
New King in town

We reached old man Wang's house and my brother collapsed onto the ground right in front of their door. It still amazes me how he managed to stay conscious with all the blood he lost and the huge exhaustion he suffered.

The first to come out was Wang Er and his sister and father soon followed. Sister Wang examined my slave and quickly bandaged him up. Sister Wand looked at his miserable appearance while bandaging him and said "What happened? Why is he so injured?!" I looked at her and said "He was protecting me and got attacked by a lot of beasts, resulting in this."

Sister Wang looked at my body and asked in her confusion "But you don't have any injuries? Why did you need protection?" I brushed my shoulders and said "I was cultivating and didn't want to be disturbed, so I had him guard me while I cultivated in the forest."

A gasp escaped her as she said "How could you?! Isn't he your brother? How can you abandon him just because you didn't want to be inconvenienced?!" I began to frown. He is my brother and she was right, but this was completely his choice. The dumbass took my words to hard and ended up like this. He is my slave and guard, his job is to get injured and protect me, but not to such s degree. But who cares? My slave will live and recover, stronger than ever.

"I don't think a mortal woman is allowed to tell me what I can and cannot do with my slave! I might have a fond relationship with your brother, but you are all mortals and not some special treasure I value! My slave was ordered to protect me while I cultivated and he did so. He protected me and fulfilled his duties, now he is allowed to rest and recover, so he can protect me once again when I begin cultivating." I don't like her attitude to be honest.

My slave acted dumb and did something really idiotic, but it was his decision and it was to prove his resolve and willpower. Spitting on his fighting spirit and making him out as a victim or me as a bad master is uncalled for and quite degrading.

The Wang sister quickly began crying and hugged my slave. She was openly sobbing and old man Wang said "I thought you were different from other Gu masters! I thought you two could prove mortals and Gu masters are equal and should be treated equally! How could you betray us!"

To say I was stunned was an understatement. Proving mortals and Gu masters are equal? Since when has that ever been my goal? That is something Jiang Fan tried and died for. It is impossible to make the strong respect the weak. You need some kind of strong suppressive force to accomplish that and I highly doubt a rank nine immortal will care much about what mortals and mortal Gu masters do.

"That is physically impossible. Gu masters are superior to mortals in all aspects. And trying to prove otherwise is futile! The only mortal that will stand on equal footing with Gu master is my slave! The rest of you are just worthless weaklings, who have accepted fate and lay there waiting to die. The only other mortal I respect is Wang Er, as he had the balls to scold Gu masters and has the strength to back up his words!"

They all looked at me with disappointment in their eyes, but Wang Er seemed to have understood what was going on and sighed "Strength is truly everything in this world. We mortals don't have the strength Gu give Gu masters and are looked down upon. Some mortals can rise up and compete with D grade Gu masters, but that is our limit. Unless we become demonic Gu masters, we can't face Gu masters. My brother is a living example of this. He isn't evil or indifferent, he just can't show his weakness and compassion for fear of being ridiculed." Is probably what he is thinking. I have gotten quite good at reading people after 15 years of doing it constantly.

Chun Jack is my slave, my shield and my sword. His purpose is to defend me and be my companion. He took this too far, but he will recover. He has learned everything I taught him perfectly and is living by those rules.

I have offered him a fate flipped upside down Gu, but He couldn't cross the threshold and has already given up on becoming a Gu master. He told me "I am a mortal and I want to prove to those Gu masters exactly what a mortal with no talent can do!" The guy is dead set on becoming a Reverend Insanity version of Guts and I am loving it!

I ignored the Wang sister and father due and told Wang Er about the new thousand beast King in the south area. "That is quite a predicament. We will have to go and investigate that area." I nodded at his remark and said "We were going to do that after getting you on board. So, you in or out?"

Wang Er nodded, ignoring his sister's and father's protests against associating with Gu masters like me. I can see sister Wang actually cares about my slave, but the old bastard just wants a spokesman with a Gu master for himself. I refuse to believe an old bastard like him can do anything based on emotions! He probably has other schemes as well, but his schemes can harm me not, so I don't care about him.

