
Insanity Duo

It was suppose to work, a really simple idea was suppose to work. All Pono wanted was to help people and no other god responded to their plee for help. So she reached out to the goddess of insanity and it's been a journey ever since. ----- Writing Prompt turned Novel, title is a WIP so is this entire story.

WIHachilles · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

It was a couple of days after the battle and the surprisingly frightening duo was still recovering, it was slightly annoying. Pono couldn't complain though, the urge to stop the voices was basically none existent. She would love to keep it that way, however, staying in a singular area is boring. Not only that she always wanted to visit The Golden State of California. Maybe that's where they would head next, she pondered placing a finger on her chin. Nodding her head confidently, that would be the plan. Hearing scuffling behind her, Pono snapped her head back to see Lyssa. Attempting and failing to sneak up on her.

Pouting Lyssa spoke, "How did you even notice me! I was hiding my presence and everything!" she pointed an accusing finger at her, "Did you unlock a new ability and you didn't tell me!" Her cheeks were puffed out, tears welting into her irises.

She leveled a glare at the goddess who always was driving her insane. Taking in the frame, Lyssa seemed ready for the trip herself. Wearing what could only be called an influencer-style outfit, or hippie? It was hard to explain. She was wearing a cropped unzipped short-sleeved jacket with a long-sleeved shirt. The shirt was a deep navy blue with a golden sun that seemed to radiate heat ever so slightly. This was followed by her wearing dress pants with gold trimming. Lyssa seemed to finally notice what she was staring at our outfit and did a fashionista pose. "Took you long enough to admire my beautiful outfit." She boasted.

The reluctant follower was about to disagree, but thankfully, a topic change from the gods happened. Apep and Tete were slowly waking up, Pono wandered over and slid over a chair that was knocked over. "You're finally finished recovering? It took you guys long enough."

Tete was the first to speak, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "How long have we been knocked out for?"

"A couple of days since your battle, get what you need. We're heading to slaughter the Golden State of California." Pono speaks monotonously, "It'll be such an annoying task, but at this point, it has to be done."

Demon of chaos, Apep, transformed back into a snake and coiled around Tete's neck. There was a small smirk hidden on his face, "What's the point? There are no voices to annoy you, so why continue?"

She pondered this question and thought about what to respond with. That was true there isn't a point to murder people anymore. There were no voices to annoy her anymore so what would be the point? A cruel smile spread across her lips before she spoke, "Just for fun and to run into more deities, don't you wanna see what the rest of America is like?"

"Yeah, yeah! Oregon was getting boring anyway, I always wanted to explore the place where the rich lives." Tete cheered, clasping her hands together. "Please lead the way Madam Insanity."

Pono rolled her eyes and did the follow-me gesture, leading the way out of the building. They had plans to do and it would take a while to achieve them all.


Chris turned off his TV and leaned back shuddering slightly at what he just heard. The news was talking about the complete and utter destruction of Oregon. A small frown appeared on his face, he hoped California wasn't next. He lived near San Diego a small town people don't visit often. Sometimes he was thankful that this town wasn't well known, they didn't get any visitors. More visitors means more attention brought to him and if whatever that thing was wasn't finished. California would be nice. That thought sent shivers down his spine, shifting focus to clear his mind of all the negative thought that was filling him. Maybe he should check on his sister, after all, she lived near the now-extinct state of Oregon. The city was named Crescent City and it's a very beautiful place to stay in. He was prepared to reach down for his phone and call her before it rang. Chris's heart thumped in his chest he couldn't think of the worse. No everything was fine. Then the call ended. Hesitantly, he flipped his phone over and it started ringing again. It was his sister, strangely enough, it was a facetime call. She never did facetime calls, something has to be wrong. He answered and saw his sister's beautiful face covered with soot and eyes red. She flinched at the screams and another explosion.

"Chris! Thank the heavens you picked up! Are yo-" That explosion was closer this time. "Whatever that doesn't matter just know that I love you, please leave the state I beg of you. That thing is here and there's another one. They're tearing apart the city ruthlessly everyone is dying ar" The building that she was in shook violently.

Chris covered his mouth in horror before he turned on his TV, they were covering the same thing. The destruction of Crescent City, he looked back at his phone at his sister as tears fills his eyes. "Please get away! You can escape right, you'll be able to get away right?" He spoke quickly afraid that he won't be able to see his sister again.

