
History of hate

I don't know how to refine my aperture, so all I could do was practice with the moonlight Gu. I am a bit of a perfectionist and love optimizing! My specialty was making sure every single thing in videogames was 100% optimized. Even the useless factories and pointless ones. Being completely optimized is basically my ninja way.

You might ask "how can you optimize Moon blades?" To that I say "Like this". I ran some tests on my Aperture's primeval essence regeneration speed and took notes about every small detail. Afterwards I did some math and ran a few more tests and arrived at the final conclusion.

The conclusion is like this: the most optimal recovery time is activated when your aperture is round 21% full. Each moonlight Gu attack costs me 11% of my essence and I have marked down all the recovery times. The most optimal is 33% recovered in 30 minutes after it goes down to 21%. At 0 the ratio is 55% every 1 hour. The other ratios are a bit weird, but the most optimal is the 33% over 30 minutes for 21%.

Figuring this out didn't take me 4 hours or anything. Nope, it took 2 hours actually. I already had most of my data from the previous times I used this Gu.

I was making great progress with my aim, but my slave was making minimal progress in his swordsmanship. He could barely swing his sword, but he managed to get somewhat used to it after a couple of hours. We both trained in our respective field as my father watched me learn how to use the Moonlight Gu and how my slave was out of breath from 20 swings of his new sword. It took him 5 hours to swing Guts 100 times! I know it weighs a lot, but come on, Isn't that a bit too much?

Doesn't matter either way! It's the training arc beaches! Queue the most stereotypical training music video montage whatever! *Eye of the tiger starts playing*

Time went by fast and the 3 days passed in the blink of an eye of the tiger. These days have shown some great results. I don't think even the lucky bitch Fang Zheng can aim as well as me. I can accurately hit the exact same spot 3 times in a row with only some small deviation. My slave has managed to chop down 10 whole trees using his giant slab of iron and carried them home. He wasn't using his sword correctly yet, but I can let that slide. He needs to first adapt to its weight and then learn swordsmanship.

The next day arrived quickly and I was preparing to go to school when "Master, the academy is going to start the lessons in an hour, please make haste!" This is going to hurt me, but I have to do it. "You lowly slave! I have allowed you to learn the basics of Gu worms, more than what you will ever need! What is the use of you coming to the academy?! Stay here and learn how to use your damn sword! As punishment for your impudence, your sword is to not leave contact with your body under any circumstances from this day on! Unless I give specific orders, you are to obey this command for the rest of your life!"

A hint of confusing was on his face when I started talking, but he soon realized exactly what I meant and nodded with a smile "Your orders have been received, master! I won't part with this sword under any circumstances."

We did our daily routine of cultivating using the white boar strength Gu and I went off to the academy. The test day finally arrived and I was going to have a lot of fun today!

Mo Bei and Chi Cheng were colled on first and then he read out my name. I was called on by the teacher and went up third to show the results of my training. Well, I guess it is the time to let the fun begin.

I looked towards Fang Zheng with a cocky grin and said "Fang Zheng, you might be an A grade talent, but you're no genius! Watch as I show you the difference between a genius and a bottom feeder like you!"

With 3 instantaneous flicks from my right hand, I hit the grass puppet's torso, neck and the last hit decapitated it! The people around me gasped and stared at me in awe, as I scored 9 points and I just casually went back to my original spot. I even noticed a hint of interest in Fang Yuan's gaze as I smugly stared at the supposed geniuses and smiled.

Fang Zheng realized how screwed he was. I directly insulted him and shamed him, declaring him a weakling. I purposely got 9 points so Fang Yuan can get 10 or 11 and win. It is also a method of cornering Fang Zheng. He needs to get a full 10 points, 2 necks and 1 sever, in order to defeat me, which he won't be able to do.

He might have been able to do this before, but my provocation and insult clouded his mind and threw his mental state right out the window. He can't calm down for shit and is too inexperienced to ignore such huge mental pressure.

I watched as he panicked and went up to the shooting stand. I could physically see his breathing becoming ragged and unsteady. He was nervous beyond all doubt.

He flicked his wrist and I saw the horror in his eyes as he missed and only barely cut the neck of the puppet. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. With 3 points gained, I watched as he fumbled and missed his next shot. And completely lost all mental integrity.

I laughed in his face as he barely got 5 points by playing it safe and going for the torso as his last effort. I began walking up to the elder in order to claim my prize when I saw 3 moon blades flash by and hit the target directly on the neck and sever it. The theoretical maximum 10 points were awarded to Fang Yuan and I smiled even more.

Sure, I lost a couple of spirit stones, but who gives a crap? I am rich. The biggest reward today was the huge pog I did on Fang Zheng. He got destroyed and I enjoyed every second of it!

"Fang Zheng, where is that talent of yours now? Aren't you a genius?! How could you be inferior to two C rank wastes? As I thought, a bottom feeder is a bottom feeder no matter what! No amount of aptitude can change that fact!"

I enjoyed the small victory over the supposed genius and didn't even frown as my well deserved reward went to Fang Yuan. To be honest, I don't like Fang Zheng more than I like money.

Fang Zheng is just a complete bitch and I hate him with every cell of my body! He doesn't work hard and is so dumb he makes Mo Bei and Chi Cheng look smart. Everything he has was given to him by either: fate, luck, the clan leader, the guy that wanted to massacre his entire clan and etc. His greatest accomplishment is bullying the one man, who cared for him in his childhood, into leaving the clan.

I watched them grow up and knew exactly how "well" they were treated. The love and affection the original Fang Yuan showed him. The Fang Yuan now came back from 500 years into the future maybe like a month ago. The rest of the time he was some scholar from earth, who resided in a child's body. He made sure he took care of Fang Zheng better than their parents used to.

I hate self righteous shits like Fang Zheng the most. Backstory time. Ya it's personal for me TBH. I once rejected a popular bitch from my high school and she spread rumors about how I stalked her and got the "righteous" rugby players in my school to teach me a lesson and protect her. She played victim and I became the outcast in the school because of what 1 self righteous bitch said.

No one cared about me enough to find out the truth and they wanted to suck up to the bitch so hard they ignored all reason and shunned me. Without any solid proof, they couldn't convict me or punish me in any way, but everyone still called me a stalker and bullied me. I tried to sue her for what she did, but a member of the motherfucking jury literally said to me "You got away with stalking this pretty lady. Why are you getting into more legal trouble?"

Every motherfucking person just suddenly forgot the innocent-until-proven-guilty rule and treated me as if I was a criminal and got away with the crime!

I loathed every second of it and even wanted to request permission from the judge to punch that man in the face! Then I raised my hand and actually requested it. It was denied, but I tried.

Fang Zheng is exactly like those pieces of trash, so I will make sure I put him in his place and enjoy every second of it! I was bullied by the strong in my last life, so I will make sure I am the one bullying the strong in this life!

Now that you know my backstory, I expect some simp to say shit like "it was your fault for coming onto the girl in the wrong way!" Like, shut up Motoyasu, no one cares about your shitty opinion!

I might not have some kind of overpowered skill from being this angry and having so much hate in me, but it feels nice just ranting about shit, ya know?

I am not Fang Yuan and suffer from anxiety and other mental shit. No matter how big a human is, they are only 1 small brain in truth. We suffer from anxiety and cope in different ways. My way is bullying the shitstains of this world, which isn't a healthy way, but it is really effective.

Enough about my trauma. You aren't here to listen to my pain, but to listen to how I cause pain.

A physical sparring exercise was next and I wasn't allowed to participate! They made stupid excuses and told me I wasn't, because it was unfair and shit! at least I run some cultivation tests during the lesson.

The school day ended and, as I was leaving leaving class, I saw Fang Yuan standing there. He had beaten up a couple of people before me and took their primeval stones. He took 1 per person and "Brother, how can you steal your classmates primeval stones! Stop this or I will be forced to stop you my self!"

I let out a hearty laugh as I walked by "HAHAHAHA! Fang Zheng, you actually think you stand a chance at defeating your brother?! You are even dumber than I thought! I would love to see you try and fail, but I have better things to do!"

I began walking towards the exit and Fang Yuan stood in front of me "1 primeval stone per person. Pay the toll and you won't get hurt!" I widened my eyes and laughed with open arms "Hō? Mukatte kuru no ka? Nigezu ni kono Kai Nem ni chikadzuite kuru no ka?Fang Yuan, we are both smart men, unlike these dumbasses. I might not be as skilled as you, but my body is of a higher quality than yours. You might be able to defeat me, but it will cost you a lot of stamina and all of these fresh fish will get away."

Fang Yuan showed no expression, but I sas the small hint of surprise in his abyssal gaze. I kinda wanted to fight him, but he is too smart to not realize the benefit to loss ratio of fighting me and directly made a decision. "Alright, I will decrease your toll to 1 per month!" I smiled and handed him a primeval stone "Don't come looking for me until the next month." I threw him a single primeval stone and walked away.

I don't like the idea of my resources being plundered, but giving up 12 out of 156 isn't that big of a deal. My parents have given up on their cultivation and are fully investing in me, so I get an allowance of 10 stones a month. I get like 256 primeval stones a year and loosing 12 isn't going to make that big of a deference. My special business trade is also a pretty lucrative one, so money isn't a problem. Still, can't ever have too much of it.

I saw Mo Bei on the ground and said "Mo Bei, didn't you say something about there being no one in your age group, who can match you in strength? Care to repeat that in front of me?"

He was laying on the floor, unconscious. I turned away without giving him a second glance and left to begin cultivating for the first time.