Now it was time to wait for my slave to recover. Also, I think I didn't mention this. The Nourishing Gu series might seem and act like a cultivation type Gu, but it is classified as a healing Gu by my system. It even has the ability to speed up a person's metabolism and immune system. Its activities ability is to give extra stamina in exchange for primeval essence.

I put it into my slave's aperture and then began cultivating while he healed. I managed to complete another cycle of cultivation before my slave recovered and we went out with Wang Er to check out the boar King situation. One thing I noticed during the few hours we stayed at old Wang's house was my brother's relationship with his sword.

The entire time he was unconscious, he didn't let go of his sword's handle and kept a solid grip on it. Guess my "orders" got through to him and he achieved some enlightenment.

Wang Er got his bow, my brother sheated his sword over his shoulder and I just put on my shoes. We were all geared up and ready to begin the scouting mission. I ignored the cultivation cycle for this one day and we left at exactly high noon.

After nearly 1 hour of running, we found a place devoid of trees. It's more appropriate to say, that the tree were broken down by some beasts. There were stumps of broken trees everywhere. Hundreds of boars roamed the area and we could only move around on trees, so Chun Jack had to stay back. Balancing a 250kg sword on a tree branch is a lot harder than you think.

At least me and Wang Er didn't have too much extra weight on us and we could see what was in the middle of the giant clearing.

A brown boar nearly 3 times bigger than average was going to town on a female black boar. It looked extremely repulsive TBH. "So, that's the boar king we have been looking for. It's territory is also remarkably big. From it's size and from the broken trees, it is almost guaranteed to have some kind of strength enhancing Gu. Most likely a Brown Boar Strength Gu, but a rank 2 strength enhancing Gu is also a likely possiblity.

The fact that there is a burnt bear and a burnt alligator, means it also has either a lighting type Gu or a fire type Gu. Most likely a defensive version, as the most severe burn marks are near the mouths of those beasts. The wounds are spread out and look like trees. They were most likely caused by thunder, so the Lightning defensive Gu is more probable. Probability of it being Thunder Cover Gu or Sparky Skin Gu is the highest among all the thunder path defensive Gus'. There are no more clues as to what its powers are in the immediate vicinity, so what should we do next?"

Wang Er is quite experienced in hunting, but I am an expert in investigation. Seeing through a beast's tracks is as easy as pie. It has no idea how to cover up tracks and I have enough knowledge of Gus' to narrow down the results and even figure out exactly what Gu it used.

Thought knowing about its power and actually fighting it are two different things If we go head to head with it, it is quite possible to score a victory, but we will get injured. Also, the main problem is the children. There are hundreds of them around here and my group doesn't have the strength to fight this guy along with the children.

Also our skills are a huge factor. aWang Er might be at his top shape, but me and my brother have just now begun walking on our path and aren't ready to fight King level beasts. We need, at least, some protective Gu and for my brother to fully adapt to his sword.

The recon mission ended there. We got all the information we could about it and headed back to tell me slave abiut it. He nodded his head to our assessment and we both looked towards Wang Er.

I might be a Gu master and Chun Jack might be stringer than him, but Wang Er has experience. He used his experience and sharp senses to assess the situation and said "This is most likely a thousand beast King. It has great strength and will be extremely hard to bring down. My arrows will do minimal damage to it, even if I use the metal tipped ones. And you and your brother aren't nearly skilled enough to fight this thing.

Chun Jack can barely use his sword properly and you, Kai Nem, don't even have enough Gu worms to protect himself. Fighting this beast for the current us will be extremely hard, so I recommend waiting until you get some kind of defensive Gu or reach rank 2 before we take it on!" The two of us nodded and we headed back to the the clan town. We didn't report any of what we found. Reporting it is a pain and the boar most likely has a Boar Strength Gu, which will go to the village if we report it and someone goes on a mission to kill it.

"Guess we know what we will be doing for my rank 2 promotion!" The both of us nodded as if that was already a fact set in stone, rather than a dream or some kind of banter. We rushed home and I quickly began cultivating my aperture, while my slave studied the blade.

This story got its 69th collection this chapter. Noice!

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts