes widening with realization.Wednesday stood frozen, her mind reeling from Y/n's sudden revelation. The weight of his words sank in, leaving her speechless, unaware of the impact she had on his life.The silence hung heavy, both of them uncomfortable. Y/n began kicking small rocks, waiting for a response from Wednesday.Y/N: "Are you even going to say anything? Do you even care? " he yelled, causing her to startle and whimper under her breath. Another moment of silence followed as Y/n wiped away unnoticed tears. Regret and nausea washed over Wednesday as she witnessed this unfamiliar side of him. The gentle breeze ceased, replaced by the scorching heat of the sun.Y/N: "Did anything in our relationship matter to you? Besides the love and affection I gave, did any of it hold meaning? Or did you stay with me only because you felt you had to?" Y/n's words made Wednesday feel even worse, and her trembling intensified. It was heartbreaking to hear such painful accusations from Y/n, the last person she wanted to hurt. They had reached a point that was both frightening and disheartening.*Please, Wednesday, say something. Let him know you're scared without him,* she pleaded to herself in her mind.Y/n started walking again, while Wednesday, consumed by inner turmoil, struggled to express her own pain. His words continued to haunt her.(Wednesday's POV)*I never realized how much he was feeling. I thought he was fine. How could I be so foolish? Of course, he wasn't okay. he said that being with me helped him escape, he must dealing with PTSD from witnessing his family's death and homelessness for a year.*It suddenly dawned on me, the magnitude of my mistake. hurting him was never my intention. Who would have guessed that one mistake, one drawing, could unravel everything we had? I used to cherish solitude, but Y/n changed that. I crave his embrace now more than ever.The two arrived at Dr. Kinbott's office and entered, taking their seats to begin the session.(Third-person )Dr. Kinbott sensed the tension in the room, her eyes flickering between Y/n and Wednesday.Dr. Kinbott: "I can already feel the unease between you," she remarked.Y/N: "Hmph," Y/n sarcastically chuckled.Wednesday: "As much as I despise admitting it, there is no telling of the tension between us right now," the petite girl confessed.Dr. Kinbott: "Would you like to discuss it?" the therapist asked.Y/N: "Obviously, what else do we fucking talk about in therapy?" he snapped, a far cry from the peaceful demeanor Wednesday had grown fond of.Dr. Kinbott: "Please, let's refrain from using profanity," she requested.Wednesday: "I-I would like to go first," the raven haired girl stammered.Dr. Kinbott: "Proceed," Y/n looked intrigued, curious about what Wednesday had to say.Wednesday: "We have a unique bond," Wednesday began, her voice trembling.Wednesday: "I've never felt this way about anyone else. When Y/n is sad, my heart hurts. When he's angry, I become spiteful. And when Y/n feels lonely, my world crumbles even more. It's as if my heart aches alongside him. He left pieces of himself, fragments of his soul within me." Wednesday confessed, though discussing emotions was never her strong suit.Dr. Kinbott: "Oh , I wasn't expecting that," she responded, taken aback.Wednesday: "I didn't want him to get hurt. I love him, and my words hurt myself too. Being away from him would make me empty. Last night was the first time I despised my own company. and when I found him in the bathroom My thoughts were overwhelming I don't want to see him like that again. I just want to overcome this obstacle. With him, I feel invincible. he make me feel special," Wednesday struggled to convey her feelings without cringing.Dr. Kinbott: "See, we're already making progress. Y/n, do you have anything to say?" she prompted, dr. kinbott and Wednesday look over to the boy who looked fearful he kept looking around the room as if he could see something or someone. Dr.Kinbott: "Y/n, are you here?" her voice brought him back as something reflective was casting the sun in his eyes, and he noticed the source of the reflection the framed photograph in Dr. Kinbott's bag. she noticed this and took the time to take out the photo frame and handed it to Y/n.(Y/N's POV)As you held the photo, your gaze fixated on your parents smiling back at you from within the frame. Suddenly, a tightness gripped your throat, and an overwhelming surge of sweat enveloped your body, despite the chilling coldness you felt. Your mouth grew parched as fear froze you. The framed picture slipped from your trembling fingers, crashing to the ground. Panic engulfed you, disconnecting you from the present moment.Gasping for air, each breath became shallower and heavier, as if the weight of the world pressed upon your chest. The room spun in a disorienting whirl, intensifying the dizzying sensation coursing through your body. Your heart pounded rapidly, its beats echoing in your ears like a drumming thunderstorm.Helplessly, you collapsed in your seat, your body ached with the overwhelming torment. In the midst of your distress, Wednesday rushed to your side. She held you tightly, providing a grounding anchor for your spiraling thoughts and emotions.Wednesday: "Y/n, focus on your breath. Take deep breaths. I'm here with you, and I won't leave," she reassured, her voice a steady and as monotone as ever. Her eyes glanced down at the shattered remnants of the photo, a mix of concern and frustration etched across her face. Wednesday: "How could you be so oblivious to the pain that would cause?" Wednesday's embrace provided comfort, reminding you that you were not alone in your struggle.Dr. Kinbott: "What did I do?" she inquired, genuinely confused by the unfolding situation.Wednesday: "You know precisely what you did, and it was horrible thing to do," Wednesday confronted her, her voice filled with a mix of disappointment and frustration. The depth of Y/n's distress became apparent to her, and she recognized that this was a side of him she has witnessed before, an anguish she never wanted to see him endure. Without further engagement, Wednesday knelt beside Y/n, offering him a supportive hand as he gradually regained his composure, their eyes meeting.

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A/N sorry to whoever has PTSD I don't know what a breakdown feels like, or how it gets triggered. so, I'm sorry if i got it wrong, also short chapter as it was like a side story ( but i thought it would be interesting giving Y/n ptsd because i feel what he has been through in his past wouldve definitely given him ptsd) also if you feel like it you could give me a follow for my wattpads insta its still fixated writer