His sister shook her head and tears welt up in her eyes, "I can't I'm hearing them coming up the stairs." The screams were getting louder, he wished he could go help. He would do anything to help but she lived over twelve hours away. Then another explosion but it was right behind her, she saw the door frame get blown off its hinges. He didn't know how to describe what he saw. Chris always thought the monster or alien was monstrous, what other way could it look like? There's has always been theories but no one could believe what he saw. A blood-covered woman, clearly not her own blood. That wasn't the only strange thing about the sight. The blood was oozing and it seemed sentient. Her left eye was bloodshot and there was a tear pattern going down the left side of her face. Her right eye was glowing a bright yellow contrasting it. Whatever that thing was spinning a dagger in her right hand.

"Behind you!" Chris shouted as their sister snapped her head back and saw the monster. She wanted to scream at her and beg her to stop, but it was brutal. Whatever that thing was made a blood whip with sharp thorns on it wrapped around her neck and she was violently pulled towards them. The phone fell and Chris looked on in horror at all the gruesome things that could be happening to his sister right now. It wasn't even a minute before the phone was picked up by someone else another woman. "Please run she's going to kill you too!" He felt himself screech.

"Kill me?" She giggled. Then chuckled, then laughed. Her grin grew wider and wider as she burst out into maniacal laughter. "She works for me! Want to see something cool?" Chris felt his face pale, who was this person? How do they reign in someone of that caliber? Then he felt vile build up at the back of his throat as the camera was turned and showed his sister being torn apart. His sister was killed right in front of him. Then he heard a voice speak. It was that bastard of a woman who killed his sister, those cold dead eyes stared at him. "My name is Pono, an acolyte of Lyssa Goddess of Insanity." Her voice was monotone before it slowly devolved into a manic way of speaking. Blood leaked through her teeth. "I killed your sister that you hold so dear to your heart." Chris blinked so he could get the tears away but she appeared right in front of the camera. The grin splits her face into an evil cruel smile. "You'll see her again soon don't you worry." Then a blood tendril came from her mouth and broke her sister's phone.

Chris didn't know how long he stayed looking at his phone screen. His sister was gone, and his sister that did everything for him is gone. He wanted to throw up and cry but that wasn't feeling his body. Rage. Vengence. His body felt like it was heating up due to how angry he was getting. He'll meet his sister? That didn't sit right with him, he wouldn't be the one meeting someone. Chris would let Pono meet whatever punishment awaits her and he'll do anything to make that dream happen. He sighed, he was not strong enough to take her down on his own. Empty-mindedly he looked up ways to get power. There were the stereotypical devil rituals but something stood out to him, Ishtar. She was the goddess of love and war. Love for his sister and protecting the weak. War for bringing vengeance against those who took away his only family and others' loved ones. There was step-by-step instruction on how to summon her but his room shook violently. A purple portal appeared in the living room as a beautiful goddess stepped foot inside. Ishtar was in front of him.

"I felt your potent anger from here young one." She spoke, her voice was comforting. It was like a mother figure or how a first date should be. "Now tell me what's on your mind?"

Chris looked in awe taking in the figure of the goddess, there was no time to analyze it. He was asked a question and he would answer. "Those bastards, those demons!" His words were filled with venom. "They're taking away everything from everyone and I'm going to stop them." Chris's words had a strong conviction in them and it sent a shiver down the goddess's spine.

"Oh my! Oh my!" The goddess chuckled at his words, "And what would you do to get revenge?" It was a simple question with so many layers to it.

"I'll tear apart my own flesh and give up all my memories. I just want her gone and this entire thing to stop." He gritted out.

"Let's make a deal, you fight for me and I'll grant you powers you wouldn't even imagine it." Ishtar had a simple smile on her face, it was hard to tell if it was genuine or not.

"No." Chris stood up slowly making his way over to Ishtar. "You deities are the reason why I'm in this mess, to begin with." His body shuddered as it violently shook. Subconsciously, he grabbed one of his fingers and broke it. It didn't even break it was completely torn off as it extended into a katana. "I'm just going to take what I want and get rid of every problem I see. You're first."

Ishtar eyes opened wide and tried to step back into the portal. She heard about what was happening on the mortal plane and then effectively heard about this situation with Chris. Why wouldn't she take advantage of someone in this situation? If he would've accepted it, Chris would've slowly fallen in love with her. Then became a jewel on her body. It should've been easy, but what the hell is he doing? Raising a katana to what's known as the goddess of love and war. She has to leave through her portal, it's not worth having someone psychotic as a new jewel. Then she fell to ground, her back sliced.

Chris stood over her, a cruel smile to his face. "Maybe Kratos had a point, maybe the gods all deserve to be eradicated." Then brought the blade down.

This might get a rewrite or I might keep it. I'll think about it, I feel like it's bad and could've been better. Then again this will stay an online series so I can be lenient with making references to things.

WIHachillescreators' thoughts